Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Bar, S., Acharya, P., Parida, B.R., Sannigrahie, S., Maiti, A., Barik, G., Kumar, N..  2024.  Investigation of fire regime dynamics and modeling of burn area over India for the twenty-first century..  Environ Sci Pollut Res., . Further Information
Berrezel, Y.A., Abdelbaki, C., Rouissat, B., Boumaaza, T., Saber, M., Goosen, M., Kumar, N..  2024.  Automated GIS-based decision tool for rehabilitation of a drinking water infrastructure in Tlemcen, Algeria..  Applied Water Science, 14, 124   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Dwivedi, C.S., Dishant, Parida, B.R., Pandey, A.C., Kumar, R., Kumar, N..  2024.  Geoinformatics-Based Mapping of Environmental Sensitive Areas for Desertification over Satara and Sangli Districts of Maharashtra, India..  GeoHazards, , 5(2)   : 415-440   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Fashagba TS, Bessedik M, ElSayed NB, Abdelbaki C, Kumar N..  2024.  Evaluating the Water Quality of the Keddara Dam (Algeria) Using Water Quality Indices..  Water, 16(9):1291   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Felappi, J.F., J.H. Sommer, T.Falkenberg, W. Terlau & T. Kötter.  2024.  Urban park qualities driving visitors mental well-being and wildlife conservation in a Neotropical megacity.  Scientific Reports, 14   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Hoa Do; Whitney, C. ; Nguyen La; Storm, H. ; Luedeling, E..  2024.  Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems: narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development , 17 (44)   : S. 44   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 2.48MB]
Further Information
Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, C. Whitney, and L. Biber-Freudenberger.  2024.  Stakeholder engagement in agro-climate service planning.  Climate Services , 33(100432)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Luu, T. T. G., E. Luedeling, L. Biber-Freudenberger, and C. Whitney.  2024.  How to bridge the last mile in agro-climate service adoption? The importance of farmers’ needs, attitudes and interpersonal relations in understanding impact pathways.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Matias, D.M.S.  2024.  Transdisciplinarity, tempocoupling, and the role of culture in zoonosis research.  Global Sustainability, e10   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mehmood, K., Tischbein, B., Mahmood, R., Borgemeister, C., Flörke, M. & A. Fazlullah.  2024.  Analysing and evaluating environmental flows through hydrological methods in the regulated Indus River Basin.  Ecohydrology, e2624,2024   . Further Information
Nnaemeka Ogbu, K., O. Rakovec, L. Samaniego, G. Chinwendu Okafor, B. Tischbein, and H. Meresa.  2024.  Evaluating the skill of the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) for discharge simulation in sparsely-gauged basins in Nigeria.  Proc. IAHS, 385   : 211-218   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Okafor, G.C. , K. N. Ogbu, J. Agyekum, A. Manoba Limantol & I.Larbi.  2024.  Rainfall projections under different climate scenarios over the Kaduna River Basin, Nigeria..  Discover Environment, 2 (89)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Oluoch, W.A., C. Borgemeister, J. De Deus Vidal Junior, T. Fremout, H. Gaisberger, C.Whitney, and C.B. Schmitt.  2024.  Predicted changes in distribution and richness of wild edible plants under climate change scenarios in northwestern Kenya.  Regional Environmental Change, 24(11)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Peter, S., S. Niess, B. Batjav, N. Dejid, L. Drees, Y. Jäschke, U. Kasymov, S. Damindorj, K. Dorjoo, G. Gonchigsumlaa, D.M.S. Matias, T. Müller, and M. Mehring.  2024.  The role of traditional ecological knowledge, given the transformation of pastoralism in Central and Eastern Mongolia.  Ambio,   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Reddy, A.; Sarkar, A.; Rani, C.R.; Das, A.; Reddy, C. P. & Sneha, A..  2024.  Mapping Welfare and Development Schemes to SDGs at Village Level in India.  SAARC Journal of Social Science, 2(1)   : 27-59   . Download [PDF]
