BIOTA East - BIOdiversity monitoring Transect Analysis in East Africa
- Keywords
Biodiversity, market based conservation, multi agent modelling, auction, payments for environmental services, payments for ecosystem services, environmental services, participatory research, participatory forest management, economic valuation
- Countries
Kenya, Uganda
- Summary
At ZEF subproject E13: "Conservation and Management of Biodiversity for Rural Livelihoods: Developing Sustainable Strategies for Reconciling Stakeholders' Interests in Kakamega Forest"
1) Determine applicability and design implications of a participatory forest management approach in which ecosystem service user rights are assigned to individuals via auction mechanisms.
2) Identify, the regulations and thresholds in a participatory forest management approach that lead to the sustainable use of common property forest resources.
3) Analyse the applicability and effectiveness of reverse auction systems for the determination of conservation costs on privately owned land using economic experiments.
4) Analyse the challenges of a market for carbon offsets from reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation as a vehicle for biodiversity conservation.
5) Capacity building of local scholars and experts in conservation management and innovative conservation instruments. - Methodology
Field pilots (1), multi agent simulation (2), economic experiments (2;3), field surveys (4), workshops and academic training (5)
- Main Cooperation Partners
- Main Funding Partners
- Further information
Capacity Building Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, August 2005
- Duration of the Project
January 2005 - May 2007
June 2007 - May 2010 - Project Homepage
- Team
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hiemenz
- Tobias Wünscher
Team Members:
- Julius Mumo Maithya
- Mercelyne Luxen Khalumba
- Stephen Mutie Wambua
- Renata Saizaki
- Levi Ouma
- George Kariuki
- Lucie Andeltova