SABio - Transformation and Sustainability Governance of South American Bioeconomies


bioeconomy, sustainability, governance, biotechnology, South America


Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay


The Southern Cone of South America is one of the most important world regions for the provision of bio-based feedstock worldwide with many countries in the region currently undergoing dynamic changes in various bioeconomic sectors. Despite the region’s enormous potential for sustainable bio-based transformation, promoting environmentally responsible and equitable bioeconomic change remains a major governance challenge. This project focuses on the emergence and sustainability performance of the bioeconomies from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay and aims to analyze bio-based initiatives from a political sciences and agricultural economics perspective.

The planned research seeks to inform governmental and non-governmental, including private, decision-makers in South America and beyond about entry points for action towards promoting climate smart bio-based innovation processes that safeguard rural employment and the equitable distribution of the benefits and costs of bio-based transformation. Through strong partnerships with Universities in the Southern Cone and engagement at the science-policy interface, the project will strengthen international collaboration and its impact in the study regions.


(1) Impact evaluation analysis of national bioeconomy policies
(2) Value chain and value-web analysis
(3) Modeling of land use change and GHG emissions
(4) Comparative case studies
(5) Qualitative data analysis

Main Cooperation Partners

  • Universität Münster
  • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
  • Universidad Austral
  • Universidad ORT Uruguay
Main Funding Partners



See homepage

Duration of the Project

2020 - 2026

Project Homepage


Jochen Dürr

Jochen Dürr


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