EMD - The Efficiency of Micro-Development. Theoretical Modeling and Empirical Studies
- Keywords
Efficiency and Productivity, Quantitative Measurement of Micro-Performance, Theoretical Modeling
- Countries
Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania, Brazil
- Summary
(1) the economic assessment of development processes on the micro level
(2) the quantification of the relativ performance of production units, households and sectors
(3) the formulation of adequate policy measures to adress inefficient resource use
(4) to make a contribution to consistent modeling - Main Cooperation Partners
different projects within ZEF:
e.g. PASAD, Eastern Amazon, GLOWA - Main Funding Partners
staff funded by ZEF, doctoral students funded by respective projects
- Duration of the Project
June 2004 - June 2007
- Team
Senior Staff:
- Mr Johannes Sauer
Doctoral Students:
- Mr Holger Seebens
- Mr Tsegaye Yilma
- Mr Jumanne Abdallah
- Mr Hardwick Tchale
- Ms Arisbe Mendoza