Water, Politics and Development - a research programme initiative
- Summary
The ‘Water, Politics and Development’ initiative originates in a series of discussions moderated by Prof. Eckart Ehlers from early 2004 on the request of BMBF (the German Ministry for Education and Research), on how to enhance the German social science input into global environmental change research – as this was felt to be lagging behind. Initiatives are now underway around several issues, one being ‘water’. As a first step an inventory of Germany-based social science research in the broad area of ‘water, environment and development’ was undertaken in summer 2004. After this a concept note was prepared by Dr Peter P. Mollinga (ZEF, Bonn), Dr Frank Messner (UFZ Leipzig), Dr Timothy Moss (IRS, Erkner) and Dr Waltina Scheumann (ILAUP, Berlin). The concept note formed the basis for organising a DFG Rundgespräch (German Research Foundation Roundtable) on 21 and 22 April 2005, preceded by a one-day seminar. The outcome of this is the identification of four themes on which new research initiatives will be formulated:Peri-urban water resources conflicts
- Participatory modelling
- Policy Odyssey: problematising the new water policy paradigm
- Human vulnerability to global environmental change: the issue of water governance and institutions
A revised concept note/programme text and elaborated proposals for these four themes are expected to be ready in autumn 2005, to be discussed on a common platform.