Further Information
Sadame, M.K., Bouanani, A., Kumar, N., Tischbein, B., Borgemeister, C..  2024.  Comparison of Different Machine-Learning Algorithms for Land Use Land Cover Mapping in a Heterogenous Landscape Over the Eastern Nile River Basin, Ethiopia..  Advances in Space Research, 5 (74)   : 2180-2199   . Further Information
Sarkar, A., Bandyopadhyay, N. Singh, S. & Sachan, R..  2024.  Risk, Uncertainty and Maladaptation to Climate Change Policy, Practice and Case Studies.  Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Switzerland. Further Information
Sarkar, A.; Singh, S.; & Sachan, R..  2024.  Contextualizing ‘Risk’, ‘Uncertainty’ and ‘Maladaptation’ in the context of Climate Change.  In: Sarkar, A.; Bandyopadhyay, N.; Singh, S.; Sachan, R. (eds.): Addressing Risk, Uncertainty and Maladaptation to Climate change: Policy, Practice, and Case Studies. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.   (Open Acess)  Further Information
Tiar SM, Bessedik M, Abdelbaki C, ElSayed NB, Badraoui A, Slimani A, Kumar N..  2024.  Steady-State and Dynamic Simulation for Wastewater Treatment Plant Management: Case Study of Maghnia City, North-West Algeria..  Water, 16(2):269   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Van Der Wiel, B.Z., L. Caspersen, C. Whitney, C. Van Middelaar, J. Weijma, and F. Wichern.  2024.  Participatory modelling of scenarios to restore nitrogen cycles in a nutrient-saturated area.  Science of The Total Environment, : 170335   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Abera W, Tamene L, Mekonnen, D, Carmona NE, Elias M, Joshi D, Aynekulu E.  2023.  Assessing the application of gender perspectives in land restoration studies in Ethiopia using text mining.  Environmental Development, 46   : 100854   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Adan, M., Tonnang, H.E.Z., Greve, K., Borgemeister, C. & G. Goergen.  2023.  Use of time series normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to monitor fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) damage on maize production systems in Africa.  Geocarto International, 38 (1)   : 2186492   . Further Information
Adhikari, N.P., Shakya, P.R. , Shrestha, S., Prajapati, S..  2023.  A Comparative Study of Energy, Emissions, and Economic Efficiency of Various Cookstoves in Nepal.  In: Vadrevu, K.P., Ohara, T., Justice, C. (eds.): Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia. Springer.   20.  Further Information
Aidoo, O.F., Osei-Owusu, J., Yong Chia, S., Dofuor, A.K., Antwi-Agyakwa, A.K., Okyere, H., Gyan, M., Edusei, G., Ninsin, K.D., Duker, R.Q., Siddiqui, S.A. & C. Borgemeister.  2023.  Remediation of pesticide residues using ozone: A comprehensive overview.  Science of The Total Environment, Volume 894, 10 October 2023, 164933   : 164933   . Further Information
Aidoo, O.F., Souza, P.G.C., Silva, R.S., Júnior, P.A.S., Picanço, M.C., Heve, .W.K., Duker, R.Q., Ablormeti, R.K, Sétamou, M. & C. Borgemeister.  2023.  Modeling climate change impacts on potential global distribution of Tamarixia radiata Waterston (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).  Science of The Total Environment, 864   : 160962   . Further Information
Akhtar, F, AH Azizi, U Shah, C Borgemeister, B Tischbein, UK Awan.  2023.  The Application of Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management in Data-Scarce Watersheds in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region: A Case of Kabul River Basin.  In: Edited By Bikash Ranjan Parida, Arvind Chandra Pandey, Mukunda Dev Behera, Navneet Kumar (eds.): Handbook of Himalayan Ecosystems and Sustainability, Volume 2 . Taylor & Francis.   205-222.  Further Information
