CLIMAFRI - Implementing CLIMate-sensitive Adaptation strategies to reduce Flood RIsk in the transboundary Lower Mono River catchment in Togo and Benin
- Keywords
@ZEF: Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), Water, Adaptation, Climate Change, Flood Management
- Countries
Togo, Benin
- Summary
The overall aim of the CLIMAFRI project is to reduce current and future flood risk in the transboundary Lower Mono River catchment of Togo and Benin. To achieve this, the project will co-develop and co-implement a river basin information system with climate-sensitive adaptation strategies through the integration of science-based data with information and knowledge from local stakeholders and communities. The project collaborates with the environmental ministries in Togo and Benin, the responsible local authorities and the Competence Center of the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), which are involved in the project from the beginning and are at the same time the target group for implementing the developed information system. In addition, the project aims at building the capacity in the region to take up and maintain the river basin information system.
The ZEF team will develop an empirical agent-based model (ABM) that incorporates decision model of real agents by linking technological advances (i.e., hydrological dynamic model) with corresponding advances in participatory methods to assess adaptation strategies to flood risks.
- Methodology
@ZEF: empirical Agent-Based Modeling, Role-playing games, Socio-economic survey, Land use cover change analysis
- Main Cooperation Partners
- Coordination: United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security, Germany (UNU-EHS)
- University of Bonn, Germany (U-BN)
- University of Bayreuth, Germany (U-BY)
- Björnsen Consulting Engineers GmbH, Germany (BCE)
- West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, Ghana (WASCAL)
- University of Lomé, Togo (U-Lomé)
- University of Abomey Calavi, Benin (U-AC)
- Ministry of Environment and Forestal Resources, Togo (MERF / MEDDPN)
- Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development, Benin (MLESD)
- Directorate of Water Resources (DRE) of the Ministry of Water, Rural and Village Hydraulics, Togo (MEERHV)
- Main Funding Partners
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Duration of the Project
01.04.2019 - 31.03.2022
- Project Homepage
- Team
- Prof. Dr, Christian Borgemeister
- Dr. Sophie Thiam
- Sarah Verleysdonk
Extended team
- Dr. Grace Villamor (external team member)