Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Kufa T., Shimber T., and Yilma A..  2004.  Intercropping coffee with sweet orange at Jimma Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia.  Journal of Cafe and Cocoa, 5 (1-)   : 17-21   .
Kufa T., Shimber T., Netsere A. and Yilma A..  2004.  The roles of improved management practices to control coffee branch die-back in southwestern Ethiopia.  Journal of Cafe and Cocoa, 5 (1-2)   : 11-16   .
Li Z.and Kobayashi M..  2004.  Plantation future of bamboo in China.  J. For. Res, 15   : 233-242   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2004.  Seed production and dispersal of umbrella bamboo Fargesia murielae after mass flowering in Central China.  Bamb. J., 21   : 8-17   .
Li, Z., M. Denich and T. Borsch.  2004.  Effects of bamboo Fargesia murielae on plant diversity in Fir Forest on Mountain Shennongjia.  Forestry Studies in China, 6   : 1-6   .
Li, Z., M. Denich and T. Borsch.  2004.  Is Shennongjia a suitable site for reintroducing giant panda: An appraisal on food supply.  The Environmentalists, 24   : 165-170   .
Majumdar, D. and S. Mitra.  2004.  Methane consumption from ambient atmosphere by a Typic Ustochrept soil as influenced by urea and two nitrification inhibitors.  Biology and Fertility of Soils, 39 (3)   : 140-145   .
Nhamo, N., H.K. Murwira and K.E. Giller.  2004.  The relationship between nitrogen mineralization patterns and quality indices of cattle manure from different smallholder farm in Zimbabwe.  In: Andre Bationo (eds.): Managing nutrient cycles to sustain soil fertility.  
Obuobie, E., P. Drechsel and G. Danso.  2004.  Gender in open-space irrigated urban vegetable farming in Accra.  Urban Agriculture Magazine 12, : pp 13-15   . Download [PDF]
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Further Information
Oguntunde, P.G. and N. van de Giesen.  2004.  Crop growth and development effects on surface albedo for maize and cowpea fields in Ghana, West Africa.  International Journal of Biometeorology, 49   : 106-112   .
Roembke, J, B. Förster, S. Jänsch, A. Scheffczyk and M. Garcia.  2004.  Terrestrische ökotoxikologische Testmethoden für die Tropen. Teil 2: Halbfreiland- und Freilandtests sowie Risikobeurteilung.  UWSF – Z Umweltchem Ökotox, .
Senbeta, F.  2004.  The paradox of forest conservation and food security in Ethiopia.  In: Fenta, T. and O. Ali (eds.): Challenges and Prospects of Food Security in Ethiopia.   pp. 317-328. 
Sommer, R., P.L.G. Vlek, T.D.d.A. Sá, K. Vielhauer, R.d.F.R. Coelho, and H. Fölster.  2004.  Nutrient balance of shifting cultivation by burning or mulching in the Eastern Amazon – evidence for subsoil nutrient accumulation.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 68   : 257–271   .
van de Giesen, N., T.J. Stomph and N. de Ridder.  2004.  Surface Runoff Scale Effects in West African Watersheds: Modeling and Management Options.  Agricultural Water Management, 72 (2)   : 109-130   .
van de Giesen, N., T.S. Steenhuis and J.-Y. Parlange.  2004.  Short- and long-time behavior of aquifer drainage after slow and sudden recharge according to the linearized Laplace equation.  Advances in Water Resources, 28(10)   : 1122-1132   .
Vlek, P.L.G., G. Rodríguez-Kuhl and R. Sommer.  2004.  Energy use and CO2 production in tropical agriculture amd means and strategies for reduction or mitigation.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, 6 (1-2)   : 213-233   .
Wassmann, R. and P. L. G. Vlek.  2004.  Tropical Agriculture in Transition - Opportunities for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions.  Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
Yuwono, A.S. and P. Schulze Lammers.  2004.  Overview paper: Odour pollution in the environment and the detection instrumentation.  Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development, Vol. VI   .
Yuwono, A.S. and P. Schulze Lammers.  2004.  Performance test of a sensor array – based odour detection instrument.  Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development, BC 03 009   .


Bach, K., M. Schawe, S. Beck, G. Gerold, S.R. Gradstein and M. Moraes R.  2003.  Vegetación, suelos y clima en los diferentes pisos altitudinales de un bosque montano de Yungas, Bolivia: Primeros resultados.  Ecología en Bolivia 38, : pp. 3-14   .
Bationo, A., U. Mokwunye, P.L.G. Vlek, S. Koala and B.I. Shapiro.  2003.  Soil fertility management for sustainable land use in the West African Sudano-Sahelian Zone.  In: Gichuru, M. P., A. Bationo, M. A. Bekunda, H. C. Goma, P. L. Mafongonya, D. N. Mugendi, H. M. Murwira, S. M. Nandwa, P. Nyathi, P. and M.J. Swift (eds.): Soil fertilkity management in Africa: A regional perspective. Academic Science Publishers, African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya.  
