Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Hillel, D. and P. Vlek.  2005.  The sustainability of irrigation..  Advances in Agronomy, 87   : 55-84   .
Jaensch, S., M. Garcia and J. Roembke.  2005.  Acute and chronic isopod testing using tropical Porcellionides pruinosus and three model pesticides.  European Journal of Soil Biology, 41   : 143-152   .
Khamzina, A., E. Kann, D. Djumaeva, M. Matkarimova and J.P.A. Lamers.  2005.  Agrolesovodstvo v Khorezme: Integratsiya azotofiksiruyutsih drevesnih porod (in Russian).  Agriculture in Uzbekistan, : 34-35   .
Khamzina, A., Lamers, J.P.A., Wickel, A.J., Djumaniyazova, Y., Martius, C.  2005.  Evaluation of young and adult tree plantations for biodrainage management in the lower Amu Darya river region, Uzbekistan.  , ICID 21ts European Regional Conference. 15-19 May 2005, Frankfurt a. Oder, Germany and Slubice, Poland, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kunstmann, H.  2005.  Upscaling of land surface parameters through direct moment propagation.  Advances in Geosciences, 5   : 127-131   .
Kunstmann, H. and G. Jung.  2005.  Impact of regional climate change on water availability in the Volta Basin of West Africa.  IAHS publication 295: Regional Hydrological impacts of Climatic Variability and Change – Impact Assessment and Decision making, : 75-85   .
Le, P.T., M. Denich, P. L. G. Vlek, and V. Balasubramanian.  2005.  Suppressing weeds in direct-seeded lowland rice: effects of methods and rates of seeding.  Agronomy and Crop Science, 191 (3)   : 185-194   .
Li, Z., M. Denich and T. Borsch.  2005.  Growth behavior of Phylloschys nigra varhenonis (Bambusoideae) in Central China.  J. For. Res, 16   : 163-168   .
Liebe, J., N. van de Giesen and M. Andreini.  2005.  Estimation of Small Reservoir Storage Capacities in a semi-arid environment. A case study in the Upper East Region of Ghana.  Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 30   : 448–454   .
Martin,N. and N.C. van de Giesen.  2005.  Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Production and Development Potential in the Volta River basin of Ghana and Burkina Faso.  Water International, 30(2)   : 239-249   .
Mata, L.J., and N. van de Giesen.  2005.  Persistence in Precipitation Time Series From the ECHAM4 General Circulation Model for Historical and Future Time Slices.  Special Issue of Climatic Change, .
Mitra S, Aulakh MS, Wassmann R. and Olk DC.  2005.  Triggering of methane production in rice soils by root exudates: Effects of soil properties and crop management.  Soil Science Society of America Journal, 69   : 563-570   .
Mitra S., R. Wassmann and P. Vlek.  2005.  An appraisal of the global wetlands area and its organic carbon stock.  Current Science, 88 (1)   : 25-35   .
Mitra, S., R. Wassmann and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  An appraisal of global wetland and its organic carbon stock.  Current Science, 88 (1)   : 25-35   .
Oguntunde, P.G. and N. van de Giesen.  2005.  Water flux measurement and prediction in young cashew trees using sap flow data.  Hydrological processes, 19   : 3235-3248   .
Pasternak D., Nikiema A., Fatondji D., Ndjeunga J., Koala S., Dan Goma A. and Abasse T.  2005.  The Sahelian Eco-Farm.  In: Innocent Butare, Jean Sibiri Zoundi, Alassane Diallo (eds.): Les leçons tirées des expériences de lutte contre la désertification au Sahel Actes des travaux de l’atelier sous régional d’échange et de réflexion organisé par le Centre de Recherche pour le Développement International (CRDI) 12 – 16 Juillet, Saley Port. Centre de recherche pour le development intenational.   130 - 140. 
Ryan, J., P. Vlek and R. Paroda.  2005.  Agriculture in Central Asia: Research for Development.  ICARDA and ZEF.
Schmitt CB, Senbeta F, Denich M, Preisinger H, Woldemariam T & Demissew S.  2005.  Sustainable management of the montane rainforests with wild coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in the Bonga region of Southwest Ethiopia.  In: Tielkes, E., C. Hülsebusch, I. Häuser, A. Deininger and K. Becker (eds.): The Global Food & Product Chain - Dynamics, Innovations, Conflicts, Strategies, book of abstracts Tropentag 2005. University of Hohenheim: Stuttgart.   78. 
Senbeta, F., Schmitt, C., Denich, M., Demissew, S., Vlek, P.L.G., Preisinger, H., Woldemariam, T. and Teketay, D..  2005.  The diversity and distribution of lianas in the Afromontane rainforests of Ethiopia.  Diversity and distribution, 11   : 443-452   .
