From May, 26 - 29, 2019 Guatemalan human rights activist and Laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, Helen Mack, as well as 17 PhD students from all over the world will presented and discussed their research and activism at the Right Livelihood College (RLC) at ZEF. Helen Mack Chang is a Guatemalan businesswoman and human rights activist, who received the Right Livelihood Award (‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) in 1992 for her personal courage and persistence in seeking justice and an end to the impunity of political murderers. In 1993 she established the Myrna Mack Foundation, to support the prosecution of her sister's murder. In 2010, she was appointed to lead investigations into continuing police corruption and recommend changes. The Right Livelihood College (RLC) is a global education and research initiative of nine universities worldwide and the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’. The RLC promotes and implements transdisciplinary education and research on social justice, poverty and inequality reduction, and environmental sustainability together with laureates of the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’.

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