Bielders, C.L., J.P.A. Lamers and K. Michels.  2003.  Wind erosion control technologies in the West African Sahel: the effectiveness of windbreaks, mulching and soil tillage, and the perspective of farmers.  Annals of Arid Zone, 40(3)   : 369-394   .
Briët, O.J.T., J. Dossou-Yovo, E. Akodo, N. van de Giesen and T.M. Teuscher.  2003.  The relationship between Anopheles gambiae density and rice cultivation in the savannah zone and forest zone of Côte d’Ivoire.  Tropical Medicine and International Health, Vol 8(5)   : 439-448   .
Chivenge, P. P., J. P. Dimes, N. Nhamo, J. Nzuma and H. K. Murwira.  2003.  Evaluation of APSIM to simulate maize response to manure inputs in wet and dry regions of Zimbabwe.  In: R. Delve and M. Probert (eds.): Modeling nutrient management in cropping systems.  
Cissé, M and P.L.G. Vlek.  2003.  Conservation of urea-N by immobilization-remobilization in a rice-Azolla intercrop.  Plan Soil, 250   : 95 -104   .
Cissé, M and P.L.G. Vlek.  2003.  Influence of urea on biological N2 fixation and N transfer from Azolla intercropped with rice.  Plant Soil, 250   : 105 – 112   .
Fosu, M., R. Kühne and P. Vlek.  2003.  Recovery of Cover-Crop-N in the soil-plant system in the Guinea Savannah Zone of Ghana.  Biology and Fertility of Soils Journal, 39   : 117 – 122   .
Gerold, G., M. Schawe and L. Joachim.  2003.  Pedoökologische hypsometrische Varianz in ungestörten Bergregenwäldern der Anden (Yungas).  Geooeko 24, : pp. 153-162   .
Gorfu, A., R.F. Kuehne, D.G. Tanner and P.L.G. Vlek.  2003.  Recovery of 15N-labelled urea applied to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in th Ethiopian highlands as affected by P fertilization.  J. Agronomy & Crop Science, 189   : 30 – 38   .
Hafeez, M..  2003.  Scale and productivity in irrigation: rice in the Philippines.  Technical Report 2002/2003 of Center for Development Research, 38   : 16-18   .
Hafeez, M., N. Van De Giesen and P. Vlek.  2003.  Water-use efficiency in irrigated rice.  Quarterly Technical Bulletin of Center for Development Research, 10   : 4-5   .
Haryani, S., N. Datta, A.J. Elliott and H.C. Deeth.  2003.  Production of proteinases by psychrotrophic bacteria in raw milk stored at low temperature.  Australian Journal of Dairy Technology. Vol.58, No.1, .
Hedden-Dunkhorst, B., M. Denich, K. Vielhauer, A. Mendoza- Escalante, J. Börner, T. Hurtienne, F.R. de Sousa Filho, T.D. de Abreu Sá and F. de Assis Costa.  2003.  Forest-based fallow systems: a safety net for smallholders in the Eastern Amazon?.  <a href="" target="_blank"></a> topics/topic_1.htm.
Herbst S., T.Kistemann, D.Fayzieva D.  2003.  Comparison of the incidence of diarrhoeal diseases in two regions of the Aral Sea area, Uzbekistan.  In: C.A.Brebbia and D.Fayzieva (eds.): Environmental Health Risk II. WIT Press, Southampton.   153-161. 
Kaizzi C.K., H. Ssali, A. Nansamba, G. Ruecker and P. Vlek.  2003.  Estimated Farm-Level Nutrient Balances for the Farming Systems of Eastern Uganda.  Crop Science Journal of East Africa, : 22   .
Kufa, T., T. Shimber and A. Yilam.  2003.  Intercropping coffee with sweet orange at Jimma Agricultural Research Centre, Ethiopia (2003).  Journal of Coffee and Cocoa (4), : p 2   .
Kufa, T., T. Shimber, A. Nstere and A. Yilam.  2003.  The roles of improved management practices to control coffee branch die-back in south-western Ethiopia.  Journal of Coffee and Cocoa, (4), : p 2   .
Kunstmann, H. and G. Jung.  2003.  Investigation of feedback mechanisms between soil moisture, land use and precipitation in West Africa.  IAHS publication 280: Water Resources Systems – Water Availability and Global Change, : 149-159   .
Li, Z., B. Zhao, and Z. Zhu.  2003.  Species and distribution of mountain bamboos in Shennongjia.  J. For. Res, 14   : 35-38   .
Li, Z., L. Deng, B. Zhao, and Z. Zhu.  2003.  Shoot sprouting of arrow bamboo Fargesia spathacea along an altitudinal gradient in Central China.  Bamb. J, 20   : 1-11   .

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