Press releases

ZEF participates in research in the Vietnam Mekong Delta on water information management
April 26, 2007. 

The Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn will be a research partner in the recently set up project on “Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam” (WISDOM). The project will be funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with an amount of 611,815 Euro for a period of three years until April 2010.

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ZEF goes ahead with project in Uzbekistan
April 24, 2007. 

How to combine economic efficiency with ecological sustainability in the Aral Sea region is the central issue addressed by an international team of researchers led by the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn since 2001. The Federal German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) has now given its approval for continuing the research project in Uzbekistan until mid 2011 and will provide funds of 5.4 million euro for this four year extension.

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Internet and mobile phones crucial for developing democracy in Africa
January 31, 2007. 

ZEFConsult presents study on information technologies in Africa to the German Bundestag


Berlin, 31 January 2007 –

ZEFConsult is a unit at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn dealing with evidence-based policy advice. It presents a study on “Information and communication technology for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Sub-Saharan Africa” to the development committee of the German Bundestag in Berlin today. The study was conducted in cooperation with the German software company SAP. Two hundred NGOs in South Africa, Kenya, and Ethiopia have been interviewed between September and October 2006.

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