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Peer-reviewed journal articles

Abele, S. and Frohberg, K..  2002.  Die Anpassung der EU-Strukturpolitik im Zuge der Osterweiterung: Ein Ausblick. (Adoption of EU structural policy in the course of east enlargement: An outlook).  In: Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (eds.): IAMO 2002. Halle (Saale).   15-22, (also in Russian and English). 

Admassie A..  2002.  Explaining the High Incidence of Child Labour in Sub Saharan Africa.  African Development Review, 14 (2)   .

Admassie A. and F. Matambalya.  2002.  Technical Efficiency in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: Evidences from a Survey of Enterprises in Tanzania - Easter Africa.  Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, 17 (2)   : 1-29   .

Al-Khudhairy, D.H.A., R. Calaon, C. Leemhuis, V. Hoffman, I.M. Shephard, J.R. Thompson, H. Gavin, D.L. Gasca-Tucker, G. Bails, G. Zalidis and D. Papadimos.  2002.  Monitoring wetland ditch water levels using Landsat TM and ground-based measurements.  Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 68 (8)   : 809-818   .

Asante, F.A., T. Berger, S. Engel and M. Iskandarani.  2002.  Water security in the Ghanaian Volta basin: Patterns, Determinants and Consequences.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 41 No. 1/2 (Special Issue on Agricultural water management and land use in relation to future water supply), : 145-167   .

Basu, A.K., N.H. Chau and U. Grote.  2002.  Labor Standards, Social Labels and the WTO.  In: Adhikari, R. and P. Athukorala (eds.): Developing Countries in the World Trading System: The Uruguay Round and Beyond. Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham, U.K.; Northhampton MA, USA.   95-115. 

Behera, B.  2002.  “Environment and Accountability: Impact of Industrial Pollution on Rural Communities”.  Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 36, No. 3   .

Berger, T. and C. Ringler.  2002.  Tradeoffs, efficiency gains and technical change – Modeling water management and land use within a multiple-agent framework.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 41(1/2) [Special Issue on Agricultural Water Management and Land Use In Relation To Future Water Supply]   : 119-144   .

Bhuiyan, S.H..  2002.  Solid Waste Management in Urban Bangladesh.  In: Reed, B. (ed.) (eds.): Sustainable Urban Sanitation & Water Services. Leicestershire: Loughborough University.   68-71. 

Bhuiyan, S.H., Le, Q.B.  2002.  Decentralizations and natural resource management: A Colombian case.  Journal of Politics Administration and Changes, 37   : 43-67   .

Bierschenk, T.  2002.  Hans-Dieter Evers und die Bielefelder Schule.  Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, 43 (10)   : 273-276   .

Bigdon, C. and B. Korf.  2002.  The Role of Development Aid in Conflict Transformation – Facilitating Empowerment Processes and Community Building.  In: Austin, A., Fischer, M. and Ropers, N (eds.): Berghof-Handbook for Conflict Transformation. Berghof-Foundation for Constructive Conflict Transformation, Berlin.  

Blum, S. and A. Bode.  2002.  NEPAD auf dem Prüfstand - Ein erfolgreiches Instrument zur Entwicklung Afrikas?.  Internationale Politik, Nr. 11, November 2002   : 37-42   .

Braimoh, A.K.  2002.  Integrating indigenous knowledge and soil science to develop a national soil classification system for Nigeria.  Agriculture and Human Values, 19   : 75-80   .

Brunner, A.C., G.R. Ruecker, S.J. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Modelling approach to identify sustainable land management techniques on erosion-affected slopes.  In: Nkonya, E., D. Sserunkuuma and J. Pender (eds.): Policies for Improved Land Management in Uganda. Second National Workshop. Washington.   111-117. 

Callo-Concha D., Krishnamurthy L. and J. Alegre.  2002.  Secuestro de Carbono por Sistemas Agroforestales Amazónicos.  Revista Chapingo: Ciencias Forestales y Medio Ambiente, VIII (2)   : 101-106   . Further Information

Chau, N., Baus, A. and Grote, U..  2002.  Labor Standards, Social Labels and the Post-Uruguay Round of the WTO.  In: Ramesh Adhikari, Prema-Chandra (eds.): Developing Countries in the World Trading System - The Uruguay Round and Beyond. The Asian Development Bank, Manila.  

Chinsinga, B.  2002.  A Beacon of Hope in a Regional Context: The Case of South Africa in Southern Africa.  Regional Development Studies, 8   : 1-19   .

Chinsinga, B.  2002.  Globalisation and Regional Integration: The Case of the Southern Development Community.  In: D. Milanzi, M. Mulinge and E. Mukamaambo (eds.): Democracy, Human Rights and Regional Co-operation in Southern Africa. Africa Institute.  

Chinsinga, B.  2002.  The Politics of Poverty Alleviation in Malawi: A Critical Review.  In: Englund, H (eds.): A Democracy of Chameleons: Politics and Culture in the New Malawi. Nordiska Africa Institutet Uppsala.   pp 25-42. 

