Cultural and Political Change (CPC)


Abdullayev, I., A. M. Manschadi, L. Oberkircher, J. Ataev and F. Nurmetova.  2008.  Conceptualizing Water Research in Central Asia.  The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3   : in press   .
Abdullayev, I., Usman Shah.  2008.  Gemeinschaftliche Nutzung von Bewässerungssystemen im Norden Afghanistans. Wasser und nachhaltige Entwicklung.  Südasien, 28 Jahrgang, # 2/2008   : 66-69 pp   . Download [DOC]
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Abdullayev. I, Nurmetova. F, Abdullaeva. F, Lamers. J.  2008.  Socio- technical aspects of water management in Uzbekistan: emerging water governance issues at the grass root level.  In: In Rahaman, M. & Varis, O (eds.): Central Asian Water. Water & Development Publications . Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland.   42-48.  Download [PDF | 211.86KB]
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Further Information
Antons, C.  2008.  The recognition and protection of well-known trade marks in Indonesia.  Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 3, No. 3   : 185-193   .
Antons, C.  2008.  National Bans for You Tube: The Debate in Thailand in comparison with India, Turkey and Germany.  Computer Law Review International, No. 1   : 1-6   .
Antons, C.  2008.  Traditional Cultural Expressions and Their Significance for Development in a Digital Environment: Examples from Australia and Southeast Asia.  In: C.B. Graber and M. Burri-Nenova (eds.): Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment. Edward Elgar .   287-301. 
Antons, C.  2008.  Copyright Law Reform and the Information Society in Indonesia.  In: B. Fitzgerald, Fuping Gao, D. O’Brien and Sampsung Xiaoxiang Shi (eds.): Copyright Law, Digital Content and the Internet in the Asia-Pacific. Sydney University Press .   235-255. 
Eguavoen, I.  2008.  Knowledge resources (yet) untapped. The challenge of finding one's place in an interdisciplinary water research project on the Volta River basin, West Africa.  In: Mollinga, P., C. Wall (eds.): Fieldwork in difficult environments. Methodology as boundary work in development research. Lit.   111-135. 
Eguavoen, I.  2008.  The Political Ecology of Household Water in Northern Ghana.  Lit. Münster. Review
Ehlers, E..  2008.  Das Anthropozän. Die Erde im Zeitalter des Menschen.  Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (WBG).
Evers, H.-D.  2008.  The Knowledge Gap and the Digital Divide.  In: Menkhoff, T., H.-D. Evers and Y. W. Chay (eds.): Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia. World Scientific, Singapore.   71-78. 
Evers, H.-D.  2008.  Transition towards a Knowledge Society: Malaysia and Indonesia in Global Perspective.  In: Menkhoff, T., H.-D. Evers and Y. W. Chay (eds.): Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia. World Scientific, Singapore.   91-110. 
Evers, H.-D.  2008.  ‘Knowledge' and the Sociology of Science.  In: Menkhoff, T., H.-D. Evers and Y. W. Chay (eds.): Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia. World Scientific, Singapore.   61-70. 
Evers, H.-D. and S. Gerke.  2008.  Studying Diasporas.  In: Sultana, N. (eds.): The Bangladeshi Diaspora in Malaysia. Organizational Structure, Survival Strategies and Networks. LIT Verlag, Münster.   10-13. 
Evers, H.-D. and S. Gerke.  2008.  The Strategic Importance of the Straits of Malacca for World Trade and Development.  In: S. Gerke, H.-D. Evers and A.-K. Hornidge (eds.): The Straits of Malacca: Knowledge and Diversity. . ZEF Development Studies Vol. 8, Berlin, London, Penang: LIT Verlag/Straits G.T..   7-22. 
Evers, H.-D. and T. Menkhoff.  2008.  Strategic Groups in a Knowledge Society: Knowledge Elites as Drivers of Biotechnological Development in Singapore.  In: Gerke, S., H.-D. Evers and A.-K. Hornidge (eds.): The Straits of Malacca: Knowledge and Diversity. ZEF Development Studies Vol. 8. LIT, Münster.   85-98. 
Gerke, S.  2008.  Introduction to a Dynamic Region: The Straits of Malacca.  In: Gerke, S, H.-D. Evers and A.-K. Hornidge (eds.): The Straits of Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity. LIT, Hamburg.   1-5. 
Gerke, S. and H.-D. Evers.  2008.  The Strategic Importance of the Straits of Malacca.  In: Gerke, S, H.-D. Evers and A.-K. Hornidge (eds.): The Straits of Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity. LIT, Hamburg.   7-21. 