Akhtar, F., Shah, U.  2023.  The Spectre of Climate Change-Induced Migration in Afghanistan.  In: Amit Ranjan; Rajesh Kharat; Pallavi Deka (eds.): Environment, Climate Change and Migration in South Asia . Taylor & Francis.   18.  Further Information
Amani K, Coulibaly RLK, Tondoh JE, Ouattara ZA, Sor S, Minhibo YM, Kouakou CK , Aynekulu E, Kouamé C..  2023.  Weather-informed recommendations for pests and diseases management in the cashew production zone of Côte d'Ivoire.  Sustainability, 2023, 15(15)   : 11877   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Aschenbrand, E., U. Gräbener, P.L. Ibisch, V. Luthardt, D.M.S. Matias, and L-M. Mutschler.  2023.  Science and Research In, For, and With Unesco Biosphere Reserves.  Biosphere Reserves Institute. (Open Acess) Further Information
Atis Ortega, K. L., & Lara-Rodríguez, N. E..  2023.  Percepciones de identificación cultural y discriminación en población migrante: Caso: venezolanos en Colombia.  Revista Controversia, 220   : 211-248   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Aung, M. T. T., Dürr, C. Borgemeister, J. Börner.  2023.  Factors affecting consumption of edible insects as food: entomophagy in Myanmar.  Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, online   : 1-20   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Becker, M., Clavero, R., Maung, Z.N., Khin, O.M., Kong, S., Men, P., Regalado, M.J.C., Ro, S., Win, K.K., Pariyar, S..  2023.  Pathways and determinants of changing nutrient management in lowland rice-based systems of Southeast Asia.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Beg, M.K.; Kumar, N.; Srivastava, S.K.; Carranza, E.J.M..  2023.  Interpretation of Fluoride Groundwater Contamination in Tamnar Area, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India.  Earth, 4   : 626-654   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Benzenine, F., Allal, M.A., Abdelbaki, C., Kumar, N., Goosen, M., Gathenya, J.M..  2023.  Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study from Bensekrane in Algeria.  Sustainability, 15(3)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Betancur-Corredor, B., Kamau, J.W., Perez-Jimenez, J.S., Loaiza-Usuga, J.C., Cardona-Gallo, S.A., Denich, M. & C. Borgemeister.  2023.  Small-scale spatial variability of Technosol properties in a chronosequence of reclamation of dredged-sediment landfills.  Land Degradation & Development, 34 (12)   : 3712-3727   . Further Information
Betancur-Corredor, B., Wanjiku Kamau, J., Perez-Jimenez, J., Loaiza Usuga, J., Cardona-Gallo, S., Denich, M., Borgemeister, C..  2023.  Small-scale spatial variability of Technosol properties in a chronosequence of reclamation of dredged sediment landfills.  Land Degradation and Development. , : 1-16   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Chineme, A., Shumo, M., Assefa, G., Herremans, I., & Wylant, B..  2023.  Simple is Better When Appropriate: An Innovative Accessible Approach to Biowaste Treatment Using Wild Black Soldier Fly..  Solid Waste Management - Recent Advances, New Trends and Applications [Working Title].   (Open Acess)  Further Information
Dwivedi C.S., Pampattiwar S.T., Pandey A.C., Parida B.R., Mitra D., Kumar, N..  2023.  Characterization of the Coastal Vulnerability in Different Geological Settings: A Comparative Study on Kerala and Tamil Nadu Coasts Using FuzzyAHP.  Sustainability, 15   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Getaneh Z A, Demissew S, Woldu Z, Aynekulu E..  2023.  Carbon stocks of Geramo forest, the western escarpment of the rift valley of Ethiopia.  South African Journal of Botany, 163   : 609–619   . Further Information
Getaneh Z A, Demissew S, Woldu Z, Aynekulu E..  2023.  Predicting the potential geographical distribution of Osyris quadripartita Decn. (Santalaceae) in Ethiopia under climate change scenarios.  Braz. J. Bot, 46   : 1129–1140   . Further Information

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