Environmental and food safety standards


Environmental standards, food safety standards, social standards, trade and environment


Egypt, Indonesia, Brazil, Germany


To contribute to an understanding of the determinants of environmental and social standards and their impacts on trade, environmental quality, and social aspects. Special emphasis has been put on the cost implications of environmental standards in the agricultural sector.

Main Cooperation Partners

  • Federal Agricultural Research Centre, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Center for Agricultural Policy Studies (CAPS), Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Centro de Estudos Avancados em Economia Aplicada (CEPEA), University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil

GROTE, U. (2003), Regulierungen, Standards und internationaler Handel. In: entwicklung und ländlicher Raum, 37. Jahrgang, Heft 1/2003. DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main.

BASU, A.K., CHAU, N.H. and U. GROTE (2002), Labor Standards, Social Labels and the WTO. In: Adhikari, R. and P. Athukorala (eds.) (2002), Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond. Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham, U.K.; Northhampton MA, USA, pp.116-130.

GROTE, U., DEBLITZ, C. and S. STEGMANN (2002), Environmental Standards and Trade in Agricultural Products: Evidence from Brazil, Germany and Indonesia. In: Adhikari, R. and P. Athukorala (eds.) (2001), Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond. Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham, U.K.; Northhampton MA, USA, S.95- 115.

ENGEL, S. And U. GROTE (2004), Trade liberalization and environmental standards: Is there a race to the bottom for environmental reasons? Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 43, No.2, pp.89-110.

GROTE, U. (2002), Environmental standards in developing countries. In: Brouwer, F. and D. Ervin (eds.), Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade. CABI Publishing, Oxon and New York, pp.284-306.

GROTE, U. and S. KIRCHHOFF (now Engel) (2001), Environmental and Food Safety Standards in the Context of Trade Liberalization: Issues and Options. ZEF, Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 39, Bonn.

GROTE, U., DEBLITZ, C., REICHERT, T. and S. STEGMANN (2001), Umweltstandards und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Analyse und Bedeutung - insbesondere im Rahmen der WTO. Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk (publ.), Kiel.

GROTE, U., DEBLITZ, C. and S. STEGMANN (2000), Total Costs and environmental standards for selected agricultural products in Brazil, Germany and Indonesia: The impact of international competitiveness. In: International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 39 (2000), No.3, DLG-Verlag (publ.) Frankfurt/Main.

KIRCHHOFF, S. (1999), Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation on Transnational Environmental Problems. Mimeo, ZEF, Bonn, Germany


  • Dr. Ulrike Grote
  • Dr. Stefanie Engel (formerly Kirchhoff)
  • Dina Mandour
  • Dr. Arnab Basu (Guest Fellow, College of William and Mary)
  • Dr. Nancy Chau (Guest Fellow, Cornell University)
  • Dr. Ahmed Ghoneim (Guest Fellow, Cairo University)


Ulrike Grote

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote


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