Economic valuation of indigenous breeds and how the loss of animal genetic resources effects the welfare of local populations


animal genetic resources, economic valuation, costs of conservation, indigenous livestock breeds, conservation strategies


Kenya, Ethiopia


  1. Valuing important characteristics of tropical breeds of cattle by using choice experiment methods (i.e. choice ranking)
  2. Determining costs of conserving Borana cattle in Kenya and Ethiopia by applying a direct cost analysis and a contingent valuation method
  3. Deriving the best conservation strategies from the two above objectives and analyzing of the impact of these strategies on less favored households (analysis of “pro poor conservation strategies”)

Case studies, Modeling

Main Cooperation Partners

  • International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa;
  • GTZ Negelle (Ethiopia);
  • Kenyan Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) in Marsabit, Kenya
Main Funding Partners

Robert Bosch Stiftung


Zander, K. and Virchow, D. 2003. Economic valuation of unique characteristics of indigenous cattle breeds: A conceptual framework. Paper presented at 11th  ESAP (Ethiopian Society of Animal Production) annual conference: Farm Animal Biodiversity in Ethiopia: Status and Prospects, August, 28-30, 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Zander, K. and Mburu, J. 2004. Compensating Pastoralists for Conserving Animal Genetic Resources: The Case of Borana Cattle in Ethiopia. Paper presented at 10th biennial IASCP (International Association for the Study of Common Property) conference, August, 9-13, 2004, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Duration of the Project

October 2002 - September 2005

Project Homepage

  • Dr. John Mburu
  • Kerstin Zander


John Mburu

Dr. John Mburu


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