ERA-SOLMAB - Energy recovery and cleaner groundwater: techno-economic and environmental assessment of municipal solid waste management in the city of Bamako, Mali
- Keywords
Waste management, Mapping of landfill sites, Sustainable management of Groundwater resources, Groundwater modeling, Groundwater quality, vulnerability analysis, Mali
- Countries
- Summary
Against the background of urbanization and the associated demands on waste management, the main objectives of the ERA-SOLMAB project consortium are to use waste as a resource for waste-to-energy strategies through sustainable management and to avoid or at least minimise the harmful effects of unregulated systems on the environment - and thus on the health of the population. The protection of groundwater as an essential resource for drinking water supply is given the highest priority in water management planning concepts. The aim of the ZEF sub-project is to develop measures to avoid/reduce the potential impact of landfills and contaminated sites on groundwater extraction for drinking water.
- Methodology
Major steps of our approach consist of:
- Mapping of official and informal landfills in Bamako (remote sensing based);
- Modelling of groundwater dynamics and mass transport (FEFLOW model);
- Development of sustainable management measures for the protection of groundwater (focus: drinking water extraction versus the adverse effects of landfills/waste dumps; vulnerability analysis (DRASTIC model));
- Suggestions for the integration of groundwater protection measures into long-term spatial planning.
In order to promote the exploitation of the project results, the research will be supplemented by the following measures:
- Training and capacity building (use of project results in teaching programmes of partner universities; involvement of young scientists; participation of women in view of the socio-cultural situation towards gender equality in Mali);
- Awareness raising among relevant actors (population, authorities) and strengthening cooperation between universities, administration, practitioners and civil society;
- Identifying market opportunities for the private sector (Germany, Africa) in the field of waste management and groundwater protection.
- Main Cooperation Partners
- Institute for Technology and Resources Management in Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) / TH Köln
- University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTT-B) (Mali)
- Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen (UoT), Algeria
- Metabolon, Bergisches Energiekompetenzzentrum (Lindlar, Germany)
- Main Funding Partners
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) via Projektträger Jülich (PtJ)
- Duration of the Project
June 2021 – December 2024
- Team