Tupitsa, A.  2005.  The role of forest inventory.  Agriculture in Uzbekistan (in Russian), 6   : 22   .
van de Giesen, N., Rodgers, C. and P. Vlek.  2005.  The GLOWA Volta Project: Interdisciplinary analysis of the impact of global change on a river basin in West Afric.  JRBM, 5 (1)   . Further Information
Zarin D.J., E.A. Davidson, E. Brondizio, I.C.G Vieira, T. Sá, T. Feldpausch, E.A.G. Schuur, R. Mesquita, E. Moran, P. Delamonica, M.J. Ducey, G.C. Hurtt, C. Salimon and M. Denich.  2005.  Legacy of fire slows carbon accumulation in Amazonian forest regrowth.  Frontiers in Ecology, 3(7)   : 365-369   .


Adilo, M., Senbeta,F., Yadessa,A. and Woldemariam,T.  2004.  Potential of Trilepisium madagascariense DC for non-timber uses in southwest Ethiopia and the need for its genetic conservation.  In: Tadesse, W. and M. Mbogga (eds.): Conservation of Genetic Resources of Non-timber Forest Products.   77-82. 
Andah, W., N. van de Giesen, A. Huber-Lee and C.A. Biney.  2004.  Can We Maintain Food Production Without Losing Hydropower? The Volta Basin (West Africa).  In: J.C.J.H. Aerts and P. Droogers (eds.): Climate Change in Contrasting River Basins. Adaptation Strategies for Water, Food and Environment. CABI Publishing.   181-194. 
Argaw, M., P.L.G. Vlek, S.J. Park, M. Denich and D. Teketay.  2004.  Assessment of Soil Erosion Using 137Cs on Cultivated Fields Following Natural Forest Conversion in the Kefa Zone of Southwest Ethiopia.  CATENA, .
Baar, R., M.R. Cordeiro, M. Denich and H. Fölster.  2004.  Floristic inventory of secondary vegetation in agricultural systems of East-Amazonia.  Biodiversity and Conservation, 13   : 501-528   .
Bagayoko F., N.C.van de Giesen and S.Yonkeu.  2004.  Corrélation entre les flux de chaleur sensible et latente avec la rugosité aérodynamique. Influence sur la disponibilité des ressources en eau sur les terres intensivement exploitées de l’Est du Burkina Faso.  Sud Sciences et Technologies, 12   : 31-39   .
Bationo A, J. Kimetu and J.Kihara.  2004.  Improving human welfare and environmental conservation by empowering farmers to combat soil fertility degradation.  Abstracts of the International Symposium of the African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfN Nairobi.
Beck, E., W.G. Behrendsen, M. Boutros, M. Denich, K. Henle, N. Jürgens, M. Kirk and V. Wolters.  2004.  Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity – A challenge for society.  PT-DLR / BMBF. Bonn.
Begzsuren, S., J.E. Ellis, D.S. Ojima, M.B. Coughenour and T. Chuluun.  2004.  Livestock responses to droughts and severe winter weather in the Gobi Three Beauty National Park, Mongolia.  Journal of Arid Environments, 59   : 785-796   .
Bekele, T., Senbeta, F. and Ameha, A.  2004.  Impacts of Participatory Forest Management Practices in Adaba-Dodola Forest Priority Area of Oromia.  Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources 6(1), : pp. 89-109   .
Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Scale dependent relationships between land-use change and its determinants in the Volta Basin of Ghana.  Earth Interactions, 8 (4)   : 1-23   .
Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Land-cover dynamics in an urban area of Ghana.  Earth Interactions, 8 (1)   : 1- 15   .
Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  The impact of land-cover change on soil properties in Nothern Ghana.  Land Degrad. and Development, 15   : 65-74   .
Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Land-cover change analyses in the Volta Basin of Ghana. Earth Interactions 8. Paper 21. 
Braimoh, A.K., and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Land-cover change analyses in the Volta Basin of Ghana.  Earth Interactions American Geophysical Union, 8 (21)   : 1-17   .
Brunner, A.C., S.J. Park, G.R. Ruecker, R. Dikau and P.L.G. Vlek.  2004.  Catenary soil development influencing erosion susceptibility along a hillslope in Uganda.  Catena, 58   : 1-22   .
Capote, R.P. and R.T. Capote-Fuentes.  2004.  Environment and Cognisable Universe, Catauro.  Cuban Journal of Anthropology. Year 6, No. 10, : 47-55 pp   .
Cattiano, J.H., A.B. Anderson, J.S. Rombold and D.S. Nepstad.  2004.  Phenology, growth, and root biomass in a tidal floodplain forest in the Amazon estuary.  Revista Brasil Bot., V27   : 703-712   . Download [PDF]
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Fosu, M., R. F. Kühne and P. Vlek.  2004.  Improving maize yield in the Guinea Savanna zone of Ghana with leguminous cover crops and PK.  Journal of Agronomy, 3   : 115 – 121   .

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