Civil Conflict Prevention


Civil conflict prevention


Academic counselling for the development of the Action Plan on Conflict Prevention of the German Government

One central aim of German foreign policy is the engagement in violent conflict prevention. Thus not only the Federal Foreign Office, but among others also the BMZ, Interior Ministry and Defence Ministry are carrying out projects in conflict prevention. ZEF was invited to counsel the editorial committee that should prepare the official action plan on civil conflict prevention of the German government. The role of the committee is to collect, evaluate and assess the various efforts of the German ministries and to develop an overall conflict prevention strategy for the German government.

Main Cooperation Partners

Federal Foreign Office


Tobias Debiel/Ulrike Joras/Conrad Schetter/Ulf Terlinden (2004): Civilian Crisis Prevention. ZEF advising the German Federal Government, in:  ZEF news No. 16 (October 2004), p. 3.

Debiel, Tobias, (2002): Konflikt und Konfliktbearbeitung: Begriffe und Praxisformen, in: Hajo Schmidt/Uwe Trittmann (Hg.), 2002: Kultur und Konflikt. Dialog mit Johan Galtung. Münster: agenda Verlag (Agenda Frieden; 40), S. 219-235.

Tobias Debiel/Martina Fischer, (2001): Krisenprävention in einer gewaltträchtigen Welt. Was kann europäische und deutsche Entwicklungspolitik leisten?, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 12 (März 2001), S. 14-23.

Tobias Debiel/Martina Fischer, (2000): Crisis Prevention & Conflict Management by the European Union: Concepts, Capacities and Problems of Coherence. Berlin: Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management (Berghof Report No. 4: September 2000).

Tobias Debiel/Volker Matthies, (2000): Krisenprävention - mehr Fragen als Antworten? Eine Zwischenbilanz zur deutschen Entwicklungs-, Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, in: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (E+Z), 41. (September 2000) 9, S. 250-253.

Duration of the Project

February 2003 to May 2004


Conrad Schetter

PD Dr. Conrad Schetter


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