Academic freedom and international cooperation at risk: Turkey and beyond
June 21, 2017 Joint panel discussion of RLC with BICC Our guests on the panel were: Özgür Mumcur (journalist, Cumhuriyet) and Antje Schlamm (DAAD). Moderator: Markus Rudolf (BICC)
Venue: ZEF, Walter-Flex-Straße 3, 53113 Bonn, ground floor, conference room.
Background information: Academic freedom and international cooperation have been increasingly at risk in Turkey in the last years. University Deans, Professors and other scientists were forced to step down, a travel ban was imposed on many academics, and Turkish scientists working abroad were pressured to return to Turkey. Many journalists and newspaper editors have been detained and harassed, particularly since the coup attempt last year. How do Universities, editors and journalists deal with these restrictions on and hindrance of their work? How do they work despite these conditions? What are the mid- and long-term perspectives? These issues, among others, will be tackled in the panel discussion. Right Livelihood Award: The 'Alternative Nobel Prize' DAAD BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion)