MARGIP - Marginality Reduction for enhanced Investments for and with the poorest
- Keywords
marginality, dimensions and dynamics of marginality, marginalized people, extreme poverty, unlocking potentials, action program, policies, social entrepreneurship
- Countries
Bangladesh, Ethiopia
- Summary
The objective of this planning project is to identify investment opportunities -geographically, technologically, and institutionally - to overcome marginality among the extreme poor by 1) assessing, analyzing, and mapping the different dimensions, complexities and dynamics of the marginality syndrome in developing countries and thereby enable identification and location of priority actions, and 2) supporting decision‐making by marginalized people and for selection of policies and development interventions by development investors; already in the planning phase success of marginality reduction shall be identified and reviewed at an international conference. 3) testing investment options for overcoming marginality of the poorest by relating to promising interventions and actions in Ethiopia and Bangladesh during the planning phase outlined here, and by identifying opportunities for large scale options to be considered in a larger program that potentially follows this planning project.
- Methodology
The project's approach is based on a “goal oriented project planning approach”, assessment of quantitative and qualitative data by means of surveys, individual/group discussions and questionnaires, participatory methods, and application of the "Vester Sensitivity Model®" to describe and analyze marginality. Activities which will lead to the achievement of the outputs will be (respectively outputs 1-6):
- Literature research, theory development and overall concept design
- Identification, compilation and analysis of determinants, features, symptoms and respective data from secondary sources
- Capturing, storing, analysis and management of data which will be linked to geographical locations in maps
- Testing of participatory methods for marginality assessment and action research in the field as well as identifying program and policy actions for the selected sites
- Organization of an international conference and workshops, as well as an network of scientists, experts and stakeholders
- Designing a larger program for about three years for a wider program on marginality and submission to BMGF
- Main Cooperation Partners
- BRAC in Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies (BIDS)
- Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA)
- Environment and Coffee Forest Forum (ECFF, Ethiopia)
- Main Funding Partners
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Publications
please see <link http: publications_marginality.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>
- Duration of the Project
08/2010 - 01/2012
- Project Homepage