Determinants and effects of alternative institutions for natural resource management in developing countries
- Keywords
Institutions, Natural Resources, Devolution, Community-based management
- Countries
Costa Rica, Ghana, Indonesia, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, Chile
- Summary
With this research project we want to contribute to an understanding of the comparative outcomes of alternative property rights institutions for the management of natural resources in developing countries. The key factors and policies affecting the efficiency, environmental sustainability, and equity outcomes and the long-run dynamics of property rights regimes shall be explored. For this purpose an innovative methodology shall be developed which allows to address these issues empirically and to predict the impacts of particular policy measures and changes in external conditions.
Research themes:
- Determinants of success of community-based irrigation management in Northern Ghana
- Determinants of sustainable management of natural resources: The case of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in India
- Determinants and outcomes of community-industry negotiations over logging in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Rural Development through Carbon Finance? Forestry Projects under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol
- Property regimes in complex political emergencies. The political economy of land use rights in war-torn Sri Lanka
- People-Park Relationships. A case study of Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India.
- Simulating spatial patterns of forest cover change in an upland watershed in Central Vietnam
- Payments for Environmental Services in Costa Rica: Modelling Spatial Diversity
- Heterogeneity and policy response in multiple-player games: A model applied to common-pool resource management in Chile
- Main Cooperation Partners
- Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany - Institute for Agricultural Policy and Market Research;
- TIST – The International Small Group and Tree Planting Project, Morogoro, Tanzania;
- Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
- University of Ghana, Legon, Institute of Statistical, Social, and Economic Research (ISSER);
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR);
- International Water Management Institute (IMWI);
- University of Maryland, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics;
- Eastern University of Batticoloa, Sri Lanka;
- Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
- Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam.
- Main Funding Partners
- Robert-Bosch Foundation
- ZEF Bonn
- Further information
Workshop on "Community-based irrigation management in Northern Ghana" in Bolgatanga, Ghana, on May 9th 2002
- Duration of the Project
04/01 - 03/06
- Team
- Dr. Stefanie Engel (formerly Kirchhoff; project leader)
- Prof. Ramón López
- Tobias Wünscher
- Bhagirath Behera
- Sebastian Scholz
- K. Osman Gyasi
- Charlie Palmer
- Benedikt Korf
- Pooja Sawhney
- Le Quang Bao