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Changing Food Environments in Africa’s Urban and Peri-Urban Areas: Implications for Diets, Nutrition, and Policy
by Katrin Glatzel, Hannah Ameye, Vivien Hülsen and Matin Qaim, ZEF Working Paper no. 235
October 02, 2024. Download [PDF | 3.53MB]

Environmental impacts of genetically modified crops
Effects of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) on the environment are often debated. In a global review, we show that the effects of GMOs on yields are positive, whereas the indirect environmental effects are mixed, positive in some and negative in other cases. The effects depend on the specific modified crop trait and how it us used, not on the GMO breeding process. More efficient regulation and broader acceptance could lead to many new GMO and gene-edited traits with unambiguously positive environmental effects.
August 30, 2024. » more

Deconstructing the climate migration myth: Assessing the impact of the 2022 floods on the movement of local populations in rural Punjab
by Rabia Chaudhry and Eva Youkhana, ZEF Working Paper 234
August 06, 2024. Download [PDF | 463.03KB]

Strengthening Start-Up Ecosystems for Bio-Based Innovations in the Food Sector: Lessons from East Africa
by Paul Nyangau, Zewdu Abro, Julius Ecuru, Menale Kassie, Shira Mukiibi, Heike Baumüller and Joachim von Braun, ZEF Working Paper no. 232
July 05, 2024. Download [PDF | 2.76MB]

Technologies and Infrastructure to Reduce the Work Burden of Women
Insights from time-use studies in Ethiopia, Ghana and Uganda. PARI Policy Brief no. 38
July 01, 2024. Download [PDF | 530.34KB]

The evolving role of farm and off-farm jobs in rural Africa
by Chrispinus Mutsami, Martin C. Parlasca and Matin Qaim, ZEF Discussion Paper No. 348
June 17, 2024. Download [PDF | 1.49MB]

Ending Hunger by 2030: Consequences of Complacency and the New Financial Needs for Achieving SDG2
by Joachim von Braun, Bezawit Beyene Chichaibelu, David Laborde, Maximo Torero Cullen and Heike Baumüller, ZEF Policy Brief no. 48
May 28, 2024. Download [PDF | 1.13MB]

Private service provision contributes to widespread innovation adoption among smallholder farmers: Laser land levelling technology in northwestern India
by Subash Surendran-Padmaja, Martin C. Parlasca, Matin Qaim, and Vijesh V. Krishna, ZEF Discussion Paper no. 346
May 27, 2024. Download [PDF | 1.06MB]

Rank, stress, and risk: A conjecture
by Oded Stark and Julia Wlodarczyk, ZEF Discussion Paper no. 345
May 27, 2024. Download [PDF | 326.43KB]

Temporary migration decisions and effects on household income and diets in rural Bangladesh
by Md. Sohel Rana, Amy Faye, and Matin Qaim, ZEF Discussion Paper no. 344
May 10, 2024. Download [PDF | 2.06MB]

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