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Antons, C and V. Gessner.  2007.  Globalisation and Resistance: Law Reform in Asia Since the Crisis.  Hart Publishing. Oxford and Portland, Oregon.

Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Kihara, J. and Kimetu, J. (Editors).  2007.  Advances in integrated soil fertility management in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities.  Springer London, Limited. UK. Further Information

Begdullayeva, T., H. M. Ibragimov, and Lamers, J.P.A..  2007.  Types of Sorghum in Karalpakstan: Salinity Tolerance, Salinity Accumulation and Productivity.  FAN Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2007.  Land Use and Soil Resources.  Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6777-8. Download [DOC]
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Craswell, E., Bonell M., Bossio D., Demuth S., and van de Giesen N..  2007.  Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and Global Change: A North-South Analysis. Water Resources Management, Volume 21 (1). 

Ellis, A., M. Blackden, J. Cutura, F. MacCulloch, H. Seebens.  2007.  Gender and Economic Growth in Tanzania: Creating Opportunities for Women.  The World Bank. Washington, D.C.. Further Information

Grote, U., A.L. Basu and N. Chau.  2007.  New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling.  Physica-Verlag (a Springer company), . Heidelberg.

Joras, U.  2007.  Companies in Peace Processes. A Guatemalan Case Study.  Transcript Verlag. Bielefeld.

Jütting, J.  2007.  Health Insurance for the Poor in Developing Countries.  Ashgate Publishing. Oxon, UK.

Lemma M.  2007.  The Agricultural Knowledge System in Tigray, Ethiopia: Recent History and Actual Effectiveness.  Kommunikation und Beratung 74. Margraf Publishers. Weikersheim. Further Information

Rodgers, C., W. Laube and U. Falk.  2007.  The GLOWA Volta Project: A Framework for Water Resources Decision-Making and Scientific Capacity Building in a Trans-national West African Basin..  Special Issue for Water Resources Management. Springer Verlag. Berlin.

Sartori, P. and T. Trevisani.  2007.  Patterns of Transformation In and Around Uzbekistan.  Edizioni Diabasis. Reggio Emilia, Italia.

Seibel, H. D.  2007.  The Role of Microfinance in Rural Microenterprise Development.  Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture. Basel (CH). Further Information

Wagner, S., H. Kunstmann and A. Bárdossy.  2007.  Uncertainties in water balance estimations due to scarce meteorological information: A case study for the White Volta catchment in West Africa.  IAHS Red Book Series, Quantification and reduction of predictive uncertainty for sustainable water resources management.

Youkhana, E.  2007.  Experiment Ökotourismus - Gelenkter Wandel und Akzeptanz am Beispiel des Mayadorfs Yaxuná.  IKO - Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Franfurt a.M.. Further Information

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