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Bierschenk, T. and G. Stauth.  2002.  Islam in Africa. Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam No. 4.  LIT. Münster.

Debiel, T.  2002.  Der zerbrechliche Frieden: Krisenregionen zwischen Staatsversagen, Gewalt und Entwicklung.  J.H.W. Dietz Nachf.. Bonn.

Debiel, T. and A. Klein.  2002.  Fragile Peace, State Failure, Violence and Development in Crisis regions.  Zed Books. London.

Forberg, E. und U. Terlinden.  2002.  Hilfe, die nicht vom Himmel fällt. Gewaltprävention in der Entwicklungsarbeit von NGOs.  Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management. Lit Verlag Münster/Hamburg. Further Information

Jones-Pauly, C. And S. Elbern.  2002.  Access to Justice: Role of Court Administrators and Lay Adjudicators in the African and Muslim Context, edited volume.  E J Brill. Netherlands.

Mburu, J.  2002.  Collaborative Management of Wildlife in Kenya: An Empirical Analysis of Stakeholders’ Participation, Costs and Incentives; Socio-economic Studies on Rural Development Vol. 130.  Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG, Kiel, Germany (ISSN 0175-2464; ISBN 3-8175-0371-5).

v. Braun, J., P. Wobst and U. Grote.  2002.  Development Box and Special and Differential Treatment for Food Security of Developing Countries: Potentials, Limitations, and Implementation Issues. ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy 47.  Download [PDF | 565.81KB]
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Wimmer, A.  2002.  Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflicts.Shadows of Modernity.  Cambridge.

Yalcin, R..  2002.  The Rebirth of Uzbekistan: politics, economy and society in the post-Soviet Era (with a forward by Bogdan Szajkowski).  Ithaca Press.

Zimmermann, R. and M. Qaim.  2002.  Projecting the Benefits of Golden Rice in the Philippines. ZEF Discussion Papers on Development Policies No. 51.  Center for Development Research. Bonn. Download [PDF | 394.49KB]
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