ATSAF-Job-News 15-2005

May 30, 2005.  


Núcleo de Mestrado em Agroecologia der Universidade Estadual do

Maranhao in Sao Luis, südost-Amazonien, Brasilien sucht mehrere post-Docs

2. .

Agriculture and Rural Development Natural Resources Management


5 positions at the WorldFish Center


1. Núcleo de Mestrado em Agroecologia der Universidade Estadual do

Maranhao in Sao Luis, südost-Amazonien, Brasilien sucht mehrere post-Docs in

folgenden Bereichen:


- Anthropologie und Soziologie der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft

- ökonomische Ökologie

- ländliche Entwicklung

- agroökologisches Management zur Schädlingskontrolle


Der Núcleo de Mestrado em Agroecologia ist der einzige seiner Art im tropischen

Brasilien, tätig in Lehre und Forschung. Ziel der Forschungstätigkeiten sind die

Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft in einem der ärmsten und

degradiertesten Regionen Brasiliens, v.a. mittels Agroforstwirtschaft und verbessertem

Brachemanagement. Weitere Informationen finden sich unter


Voraussetzungen sind ein Doktor-Titel (unter besonderen Voraussetzungen auch

Diplom/Magister ausreichend) in einem relevanten Fachbereich, Grundkenntnisse in

Portugiesisch sowie team-Fähigkeiten sind hilfreiche Voraussetzungen für eine

erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. Bei beiderseitigem Interesse wird der Núcleo de

Agroecologia ein 2-jähriges Stipendium bei dem CNPq beantragen (CT-Amazonia,

fixacao de recursos humanos).

Interessierte melden sich bei:


Quelle: Christoph Gehring


2. Agriculture and Rural Development Natural Resources Management


Job Opportunity: Agricultural Economist / Agronomist


Project Status / Project Title: Maghreb/Middle East Department


Begin of Assignment: as soon as possible


Duration of Assignment: unlimited

Country / Duty Station: Hamburg, Germany with consultancy assignments worldwide


Job Code: JOB05CON10


Project Description:

Consultant at GFA's headquarters in Hamburg, Germany with main assignment to the

Maghreb/Middle East Department.


Job Description:

The consultant will reinforce the team of GFA's Maghreb/Middle East Department in

Hamburg in the acquisition and backstopping of projects and studies. He/she will be

responsible to provide advisory services to clients/financing organisations and

project/study teams related to technical and socio-economical aspects. This includes

inter-sector programme work and product development.

- Technical and administrative backstopping support to projects and donors/clients

(including backstopping missions);

- Monitoring and quality control of project/study implementation;

- Networking with client and financing organisations in the region;

- Preparation and elaboration of GFA-submissions for the acquisition of projects and

studies (including acquisition/fact-finding missions);

- Professional short-term assignments in the framework of GFA-implemented projects

and studies (worldwide);

- Active participation in GFA-internal professional exchange and knowledge

management processes.



Agricultural Economist or Agronomist with practical background in the fields of

Agriculture and Rural Development and/or Natural Resources Management. Additional

experience in the Water Sector would be appreciated.

- Minimum 3 years of practical experience, preferably in the framework of international

development projects;

- Profound knowledge and practical experience in the application of socio-economic

assessment tools including financial/economic analysis;

- Project planning and -management experience including M&E would be an


- Ability to carry-out and document advisory missions;

- Flexibility and high communication skills;

- EU nationality;

- Fluency in English and French;

- German language skills would be an advantage.


Application Date: 30.06.2005


Bei Interesse schicken Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung per e-mail an:


GFA Consulting Group

Recruiting Department

Frau Maria Lagemann

P.O. Box 67 05 48

22345 Hamburg


Tel.: (49) 40 603 06 - 120

Fax: (49) 40 603 06 - 129


Website with job opportunities:


3. 5 positions at the WorldFish Center


The WorldFish Center, an international scientific research organization conducting

fisheries and aquaculture research in tropical developing countries is currently

recruiting highly competent and motivated individuals to fill a number of positions:



(Duty Station: Dhaka, Bangladesh)



(Duty Station: Dhaka, Bangladesh)


Rural Development Specialist - Aquaculture & Aquatic Resources


(Duty Station: Zomba, Malawi)



(Duty Station: Penang, Malaysia)



(Initial Duty Station: Cambodia)


Details at:

Quelle: G. Manske, ZEF, Bonn



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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tropische und Subtropische Agrarforschung e.V.


ATSAF e.V., c/o Universität Hohenheim (430) D-70593 Stuttgart

Tel.: +49-711-4706900

Fax: +49-711-4592652



Konto: 300 39 69 010

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Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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