Antons, C.2017.Geographical Indications, Heritage and Decentralization Policies: The Case of Indonesia.
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Geographical Indications at the Crossroads of Trade, Development and Culture in Asia-Pacific.
Cambridge University Press.
485-507.Further Information
Antons, C.2017.Intellectual Property in Asia: ASEAN, East Asia and India.
In: R. Dreyfuss and J. Pila (eds.):
The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Property Law.
Oxford University Press.
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Antons, C.2017.Legal and cultural landscapes: cultural and intellectual property concepts and the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
In: Antons, C. (eds.):
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Law.
250-268.Further Information
Antons, C.2017.What is Asian Law? Asia in Law, the Humanities and Social Sciences.
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The Routledge Handbook of Asian Law.
3-27.Further Information
Antons, C. and Antons-Sutanto, R.2017.The construction of ethnicity in colonial law and its legacy: The example of the Peranakan Chinese in Indonesia.
In: Antons, C (eds.):
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Law.
398-419.Further Information
Antons, C. and Kanniah, R.2017.The Regulation of Innovation in Agriculture and Sustainable Development in India and Southeast Asia.
In: Antons, C (eds.):
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Law.
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287-309.Further Information
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In: Zinyengere, N., Theodory, T., Gebreyes, M., and Speranza, C. (eds.):
Multiple Perspectives on Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa.
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Baumüller, H.2017.Towards Smart Farming? Mobile Technology Trends and their Potential for Developing Country Agriculture.
In: K.E. Skouby, I. Williams and A. Gyamfi (eds.):
Handbook for ICT in developing countries: 5G perspectives.
River Publishers.
Beuchelt, T.D., Mohr, A. and R. Schneider.2017.The human Right to Food and sustainable soil management: linking voluntary agricultural sustainability standards with food security.
In: Ginzky, H., Heuser, I., Tianbao Qin, Ruppel, O. and P. Wegerdt (eds.):
International Yearbook on Soil Law and Policy.
Bhaduri A., M. Bekchanov.2017.Exploring benefits and scope of cooperation in transboundary water sharing in Amu Darya River Basin.
In: Dinar A., Y. Tsur (eds.):
Management of Transboundary Water Resources Under Scarcity: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
World Scientific Publishing/ Imperial College.
35-63.Further Information
Hasan M.M. and M.A. Malek.2017.Microfinance Market in Bangladesh.
In: Christopher. Gan and G. V Nartea (eds.):
Microfinance in Asia.
World Scientific..
271–306.Further Information
Kaiser, M.2017.Nomad Cult and Modernity in Kazakhstan.
In: Seitz, Dieter (eds.):
Nomads Land. The Kazakhstan Project.
Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag.
p. 144-151.Further Information Review
Keding GB, Termote C, and Kehlenbeck K.2017.The role and importance of agricultural biodiversity in urban agriculture.
In: Hunter D, Guarino L, Spillane C, and McKeown P (eds.):
Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity.
Further Information
Khamzina, A., J.P.A. Lamers, J. Börner with O.O. Cofie, P. Drechsel, Chr. Gordon, J. Miranda, S. Mukherjee, L.Verchot, H. Vereecken, L. Weihermüller, S. Zelaya-Bonilla, F. Ziadat.2017.Land resources and the SDGs.
In: Paul L. G. Vlek, Asia Khamzina, and Lulseged Tamene (eds.):
Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies.
17-31. (Open Acess)Further Information
Núñez Jover, J.; Figueroa Alfonso, G.; Alcázar Quiñones, A. and Proenza.2017.Universities, Inclusive Development, and Social Innovation: Does That Debate Matter in Cuba?.
In: Brundenius, C.; Göransson, B. and Carvalho de Mello, JM. (eds.):
Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation. An international perspective..
Rakib M., Chakrabarti S. and Danaher P.2017.Gender Differentiated Social and Human Capital and the Use of Microcredit in Bangladeshi Female Entrepreneurship.
In: Ní Shé, É., L.J. Burton, P. Danaher (eds.):
Social Capital and Enterprise in the Modern State.
Springer Publication, 978-3-319-68114-6, 439011.
Further Information
Sarah Nischalke and Suman Bisht.2017.Challenges to women as food and risk managers in the context of floods: A case study from Tinsukia, Assam.
In: Sanjoy Hazarika and Reshmi Banerjee (eds.):
Gender, Poverty and Livelihood in the Eastern Himalayas.
Routledge India.
Valone, T.J., Barta, Z., Börner, J., Cardenas, J.-C., Giraldeau, L.-A., Kokko, H., Oldekop, J., Pauly, D., Rustagi, D., Sutherland, W..2017.Governance of Renewable Resources.
In: Giraldeau, L.-A., Heeb, P., Kosfeld, M. (eds.):
Investors and Exploiters in Ecology and Economics: Principles and Applications.
Ernst Strüngemann Forum / The MIT Press.
97-118.Further Information
Villamor GB, van Noordwijk M, Leimona B, Duguma L.2017.Tradeoffs (Chapter 3).
In: Namirembe S, Leimona B, van Noordwijk M, Minang P (eds.):
Co-investment in ecosystem services: global lessons from payment and incentive schemes.
World Agroforestry Centre.
1-10. (Open Acess)Further Information
Vlek, P.L.G., R. Eshchanov, S. Khodjaniyazov, I., Rudenko, J. Lamers.2017.From Theory to Practice: Challenges and Constraints to Introducing Education for Sustainable Development in Uzbekistan, Central Asia.
In: Michelsen, G and Wells, P. J. (eds.):
A decade of progress on education for sustainable development. Reflections of the UNESCO chairs programme .
UNESCO, Paris.
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