Cultural and Political Change (CPC)


Abdullayev, I., Kazbekov, J., Manthritilake, H., Jumaboev, K.  2009.  Participatory water management at the main canal: A case from South Ferghana canal in Uzbekistan.  Journal of Agricultural water management, 96 (2)   : 317-329   . Download [PDF]
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Aminova M, Abdullaev I.  2009.  Water Management in a State-Centered Environment: Water Governance Analysis of Uzbekistan.  Sustainability, 1   : 1240-1265   . Download [PDF]
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Further Information
Antons, C.  2009.  Editorial: IP law reform in developing countries after the global financial crisis.  International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law, Vol. 40, No. 8   : 881-882   .
Antons, C.  2009.  Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Intellectual Property Law in the Asia-Pacific Region.  Kluwer Law International. Alphen aan den Rijn.
Antons, C.  2009.  Intellectual Property: Southeast Asian Law.  In: Stanley N. Katz (eds.): The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Oxford University Press.   260-265. 
Antons, C.  2009.  The Philippines.  In: Stanley N. Katz (eds.): The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. Oxford University Press.   318-320. 
Antons, C.  2009.  The International Debate About Traditional Knowledge and Approaches in the Asia Pacific Region.  In: Antons, C (eds.): Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Intellectual Property Law in the Asia-Pacific Region. Kluwer Law International.   39-65. 
Antons, C.  2009.  Malaysia.  In: P. Goldstein and J. Straus (eds.): IP in Asia: Law, Economics, History and Politics. Springer.   167-197. 
Antons, C.  2009.  Indonesia.  In: P. Goldstein and J. Straus (eds.): IP in Asia: Law, Economics, History and Politics. Springer.   225-228. 
Antons, C.  2009.  Foster v Mountford: Cultural confidentiality in a changing Australia.  In: A. Kenyon, M. Richardson and S. Ricketson (eds.): Landmarks in Australian Intellectual Property Law. Cambridge University Press .   110-125. 
Antons, C.  2009.  Traditional knowledge in Asia: global agendas and local subjects.  In: J. Gillespie and R. Peerenboom (eds.): Regulation in Asia: Pushing back against globalization. Routledge.   64-84. 
Antons, C. and R. Antons-Sutanto.  2009.  Traditional Medicine and Intellectual Property Rights: A Case Study of the Indonesian Jamu Industry.  In: Antons, C (eds.): Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Intellectual Property Law in the Asia-Pacific Region. Kluwer Law International.   363-384. 
Chay, Y.W., T. Menkhoff, B. Loh, and H.-D. Evers.  2009.  Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge-Based Organizations: An Empirical Study.  In: Murray E. (eds.): Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory and Transfer Behavior: Global Approaches. Jennex. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.  
Evers, H.-D. & S. Benedikter.  2009.  Hydraulic Bureaucracy in a Modern Hydraulic Society – Strategic Group Formation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Water Alternatives.  Water Alternatives 416 - 439, 2(3)   : 416 - 439   . Further Information
Evers, H.-D. and S. Benedikter.  2009.  Hydraulic Bureaucracy in a Modern Hydraulic Society - Strategic Group Formation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.  Water Alternatives, 2   : 416-439   . Further Information
Evers, H.-D., M. Kaiser, and Ch. Müller.  2009.  Knowledge in Development: Epistemic Machineries in a global Context.  International Social Science Journal , 195   : 55-68   .
Grote, U. and T. Stellmacher.  2009.  Coffee Certification in the International Trade.  Aroma Coffee, 1   : 6-11   .
Kazbekov J., I. Abdullaev , H. Manthrithilake , A. Qureshi, K. Jumaboev.  2009.  Evaluating planning and delivery performance of Water User Associations.  Agricultural Water Management, AGWAT-2782   : AGWAT-2782; No of Pages 9   . Download [PDF]
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Further Information
Mielke, K. and C. Schetter.  2009.  Wiederholt sich die Geschichte? Die legitimatorischen Deutungsmuster der Interventionen in Afghanistan 1979 und 2001. In: Peripherie 116: 448-468.  .
Saravanan.V.S.  2009.  Decentralisation and Water Resources Management in the Indian Himalayas: The Contribution of New Institutional Theories.  Conservation and Society, 7 (3)   : 183-199   . Further Information
Saravanan.V.S., Geoff T McDonald and Peter P Mollinga.  2009.  CRITICAL REVIEW OF IWRM: Moving Beyond Polarised Discourses.  Natural Resource Forum, 33(1)   : 76-86   .
