Adhikari, N.P., Shakya, P.R. , Shrestha, S., Prajapati, S..2023.A Comparative Study of Energy, Emissions, and Economic Efficiency of Various Cookstoves in Nepal.
In: Vadrevu, K.P., Ohara, T., Justice, C. (eds.):
Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia.
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Aidoo, R., E. M. Kwofie, K. Glatzel, J.Ecuru.2023.Bioeconomy: A Path to African Food Systems Transformation.
In: Ulimwengu, J. M., Kwofie, E.M., and Collins, J. (Eds.) (eds.):
African Food Systems Transformation and the Post-Malabo Agenda. ReSAKSS 2023 Annual Trends and Outlook Report.
AKADEMIYA2063 and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
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Akhtar, F, AH Azizi, U Shah, C Borgemeister, B Tischbein, UK Awan.2023.The Application of Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management in Data-Scarce Watersheds in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region: A Case of Kabul River Basin.
In: Edited By Bikash Ranjan Parida, Arvind Chandra Pandey, Mukunda Dev Behera, Navneet Kumar (eds.):
Handbook of Himalayan Ecosystems and Sustainability, Volume 2 .
Taylor & Francis.
205-222.Further Information
Akhtar, F., Shah, U.2023.The Spectre of Climate Change-Induced Migration in Afghanistan.
In: Amit Ranjan; Rajesh Kharat; Pallavi Deka (eds.):
Environment, Climate Change and Migration in South Asia .
Taylor & Francis.
18.Further Information
Antons, C.2023.Intangible cultural heritage, intellectual property and the politics of development in Southeast Asia.
In: Covarrubia, P (eds.):
Transboundary Heritage and Intellectual Property Law: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Antons, C. and Blakeney, M.2023.Intellectual property, creativity and innovation in ASEAN.
In: Antons, C. and Blakeney, M (eds.):
Intellectual Property Law in South East Asia.
Edward Elgar.
1-16 .
Antons, C. and Blakeney, M.2023.Intellectual property, farmers’ rights and agriculture in the ASEAN countries.
In: Antons, C. and Blakeney, M (eds.):
Intellectual Property Law in South East Asia.
Edward Elgar.
317-356 .
Baumüller, H.2023.Digital services in the food and agriculture sectors of developing countries.
In: F. Gallouj, C. Gallouj, M.-C. Monnoyer and L. Rubalcaba (eds.):
Elgar Encyclopedia of Services.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
468-470.Further Information
Chineme, A., Shumo, M., Assefa, G., Herremans, I., & Wylant, B..2023.Simple is Better When Appropriate: An Innovative Accessible Approach to Biowaste Treatment Using Wild Black Soldier Fly..
Solid Waste Management - Recent Advances, New Trends and Applications [Working Title].
(Open Acess)Further Information
Mora-Motta, A., T. Stellmacher, G.P. Habert, and C.H. Zúñiga.2023.Zwischen Extraktivismus und Naturschutz: Baumplantagen, Waldreservate und kleinbäuerliche Territorialität in Los Ríos, Chile.
In: Fuders, F., Donoso, P.J. (eds.):
Ökologisch-ökonomische und sozio-ökologische Strategien zur Erhaltung der Wälder.
Springer, Cham.
Sarkar, A. Bandyopadhyay, N..2023.Climate Risk Management with Indigenous Perception and Knowledge - Evidence from drought prone regions of India.
In: Panda, G. K. Chatterjee, U. & Panda, S. (eds.):
Indigenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction- Insight Towards Perception, Response, Adaptation and Sustainability.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
301 - 320.Review
Waheed, A..2023.Development Discourses and Urban Poor: A Case Study of the Capital Development Authority and Katchi Abadis of Islamabad.
In: Fleschenberg, A., Holz, S., Waheed, A. (eds.):
Pakistan at Seventy-Five: Identity, Governance and Conflict-Resolution in a Post-Colonial Nation-State.
Liverpool University Press.
60-86.Further Information
Yasobant, S., A.M. Perez Arredondo, J.F. Felappi, J. Ntajal, J.M. Gellert Paris, K. Patel, M.K. Savi, D. Schmiege and T. Falkenberg.2023.One Health as an integrated approach: Perspectives from public services for mitigation of future epidemics.
In: Nima Rezaei (eds.):
Book series: Integrated Science of Global epidemics.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.
47–72.Further Information
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