International Center for Comparative Water and Development Studies (ICCWaDS)

The International Centre for Comparative Water and Development Studies (ICCWaDS) promotes scientific cooperation projects and the exchange of graduate and PhD students as well as researchers from ZEF, the Department of Development Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) and the Irrigation and Water Engineering Group of Wageningen University.

Areas and aims of cooperation

The program aims to:

- establish, support and conduct comparative research on the politics and governance of water resources,
- organize joint meetings of researchers, graduate and PhD students from the three universities in the framework of ongoing research and joint research projects,
- provide a platform for constructive debate on the findings, theories and methodology of (comparative) research on the politics and governance of water,
- provide joint teaching and training on comparative water politics,
- enhance scientific publication on comparative water politics.

Facts & people

Team members: Dr. Saravanan S.V. (ZEF), Prof. Peter P. Mollinga (SOAS), Dr. Flip Wester (Wageningen University)
Project duration: Since 2011
Contact: VS.Saravanan, s.saravanan(at)

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