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Aung, M.  2003.  The fate of Carbon in Azolla-Anabaena Symbiosis.  Culviller Verlag. Göttingen.

De Soysa, I..  2003.  Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy & Development: Assessing Contours, Correlates, and Concomitants of Globalization.  London: Routledge.

Gatzweiler, F.  2003.  The Changing Nature of Economic Value. Indigenous Forest Garden Values in Kalimantan, Indonesia.  Shaker. Aachen.

Hedden-Dunkhorst, B., M. Denich, K. Vielhauer, A. Mendoza- Escalante, J. Börner, T. Hurtienne, F.R. de Sousa Filho, T.D. de Abreu Sá and F. de Assis Costa.  2003.  Forest-based fallow systems: a safety net for smallholders in the Eastern Amazon?.  <a href="http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/corporate/cd-roms/bonn_results/" target="_blank">http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/corporate/cd-roms/bonn_results/</a> topics/topic_1.htm.

Holtz, U.  2003.  Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and Country Strategy Papers and their relationship to the combat against desertification. The role of parliaments.  Bonn. Further Information

Kirsch-Jung, K.P. and M. Gensler.  2003.  Les conventions locales: Un instrument de la gestion décentralisée de ressources naturelles.  GTZ. Eschborn.

Schetter, C.  2003.  Ethnizität und ethnische Konflikte in Afghanistan.  Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Berlin. Further Information

Virchow, D.  2003.  Efficient Conservation of Crop Genetic Diversity: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies.  Springer. Berlin Heidelberg.

Wehrheim, P.  2003.  Modelling Russia's Economy in Transition.  Ashgate Publishers. Aldershot, UK.

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