- Keywords
Agricultural intensification, food production systems, sustainability, food security, policy evaluation, technological innovation, institutional innovation, short-term modelling
- Countries
- Summary
ZEF is partnering in this Coordination and Support Action with a consortium of over twenty European and African institutions (research organizations, universities, research councils, and regional organizations). The project, titled “Towards a long-term Africa-EU partnership to raise sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa”, aims to develop a proposal for a long-term research and innovation partnership between Europe and Africa. Focus is on the improvement of the food and nutrition security and the livelihoods of African farmers by exploring and exploiting the rich diversity of pathways leading to sustainable intensification of African agro-food systems, with support of the relevant policy environment. The partnership proposal will:
- describe the scientific and innovation domains that need further research to identify and implement effective pathways (the what),
- identify the value for both continents in addition to ongoing partnerships and activities (the why), and
- suggest financial and governance structures that can adequately support the partnership (the how).
- Main Cooperation Partners
Wageningen UR, FARA, CIRAD, CORAF/WECARD, UC Leuven, CCARDESA, Swedish U. of Ag. Sciences, CSIR-CRI Kumasi, ARC South Africa, IICT (Portugal), MTT (Finland), AFAAS, U. of Copenhagen, ASARECA
- Main Funding Partners
European Commission H2020
- Duration of the Project
The project started on April 1st 2015 and will run for 2 years.