ZEF member of new research initiative “NutriHAF” to combat hunger and malnutrition in East and South Africa

April 20, 2015.  

ZEF, as part of the research initiative NutriHAF (“Diversifying agriculture for balanced nutrition through fruits and vegetables in multi-storey cropping systems”), will promote the cultivation of vegetables and fruits in multi-storey cropping systems in Ethiopia and Madagascar. Different goals are to be achieved: the reduction of malnutrition in Ethiopia and Madagascar; conservation of biodiversity and natural resources; and creating awareness for the importance of a varied diet through capacity building among farmers, consumers, politicians and extension services.

The aim of the research project is to find and introduce adequate varieties of fruits and vegetables that can help to improve the nutritional situation of the local population. Providing new sources of food and income can also help to reduce the pressure on natural resources and prevent resource depletion.

A first step will be to find out more about the habits of food consumption  in order to identify seasonal gaps in calorie and nutrient intakes. These gaps are then to be filled with the consumption of species developed and introduced in the project. In addition, the project aims to help with putting nutrition and the importance of a diversified diet on the agenda by creating awareness and conducting training for local decision makers and extension workers.

At all stages of the project, farmers, policy makers and other actors along the whole value chain will be involved. Gender issues are a key issue as women are often responsible for cooking and food production.

ZEF, <link http: www.globalhort.org>GlobalHort and <link http: www.ko-ga.eu>KoGa are part of the NutriHAF project consortium, which includes 11 other research and capacity building partners in Africa and Germany.

The project will be funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) for a three-year period.


Read more about the project here (press information in German):

<link http: www3.uni-bonn.de pressemitteilungen external-link-new-window external link in new>Universität zu Bonn<link http: www3.uni-bonn.de pressemitteilungen external-link-new-window external link in new>: Forschungskooperation gegen Mangelernährung

<link http: www.ble.de de external-link-new-window external link in new>BLE: Welternährung: BMEL fördert Forschungskooperationen im Osten und Süden Afrikas


Alma van der Veen


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