Schetter, C.  2009.  Die politische Rolle Deutschlands aus afghanischer Sicht.  In: T. Mayer (eds.): Deutschland aus internationaler Sicht (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Deutschlandforschung. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.   123-139. 
Schetter, C. and R. Glassner.  2009.  The Changing Face of Warlordism in Afghanistan.  In: Erhard, H.-G, and C. Pentland (eds.): The Afghanistan Challenge. Hard Realities and Strategic Choices . Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.   37-56. 
Schetter, C. and R. Glassner.  2009.  Neither Functioning, nor Failing of the State! Seeing Violence in Afghanistan from Local Perspectives.  In: S. Collmer (eds.): From Fragile State to Functioning State: Pathways to Democratic Transformation in Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, and Afghanistan. Berlin: LIT/Transaction Press.  
Shah, T., M. Ul-Hassan, M. Z. Khattak, P.S. Benerjee, O. P. Singh and S. U. Rehman.  2009.  Is Irrigation Water Free? A Reality Check in the Indo-Gangetic Basin.  World Development, 37 (2)   : 422-434   .
Slootweg, R. and Mollinga, P.P..  2009.  The impact assessment framework.  In: R. Slootweg, A. Rajvanshi, V. B. Mathur and A. Kolhoff (eds.): Biodiversity in environmental assessment. Enhancing ecosystem services for human well-being. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.   87-124. 
Stellmacher, T. and P. Mollinga.  2009.  The institutional spere of coffe forest management in Ethiopia. Local level findings from Koma forest in Kaffa zone.  International Journal of Social Forestry, 2 (1)   : 43-66   .
Tahmasebi,A.  2009.  Indigenous Knowledge for Water Management in Iran’s Dryland - Siraf.  International Journal of Environmental Studies, electronic publication   . Further Information
Veldwisch, G. J.A..  2009.  Authoritarianism, Validity, and Security. Researching water distribution in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  In: C. Wall and P. Mollinga (eds.): Fieldwork in Difficult Environments: Methodology as Boundary Work in Development Research. Berlin/ Vienna, LIT Verlag.   161-181. 
Veldwisch, G.J.A., P.P. Mollinga, D. Zavgorodnyaya and R. Yalcin.  2009.  Politics of Agricultural Water Management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  In: C. Martius; I. Rudenko; J.P.A. Lamers and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Cotton, water, salts and soums - a pilot project on economic and ecological restructuring of land- and water use in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.   Further Information
Wilde, A.  2009.  Continuity and Hiatus. Structural Patterns of Iran's Afghanistan Policy.  Internationales Asienforum, 40 (1-2)   : 11-38   . Further Information
Wilde, A.  2009.  Akram Usman - Kurzgeschichten.  In: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (eds.): Kindlers Literaturlexikon, Neue Auflage 2009.  
Wilde, A.  2009.  Rahnavard Zaryāb - Kurzgeschichten.  In: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (eds.): Kindlers Literaturlexikon, Neue Auflage 2009.  
Wilde, A.  2009.  Asadullah Ḥabīb - Sapīd Andām.  In: Heinz Ludwig Arnold (eds.): Kindlers Literaturlexikon, Neue Auflage 2009.  
Youkhana, E. and Laube, W..  2009.  Virtual water trade: a realistic policy option for the countries of the Volta Basin in West Africa?.  Water Policy, 11 (5)   : 569-581   . Download [PDF]
Further Information


Abdullayev, I., A. M. Manschadi, L. Oberkircher, J. Ataev and F. Nurmetova.  2008.  Conceptualizing Water Research in Central Asia.  The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3   : in press   .
Abdullayev, I., Usman Shah.  2008.  Gemeinschaftliche Nutzung von Bewässerungssystemen im Norden Afghanistans. Wasser und nachhaltige Entwicklung.  Südasien, 28 Jahrgang, # 2/2008   : 66-69 pp   . Download [DOC]
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Abdullayev. I, Nurmetova. F, Abdullaeva. F, Lamers. J.  2008.  Socio- technical aspects of water management in Uzbekistan: emerging water governance issues at the grass root level.  In: In Rahaman, M. & Varis, O (eds.): Central Asian Water. Water & Development Publications . Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland.   42-48.  Download [PDF | 211.86KB]
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Further Information
Antons, C.  2008.  The recognition and protection of well-known trade marks in Indonesia.  Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 3, No. 3   : 185-193   .
Antons, C.  2008.  National Bans for You Tube: The Debate in Thailand in comparison with India, Turkey and Germany.  Computer Law Review International, No. 1   : 1-6   .

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