ZEF's research was (re)presented in several tents of Bonn University at the Open Day of Villa Hammerschmidt, July 24,2018. The University was at the heart of this year's outdoor exhibition because of its 200-year jubilee. ZEF was present in: the "<link https: www.uni-bonn.de neues allianz2017 _blank>Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research" (Bonner Allianz für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) tent together with the Bonn Alliance partners <link https: www.h-brs.de en _blank>Hochschule Rhein Sieg, <link https: www.bicc.de _blank>BICC, <link https: www.die-gdi.de _blank>DIE and <link https: ehs.unu.edu _blank>UNU-EHS and, in addition, in the tent "World of insects" together with <link https: www.zfmk.de en _blank>Museum König.
Video by Uni Bonn TV