Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


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Mussgnug F., M. Becker, T.T. Son, R.J. Buresh and P.L.G. Vlek.  2006.  Yield gaps and nutrient balances in intensive, rice-based cropping systems on degraded soils in the Red River Delta of Vietnam.  Field Crops Research, Volume 98, Issues 2-3   : 127-140   .
Oguntunde, P., J.Friesen, N.van de Giesen and H.H.G.Savenije.  2006.  Hydroclimatology of the Volta River Basin in West Africa: Trends and Variability from 1901 to 2002.  Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31   : 1180-1188   .
Oguntunde, P., N. van de Giesen and H.H.G. Savenije.  2006.  Measurement and modelling of transpiration of a rain-fed citrus orchard under subhumid tropical conditions.  Agricultural Water Management, 87   : 200-208   .
Poolman, M. and N.C. van de Giesen.  2006.  Participation: rhetoric and reality. The importance of understanding stakeholders based on a case study in Upper East Ghana.  International Journal of Water Resources Development, 22(4)   : 561-573   .
Roembke, J., H. Höfer, M. Garcia and C. Martius.  2006.  Feeding rates of soil organisms at four different forest sites in Central Amazonia.  Journal of Tropical Ecology, 22   : 313-320   .
Schawe, M., G. Gerold, K. Bach and S. R. Gradstein.  2006.  Hydrometeorological patterns in relation to forest structure and plant species diversity along an elevational gradient in a montane cloud forest in the Yungas, Bolivia.  In: Bruijnzeel, S., J. Juvik and L. Hamilton (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on tropical montane cloud forests. Waimea, Hawaii, USA.  
Scheer, C., N. Ibragimov, K. Kienzler and J. Lamers.  2006.  Nitrogen Gas emission in cotton fields.  Agriculture in Uzbekistan, No 6, 14 (in Russian) .  
Scheer, C., N. Ibragimov, K. Kienzler and J.P.A. Lamers.  2006.  Nitrous Oxide Emission from Cotton Fields.  Agriculture in Uzbekistan, 6   : 14-15   .
Schmitt CB.  2006.  Schutz und Nutzung der biologischen Vielfalt von Bergregenwald mit wildem Kaffee (Coffea arabica L.) in der Bonga-Region Südwest-Äthiopiens.  In: Korn, H. and U. Feit (eds.): Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt VI, BfN-Skripten. Bundesamt für Naturschutz: Bonn.   121-126. 
Schmitt CB, Senbeta F, Denich M, Preisinger H & Böhmer HJ.  2006.  Impact of traditional coffee management on the biodiversity of natural coffee forests in Bonga region (SW Ethiopia).  In: Society for Tropical Ecology (eds.): 19th Annual Conference “Connecting microbes, plants, animals and human impact”, book of abstracts. University of Kaiserslautern: Kaiserslautern.   221. 
Schmitt CB, Senbeta F, Denich M, Preisinger H & Böhmer HJ.  2006.  Impact of wild coffee management on plant diversity in montane rainforest of the Bonga region (SW Ethiopia).  In: National Biodiversity Data Bank (eds.): Biodiversity in inhabited areas of Eastern Africa, abstracts and programme. Makerere University und University of Dar es Salaam: Makerere, 43-44.  
Scott, R.A., J. Weil, P.T. Le, P. Williams, R.G. Fray, S.B. von Bodman, and M.A. Savka.  2006.  Long- and short-chain plant-produced bacterial N-acyl-homoserine lactones become components of phyllosphere, rhizosphere, and soil.  Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 19 (3)   : 227-239   .
Senbeta, F.  2006.  Problems of Environmental Degradation: Implications on Rural Development in Ethiopia.  In: Kasshun Berhanu & Demessie Fantaye (eds.): Ethiopia-Rural Development Policies: Trends, Changes and continuities.   255-269. 
Somado, E.A., K. L. Sahrawat, R. F. Kühne.  2006.  Rock phosphate-P enhances biomass and nitrogen accumulation by legumes in upland crop production systems in humid West Africa.  Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43   : 124-130   .
Tamene, L., S. Park, R. Dikau and P. Vlek.  2006.  Reservoir sedimentation assessment in the semi-arid highlands of northern Ethiopia: rate of sediment yield -catchment area relationship and a semi-quantitative approach for predicting sediment yield.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI.10.1002/esp.1   .
Tamene, L., S.J. Park, R. Dikau, and P.L.G. Vlek.  2006.  Reservoir siltation in the semi-arid highlands of northern Ethiopia: sediment yield-catchment area relationship and a semi-quantitive approach for predicting sediment yield.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31   : 1364 – 1383   .
Taylor, J., N. van de Giesen and T.S. Steenhuis.  2006.  West Africa: Volta discharge data quality assessment and use.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 42(4)   : 1113-1126   .
Tupitsa, A.  2006.  Spatio and temporal dynamics of flood-plain (tugai) forest in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Agriculture in Uzbekistan (in Russian), 8   : 15-16   .
Tupitsa, A., J.P.A. Lamers, M. Worbes and Ch. Martius.  2006.  The functional assessment of tree windbreaks in Khorezm, Uzbekistan, Aral Sea Basin.  Book of Abstracts. Tropentag. Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, Bonn, : 28-29   . Further Information
van de Giesen, N., T. Berger, M. Iskandarani, S. Park and P. Vlek.  2006.  Integrative Water Research: GLOWA Volta.  In: E. Ehlers, T. Krafft (eds.): Earth System Science in the Anthropocen. Springer Verlag-Heidelberg.   169. 
Wagner, S., H. Kunstmann, and A. Bárdossy.  2006.  Model based distributed water balance monitoring of the White Volta catchment in West Africa through coupled meteorological- hydrological simulations.  Advances in Geosciences, 9   : 39-44   .