Gerke, S. and S. Meinert.  2008.  Cultural Diversity at the Straits of Malacca: A Study of Associations of Georgetown, Penang.  In: Evers, H.-D. and A.-K. Hornidge (eds.): The Straits of Malacca. Knowledge and Diversity. LIT, Hamburg.   153-203. 
Gerke, S., H.-D. Evers and A.-K. Hornidge.  2008.  The Straits of Malacca: Knowledge and Diversity.  LIT Verlag/Straits G.T.. Berlin, London, Penang.
Gerke, S., H.-D. Evers, A.-K. Hornidge (eds.).  2008.  The Straits of Malacca - Knowledge and Diversity.  LIT / Straits G.T.. Berlin, London, Penang. Further Information
Hernandez, V., Bonilla, H., Nupia, C..  2008.  International Cooperation Sources on Science and Technology.  In: Hernandez, V., Bonilla, H., Nupia, C. (eds.): The International Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombian Higher Education. COLCIENCIAS - ASCUN.   399 - 424.  Further Information
Kaasch, A., L. Kohlmorgen and K. M. Islam.  2008.  Multi-Level Governance in Global Health.  In: A. Brunnengräber, H. Burchardt and Ch. Grög (eds.): Multi-Level-Governance in der transnationalen Politik. Nomos, Baden-Baden.  
Lautze, J., Barry, B. Youkhana, E..  2008.  Changing paradigms in Volta Basin Water Management: Customary, National and Trans-boundary.  Water Policy, 10 (6)   : 577–594   .
Menkhoff, T., Eng Fong Pang and H.-D. Evers.  2008.  The Power of Knowing - Studies of Chinese Business in Asia. Special issue, Journal of Asian Business. Vol. 22 and Vol. 23.  University of Michigan .
Menkhoff, T., Evers, H.-D. et al..  2008.  Governing and Managing Knowledge in Asia.  Singapore and London, World Scientific Publishing.
Molle, F., P.P. Mollinga and R. Merinzen-Dick..  2008.  Water, Politics and Development: Introducing Water Alternatives.  Water Alternatives, 1 (1)   : 1-6   .
Mollinga, P.P.  2008.  Water, politics and development: Framing a political sociology of water resources managemen.  Water Alternatives, 1 (1)   : 24-47   .
Saravanan.V.S.  2008.  ‘Top-Down or Bottom-Up? Negotiating Water Management at the Local Level in South Asia’.  In: K. Lahiri and R. Wasson (eds.): Water First. Issues and Challenges for Nations and Communities in South Asia. Sage Publication, London, UK.   224-243. 
Saravanan.V.S..  2008.  . A systems approach to unravel complex water management institutions.  Ecological Complexity, 5 (3)   : 202-215   .
Saravanan.V.S..  2008.  Idealistic Images of Watershed Development- Constructive Engagement with Critiques on the Common Guidelines.  E Social Sciences, . Further Information
Schetter, C.  2008.  Nationalism in Afghanistan.  In: David Kaplan & Guntram Herb (eds.): Nations and Nationalism. A Global Historical Overview, Volume 4: 1989-Present. Santa-Barbara: ABC-CLIO.   1683-1695. 
Schetter, C.  2008.  Talibanistan oder das Ende der staatlichen Ordnung.  Wissenschaft und Frieden, 3   : 22-25   . Further Information
Schetter, C. and K. Mielke.  2008.  Staatlichkeit und Intervention in Afghanistan.  Friedenswarte, 83 (1)   : 71-96   .
Seibel, H. D.  2008.  Islamic Microfinance in Indonesia: The Challenge of Institutional Diversity, Regulation and Supervision.  SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia (Singapore), 23/1   : 86-103   .
Seibel, H. D.  2008.  Self-reliance vs. Donor Dependence: Linkages between Banks and Microfinance Institutions in Mali.  In: Pagura, M (eds.): Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances. Practical Action Publishing, Bourton on Dunsmore, UK.   chapter 9. 
Seibel, H. D.  2008.  Changing Patterns of Risk Management by Self-help Organizations of Savings and Credit: The Nigerian Experience.  Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen, : Sonderheft Risikomanagement durch genossenschaftliche Selbsthilfe in Entwicklungsländern   .
Stellmacher, T.  2008.  Zertifizierung als Instrument zum Schutz von Biodiversität?.  ZEF News No. 20. Special Issue on Biodiversity and Change, ZEF, Bonn, .
Sultana, Nayeem and Solvay Gerke.  2008.  Inter-ethnic Marital Practice of Bangladeshi Diaspora-An Example of Diaspora Adaptation at This Age of Globalization.  Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 2 (1)   : 57-81   .
Wall C.R.L and P.P. Mollinga.  2008.  Fieldwork in Difficult Environments, Methodology as Boundary Work in Development Research.  ZEF Development Studies Series, Lit Verlag.

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