De Soysa, I..  2002.  Paradise is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, & Governance in Civil War, 1989-99.  Journal of Peace Research, 39 (4)   : 395-416   .

De Soysa, I..  2002.  Ecoviolence: Shrinking Pie or Honey Pot?.  Global Environmental Politics, 2 (4)   : 1-36   .

De Soysa, I. and N. P. Gleditsch.  2002.  The Liberal Globalist Case.  In: Björn Hettne and Bertil Odén (eds.): Global Governance in the 21st Century: Alternative Perspectives on World Order. Almqkvist & Wiksell, Stockholm.  

Denich, M. and G. Schroth.  2002.  Concepts and paradigms for the management of ecosystem resources.  In: R. Lieberei, H. Bianchi, V. Boehm, C. Reisdorff (eds.): Neotropical Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 4th SHIFT-Workshop 2000. Hamburg, GKSS, Geesthacht.   68-73. 

Edig, A. van, S. Engel and W. Laube.  2002.  Ghana’s water institutions in the process of reforms: From the international to the local level.  In: Neubert, S., W. Scheumann, and A. van Edig (eds.): Reforming Institutions for Sustainable Water Management. DIE Bonn.  

Edriss, A.-K. and F. Simtowe.  2002.  Technical Efficiency in Groundnut Production in Malawi: An Application of a Frontier Production Function.  UNISWA Journal, : pp. 45-60   .

Frohberg, K. and Hartmann, M.  2002.  Financing Enlargement: The Case of Agriculture and Rural Development.  Intereconomics, 37 (2)   : 71-77   .

Frohberg, K., Wahl, O., Weber, G..  2002.  The impact of EU Accession on the Agricultural Production of Slovenia and Bulgaria.  In: Mergos, G. (eds.): EU enlargement and the cap - a quantitative analysis for Slovenia and Bulgaria, Chapter 8. Kiel.   193-209. 

Frohberg, K.; Hartmann, M.; Weingarten, P. and E. Winter.  2002.  Auswirkungen der EU-Osterweiterung auf die Beitrittsländer - Analyse unter Berücksichtigung bestehender bi- und multilateraler Verpflichtungen.  In: Brockmeier, M., F. Isermeyer, S. von Cramon-Taubadel (eds.): Liberalisierung des Weltagrarhandels – Strategien und Konsequenzen, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues, Vol. 37. Münster-Hiltrup.   183-193. 

Ghoneim, A., von Hagen, J. and S. Wolf..  2002.  EU - North African Trade Relations.  In: World Economic Forum (eds.): Arab World Competitiveness Report 2002 - 2003. New York, Oxford.  

Giesen, N., H. Kunstmann, G. Jung., J. Liebe, M. Andreini and P. Vlek.  2002.  The GLOWA Volta project: Integrated assessment of feedback mechanisms between climate, landuse, and hydrology.  Advances in Global Change Research, Vol. 10: Climatic Change: Implications for the Hydrological Cycle and for Water Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers, : 151-170   .

Gole, T.W. and J.E. Rakotoarisoa.  2002.  Habitat partitioning by two sympatric babbler species in the vicinity of lake Naivasha, Kenya.  Journal of Forestry Research, 13 (2)   .

Gole, T.W., M. Denich, T. Demel and P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Human impacts on Coffea arabica genetic pool in Ethiopia and the need for its in situ conservation.  In: J. Engels, V. Ramanatha Rao, A (eds.): Managing plant genetic diversity.   pp 237-247. 

Hafeez M.M., H. Eggers, N. Van De Giesen and M. Latif.  2002.  Comparison of Discharge Measuring Techniques for Fully Flowing Pipes of Different Diameters.  ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, : 20   .

Hafeez, M.M., H. Eggers, N. Van De Giesen and M. Latif.  2002.  Use of Modified Pitot Tube For Discharge Measurement From Partially Flowing Tuebwells.  ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, USA, : 22   .

Ihne, H..  2002.  Kollektive Identität und der Anspruch auf Recht.  In: H. Linneweber-Lammerskitten and G. Mohr (eds.): Interpretation und Argument. Würzburg.   345-362. 

Iskandarani, M..  2002.  Household strategies to cope with institutionally induced supply constraints – The case of Jordan.  In: Neubert, S., Scheumann, W. van Edig, A. (eds.): Reforming Institutions for Sustainable Water Management. DIE-GDI, Bonn.  

Kone, N., S. Pare, L. Thiombiano and H. Compaore.  2002.  Assessment of shortwave infrared band TM5 for crop and natural vegetation discrimination in the cotton belt of Burkina Faso.  Télédétection, 2002, vol. 2, n° 3, : p. 183-192   .

Korf, B..  2002.  Does PRA make sense in democratic societies?.  PLA Notes, 44   : 65-69   .

Lang, P. and S. Chowdhury.  2002.  Institutional and Welfare Aspects of the Provision and Use of ICTs in Rural Areas of Bangladesh and Peru.  Development Economics and Policy 30, .

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