Amisigo, B. A. and N. C. van de Giesen.  2005.  Using a spatio-temporal dynamic state-space model with the EM algorithm to patch gaps in daily riverflow series.  Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, : 209-224   .
Asch, F., M. Becker and D.S. Kpongor.  2005.  A quick and efficient screen for resistance to iron toxicity in lowland rice.  Journal of Plant nutrition and Soil Science, 168   : 764-773   .
Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  Land cover change trajectories in Northern Ghana.  Environmental Management, 36 (3)   : 356-373   .
Braimoh, A.K., A. Stein and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  Identification and Mapping of Associations among Soil Variables.  Soil Science, 170(2)   : 137-148   .
Burkhardt J., T. Kufa, D. Abebe, A. Beining, M. Fetene and H.E. Goldbach.  2005.  Diversity of water relations and hydraulic conditions in wild Coffea arabica populations of Ethiopia.  In: C.J. Li et al. (eds.): Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing.   546-547. 
Capote-Fuentes, R.T. and R.R. Lewis.  2005.  Resilience and restoration of mangroves in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean region.  In: Fernández, L. and D.M. Moura (eds.): Wetlands in Iberoamerica. Study and management. Iberoamerican Network for Wetlands XVII.C, CYTED.   pp. 346-355. 
Codjoe, S.N.A.  2005.  Impact of Population growth on agricultural Land use in the Volta River Basin of Ghana.  Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association, 24   : 51-68   .
Ferro, H. and R.T. Capote-Fuentes.  2005.  What is the cost of restoring mangroves in Bajos de Santa Ana, Havana, Cuba?.  In: Fernández, L. and D.M. Moura (eds.): Wetlands in Iberoamerica. Study and management. Iberoamerican Network for Wetlands XVII.C, CYTED.   pp. 255-262. 
Ferro, H., R.T. Capote-Fuentes et al.  2005.  Functions of mangroves in the Sibarimar Inlet and their economic valuation for the sector Laguna del Cobre-Itabo, Cuba.  In: Fernández, L. and D.M. Moura (eds.): Wetlands in Iberoamerica. Study and management. Iberoamerican Network for Wetlands XVII.C, CYTED.   pp. 238-254. 
Gehring, C., M. Denich, L.A.G. de Souza and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  Biological nitrogen fixation in secondary regrowth and primary forests of Central Amazonia.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 111 (1-4)   : 237-252   .
Gehring,C., M.Denich, and P.Vlek.  2005.  Resilience of 2ndary forest regrowth after slash-and-burn agriculture in central Amazonia.  Journal of Tropical Ecology, 21   : 1-9   .
Gehring,C., P.Vlek, L.A.G. de Souza, and M.Denich.  2005.  Biological Nitrogen fixation in secondary and primary forests of central Amazonia.  Ecosystems and Environment, 111   : 237 – 252   .
Hafeez, M. and Y. Chemin.  2005.  Evapotranspiration Estimation Using TERRA/ASTER Sensor: A Case Study in District 1 of UPRIIS, Central Luzon, Philippines.  Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (CJRS), : 11   .
Hendrickx, J.M.H., J.B.J. Harrison, R.L.v. Dam, B. Borchers, D.I. Norman, C.D. Dedzoe, B.O. Antwi, R.D. Asiamah, C. Rodgers, P. Vlek and J. Friesen.  2005.  Magnetic soil properties in Ghana.  Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 5794   : 165-176   .
Hillel, D. and P. Vlek.  2005.  The sustainability of irrigation..  Advances in Agronomy, 87   : 55-84   .
Jaensch, S., M. Garcia and J. Roembke.  2005.  Acute and chronic isopod testing using tropical Porcellionides pruinosus and three model pesticides.  European Journal of Soil Biology, 41   : 143-152   .
Khamzina, A., E. Kann, D. Djumaeva, M. Matkarimova and J.P.A. Lamers.  2005.  Agrolesovodstvo v Khorezme: Integratsiya azotofiksiruyutsih drevesnih porod (in Russian).  Agriculture in Uzbekistan, : 34-35   .
Khamzina, A., Lamers, J.P.A., Wickel, A.J., Djumaniyazova, Y., Martius, C.  2005.  Evaluation of young and adult tree plantations for biodrainage management in the lower Amu Darya river region, Uzbekistan.  , ICID 21ts European Regional Conference. 15-19 May 2005, Frankfurt a. Oder, Germany and Slubice, Poland, . (Open Access)   Further Information

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