SABio - Transformation and Sustainability Governance of South American Bioeconomies
- Keywords
bioeconomy, sustainability, governance, biotechnology, South America
- Countries
Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay
- Summary
The Southern Cone of South America is one of the most important world regions for the provision of bio-based feedstock worldwide with many countries in the region currently undergoing dynamic changes in various bioeconomic sectors. Despite the region’s enormous potential for sustainable bio-based transformation, promoting environmentally responsible and equitable bioeconomic change remains a major governance challenge. This project focuses on the emergence and sustainability performance of the bioeconomies from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay and aims to analyze bio-based initiatives from a political sciences and agricultural economics perspective.
The planned research seeks to inform governmental and non-governmental, including private, decision-makers in South America and beyond about entry points for action towards promoting climate smart bio-based innovation processes that safeguard rural employment and the equitable distribution of the benefits and costs of bio-based transformation. Through strong partnerships with Universities in the Southern Cone and engagement at the science-policy interface, the project will strengthen international collaboration and its impact in the study regions.
- Methodology
(1) Impact evaluation analysis of national bioeconomy policies
(2) Value chain and value-web analysis
(3) Modeling of land use change and GHG emissions
(4) Comparative case studies
(5) Qualitative data analysis - Main Cooperation Partners
- Universität Münster
- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
- Universidad Austral
- Universidad ORT Uruguay
- Main Funding Partners
- Publications
See homepage
- Duration of the Project
2020 - 2026
- Project Homepage
- Team
- Prof. Dr. Jan Börner
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz
- Dr. Jochen Dürr
- Dr. Karen Siegel
- Carol Bardi
- Maria Eugenia Silva Carrazzone
- Daniela Gomel
- Daniel Kefeli
- Pablo Mac Clay
- Serena Olivera
- Laura Rojas
- Guilherme Stein
- Trevor Tisler