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Callo-Concha D, Jaenicke H, Schmitt CB & Denich M (Eds.).  2020.  Advances in Food and Non-Food Biomass Production, Processing and Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: Towards a Basis for a Regional Bioeconomy.  Edited book (434 pages), MDPI. Basel, Switzerland. (Open Acess) Further Information

Callo-Concha, D., Denich M., Jaenicke H. and C.B. Schmitt (Eds.).  2020.  Advances in Food and Non-Food Biomass Production, Processing and Use in Sub-Saharan Africa.  MDPI. Basel, Switzerland. (Open Acess) Further Information

von Braun, J., Kauffels, T., Raven, P., Vogel, J., Sánchez Sorondo, M.  2020.  Science and Actions for Species Protection. Noah's Arks for the 21st Century.  Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarvm Scripta Varia 146. Vatican City 2020. Further Information

von Braun, J., Sánchez Sorondo, M. (eds).  2020.  Transformative Roles of Science in Society: From Emerging Basic Science Toward Solutions for People’s Wellbeing.  Pontificial Academy of Sciences. Acta 25. Vatican City. Further Information

von Braun, J., Sánchez Sorondo, M., Steiner, R.  2020.  Reduction of Food Loss and Waste.  Pontificial Academy of Sciences Scientiarvm Scripta Varia 147. Vatican City. Further Information

Whitney C. W., Huth A., Hammer K., Kehlenbeck K., Gebauer J..  2020.  Field Guide to Common Homegarden Crops of Southwestern Uganda.  OPUS Publication Server of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Germany. (Open Acess) Further Information

Yasobant S., W. Bruchhausen and D. Saxena.  2020.  Applications of Systems Thinking for Health System Research: A One Health Perspective.  SAGE Publications Ltd.. (Open Acess) Download [PDF | 624.81KB]

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