Environmental and social labeling, incl. child labor


Eco-labeling, environmental labeling, social labeling, trade and environment


Global; strong focus on Asia


To contribute to an understanding of the economics of environmental and social labeling. Analysis of the motivations underlying labeling policies and the impacts of these policies on importing and exporting countries, with a particular focus on developing countries.

Main Cooperation Partners

University of Verona, Italy

Main Funding Partners



BASU, A.K., CHAU, N.H. AND U. GROTE (2003), On Export Rivalry and the Greening of Agriculture: The Role of Eco-labels. ZEF, Bonn.

BASU, A.K., CHAU, N.H. AND U. GROTE (2003), Eco-labeling and Stages of Development. Review of Development Economics, Vol.7, No.2, pp.228-247, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford and Malden.

GROTE, U. (2002), Eco-labelling in the agricultural sector: an international perspective. In: European Council, Proceedings of the High-Level Pan European Conference on Agriculture and Biodiversity: towards sustainable agriculture in Europe integrating biological and landscape diversity, Strasbourg.

BASU, A.K., CHAU, N.H. AND U. GROTE (2002), Labor Standards, Social Labels and the WTO. In: Adhikari, R. and P. Athukorala (eds.) (2002), Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond. Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham, U.K.; Northhampton MA, USA, pp.116-130.

BASU, A.K., CHAU, N.H. AND U. GROTE (2000), Guaranteed Manufactured without Child Labor. Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, Working paper #2000-04, Ithaca, NY.

KIRCHHOFF, S., and ZAGO, A. (2001), A Simple Model of Voluntary vs. Mandatory Labeling of GMOs. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association in Chicago, August 2001. ZEF, Bonn.

GROTE, U. (2000), Impact of Trade Sanctions and Social Labelling on Labour Standards. In: ICTSD (publ.), Bridges, Jan./Feb. 2000.

KIRCHHOFF, S. (2000), Green Business and Blue Angels: A Model of Voluntary Overcompliance with Asymmetric Information. Environmental and Resource Economics 15(4): 403-20.

KIRCHHOFF, S. (1998), Achieving Environmental Goals in a World of Trade and Hidden Action: The Role of Trade Policies and Eco-Labeling. University of Maryland Working Paper No. 98-26.

KIRCHHOFF, S. (1998), Overcompliance, Labeling, and Lobbying: The Case of Credence Goods. University of Maryland Working Paper No. 98-25.


  • Dr. Ulrike Grote
  • Dr. Stefanie Engel (formerly Kirchhoff)
  • Maria Cristina Carambas
  • Sayan Chakrabarty
  • Dr. Arnab Basu (Guest Fellow, College of William and Mary)
  • Dr. Nancy Chau (Guest Fellow, Cornell University)


Ulrike Grote

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote


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