Cultural and Political Change (CPC)

Ongoing Doctoral Theses

Abrol, S.  Situating the tribal, forests and livelihood connection within the policy framework in India with a special focus on Pradhan Mantri-Van Dhan Yojana.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Adebo, H.W.  Navigating through the Roughness: Ethiopian Migrants’ Lived Experiences and Migration Decision Making in South Africa.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn. 
Al Munajed, D.  Participation of Syrian women in civil society organizations following the Syrian conflict: Investigating participation in Turkey and Lebanon.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Barbosa Pereira, A.  Legal fields under dispute in a mining related conflict: implications of privatizing procedurlization to legal theories and social sciences.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Bassil, V.  Peace Journalism as a Media Development Tool To Advance Peace & Human Rights in Conflict-Affected Societies: Lebanon as a Case Study.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Beukes, A.  Capability and opportunity in 'informal' cities: youth and digital data technologies as a catalysing force.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Castillo Lopez, D.  Food sovereignty and (post) conflict in the rural Colombia: The case of Tenza Valley.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn. 
Chávez-Páez, W.  Social-ecological conflicts snd climate change.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Chinchilla Salcedo, G.M.  Building resilient communities after the conflict in Colombia: memories, identity, and contested narratives.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Bonn.  Download [GIF | 15.18KB]
Cruz Kanter, E.  Dynamics of Ejidal conflicts in the context of Neo Zapatism 1980-2015.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Dakyie, A.A.  Between free movement and citizenship struggles. Mechanisms of transborder citizens in accessing public education and health care in Ghana.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Díaz Parra, K.Y.  Rural Proletariat and Land Grabbing in the North-West Amazonic Deforestation Arch in Colombia.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Forneck, S.  (Re)Creating Home: Climate Variability, Food Security and the Social Construction of Home in Ladakh, India.  Doctoral Thesis at  The Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 
Gella, A.A.  Gender, Gender (in)Equality and Small Scale Family Farming in Ethiopia: Discourses and Practices.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Gonzaga, G.  Decolonizing Disaster Recovery: Ethnographic Insights into the Sama Badjao’s Post-Typhoon Experiences.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Guanti Lasso, M.M.  Rethinking the issue: Primary and Secondary Prevention of HIV and AIDS since the Structural Vulnerability approach, the case of the Panamanian Indigenous groups Ngäbe and Buglé.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Hasan, R.  Impact of Safety Perceptions in Adoption of Technology-Driven Ride-Hailing Services on Pakistani Women.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Innis, P. G.  Riskscapes of Everyday Risks: Urban Challenges, Adaptive Governance and Practices in Monrovia, Liberia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn. 
Kambekova, A.  Indigenous Feminist Resistance to Coloniality of Development Aid in Central Asia.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Kumar, A.  Urban Citizenship: An Ethnographic Study of Everyday Practices, Resistance and Negotiations in the slum communities of Mumbai.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Martin Espinosa, M.A.  Social mobilization in Colombia: advocacy action for the guarantee of the rights of freedom of expression and access to public information. Two cases of National Platforms of Civil Society Organizations - CSOs.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn. 
Mitra, R.  Navigating (Dis)Integration: Experiences of the Rohingya Refugee Community in India.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Mitta, G.M.  Labor Rights, Working Conditions, and Workers’ Power in the Emerging Textile and Apparel Industries in Ethiopia: The Case of Hawassa Industrial.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Mumbi Ndunda, E.  Contribution of Multi-stakeholder initiatives and Collective action in Conflict Management among Pastoral communities in Northern Kenya.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn. 
Naab, F.X.  Changing Youth Aspirations in Agriculture Towards Rural Transformation in the Wa West District, Ghana.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Odamtten, G.  Migration and agriculture: Youth Out-migration from the Tomato Farm Sector in the Bono East Region of Ghana to the Puglia Region of Italy.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Opanga, V.  The Political Ecology and Governance of Informal Urban Greenspaces in Nairobi.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Rasaq, M.  An Assessment of Nigeria's Implementation of ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Rawat, N.  Youth Aspirations, Decision Making and Migration Choices in the Hill Region of Uttarakhand, India.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn. 
Rosales Salgado, M.N.  The Space where we belong; Narratives of space and insecurity in urban Honduras.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn. 
Shagdarsuren, O.  Policy and Practices of Sustainable Development in the Extractive Industries and Education Sectors in Mongolia.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Torres Celi, J.  Exploring beyond the grains: How telecoupling can improve the resilience of cocoa and coffee social-ecological systems in Ecuador.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Ugrekhelidze, K.  Sustainable development for improved livelihoods in Biosphere Reserves in Georgia.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Xiao, G.  Rural Urbanization in China and its Driving Forces: Development Policies, Actornetworks, and Power Relations.  Doctoral Thesis at  University of Bonn. 
Zhang, L.  Labor Migration within China: A Field Study in Xiangfu Township of Southwestern China.  Doctoral thesis at  University of Bonn. 

Published Doctoral Theses


Abdalla, A.  2023.  Transitions towards sustainable agriculture: The case of wheat-based production systems in Egypt.  Doctoral Thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn. 
Ete, M.  2023.  An Ethnographic Study of Local Development Brokers in the Arena of Hydropower Development in Arunachal, India.  Doctoral Thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 
Oginni, O. S.  2023.  Civilian Loyalty and Agency in insecure spaces. A study of armed conflicts in the Lake Chad Basin region.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Pratama, A.B.  2023.  The social interface of smart city development: An empirical study in Magelang City, Indonesia.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 
Thapa, P.  2023.  The lived experiences of childbearing in a basti: Performing pregnancy and relationships in Jaipur, India.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 

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