Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Masiyandima, M.C., N. van de Giesen, S. Diatta, P.N. Windmeijer and T.S. Steenhuis.  2003.  The Hydrology of Inland Valleys in the Sub-Humid Zone of West Africa: Runoff Processes in the M’bé Experimental Watershed.  Hydrological Processes, Vol 17   : 1213-1225   .
Nhamo, N., W. Mupangwa, S. Siziba, T. Gatsi and D. Chikazunga.  2003.  The role of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) among other grain legumes in the management of soil fertility in the smallholder farming sector of Zimbabwe.  In: S. Waddington (eds.): Grain Le.  
Obuobie, E., G. Danso and P. Drechsel.  2003.  Access to land and water for urban vegetable farming in Accra.  Urban Agriculture Magazine 11, : pp15-17   . Download [PDF]
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Schawe, M., S. Glatzel and G. Gerold.  2003.  Bodengenese entlang eines Vertikaltranssekts in bolivianischen Bergregenwäldern.  Mitt. Deutsch. Bodenk. Ges. 102, : pp. 561-562   .
Senbeta, F. and Teketay, D.  2003.  Diversity, community types and population Structure of woody plants in Kimphee Forest: a Unique Nature Reserve in Southern Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Biological Society 2(2), : pp. 169-187   .
Somado, E. A., M. Becker, R. Kühne, K. L. Sahrawat, P.L.G. Vlek.  2003.  Rock-P effects on biomass and nitrogen accumulation by legumes in upland crop production systems of humid West Africa.  Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (submitted), .
Somado, E.A., M. Becker, R. Kühne, K. L. Sahrawat and P.L.G. Vlek.  2003.  Combined effects of legumes with rock phosphorus on rice in West Africa.  Agronomy Journal, 95 (5)   : 1172-1178   .
Vergara, C., S. Schröder, M. Almanza and D. Wittmann.  2003.  , D. 2003. Suppression of ovarian development of Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) workers by B. terrestris queens, Psithyrus vestalis (Geoffroy) and Psithyrus bohemicus Seidl females.  Apidologie Vol. 34 N°6, .
Wall, C. and J.P.A. Lamers.  2003.  Farmer priority setting: Issues and research needs for Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  ZEF Work Papers for Sustainable Development in Central Asia. Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (Centre for Development Reserach) ZEF Bonn.   3-23.  Further Information
Wegner, C., M. Wunderlich, M. Kessler and M. Schawe.  2003.  Foliar C:N ratios of Ferns along an Andean elevational gradient.  Biotropica: 35, : pp. 486-490   .
Yuwono, A. S. and P. Schulze Lammers.  2003.  Performance Test of a Sensor Array - Based Odor Detection Instrument.  The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript Number BC 03 009, .


Bhuiyan, S.H., Le, Q.B.  2002.  Decentralizations and natural resource management: A Colombian case.  Journal of Politics Administration and Changes, 37   : 43-67   .
Braimoh, A.K.  2002.  Integrating indigenous knowledge and soil science to develop a national soil classification system for Nigeria.  Agriculture and Human Values, 19   : 75-80   .
Brunner, A.C., G.R. Ruecker, S.J. Park and P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Modelling approach to identify sustainable land management techniques on erosion-affected slopes.  In: Nkonya, E., D. Sserunkuuma and J. Pender (eds.): Policies for Improved Land Management in Uganda. Second National Workshop. Washington.   111-117. 
Callo-Concha D., Krishnamurthy L. and J. Alegre.  2002.  Secuestro de Carbono por Sistemas Agroforestales Amazónicos.  Revista Chapingo: Ciencias Forestales y Medio Ambiente, VIII (2)   : 101-106   . Further Information
Denich, M. and G. Schroth.  2002.  Concepts and paradigms for the management of ecosystem resources.  In: R. Lieberei, H. Bianchi, V. Boehm, C. Reisdorff (eds.): Neotropical Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 4th SHIFT-Workshop 2000. Hamburg, GKSS, Geesthacht.   68-73. 
Giesen, N., H. Kunstmann, G. Jung., J. Liebe, M. Andreini and P. Vlek.  2002.  The GLOWA Volta project: Integrated assessment of feedback mechanisms between climate, landuse, and hydrology.  Advances in Global Change Research, Vol. 10: Climatic Change: Implications for the Hydrological Cycle and for Water Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers, : 151-170   .
Gole, T.W. and J.E. Rakotoarisoa.  2002.  Habitat partitioning by two sympatric babbler species in the vicinity of lake Naivasha, Kenya.  Journal of Forestry Research, 13 (2)   .
Gole, T.W., M. Denich, T. Demel and P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Human impacts on Coffea arabica genetic pool in Ethiopia and the need for its in situ conservation.  In: J. Engels, V. Ramanatha Rao, A (eds.): Managing plant genetic diversity.   pp 237-247. 
Hafeez M.M., H. Eggers, N. Van De Giesen and M. Latif.  2002.  Comparison of Discharge Measuring Techniques for Fully Flowing Pipes of Different Diameters.  ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, : 20   .
Hafeez, M.M., H. Eggers, N. Van De Giesen and M. Latif.  2002.  Use of Modified Pitot Tube For Discharge Measurement From Partially Flowing Tuebwells.  ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, USA, : 22   .
Kone, N., S. Pare, L. Thiombiano and H. Compaore.  2002.  Assessment of shortwave infrared band TM5 for crop and natural vegetation discrimination in the cotton belt of Burkina Faso.  Télédétection, 2002, vol. 2, n° 3, : p. 183-192   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2002.  Species richness of vascular plants along the climatic gradient of Mount Shennongjia in Central China.  Journal of Shanghai University, Vol.6 (3)   : 265-268   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2002.  Post-fire regeneration of umbrella bamboo (Fargesia murielae) on Mount Shennongjia in Central China.  Ecol. Env. & Cons, 8(4)   : 201-205   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2002.  Sprouting and growth of Indocalamus latifolius – a potential new bamboo crop in China.  Journal of Applied Botany – Angewandte Botanik, 76   : 139-143   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2002.  Sprouting and height growth of Indocalamus latifolius, a potential new bamboo crop in China. Angewandte Botanik.  Angewandte Botanik (J. Appl. Bot.), 76   : 169-175   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2002.  Species richness of vascular plants along the climatic gradient of Mt. Shennongjia in central China.  Journal of Shanghai University, 6   : 265-268   .
Li, Z. and M. Denich.  2002.  Elevational diversity of arrow bamboo (Fargesia spathacea) communities on Mount Shennongjia in Central China.  J. For. Res, 13   : 171-176   .
Manske, G.G.B. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Root architecture – Wheat as a model plant.  In: Y Waisel, A. Eshel, and U. Kafkafi (eds.): Plant roots, the hidden half. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New Yok-Basel.   pp. 249-259. 
Mitra S., R. Wassmann, M.C. Jain and H. Pathak.  2002.  Properties of rice soils affecting methane production potentials: 1. Temporal patterns and diagnostic procedures. 2. Differences in topsoil and subsoil.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 64   : 169-182 and 183-191   .
Murwira, H.K., P. Mutuo, N. Nhamo, R. Rabeson, M. Mwale and C. Palm.  2002.  Fertilizer equivalency values of organic materials of differing quality.  In: B. Vanlauwe, J. Diels, N. Sanginga and R. Merckx (eds.): Integrated Plant Nutrient Management in Sub-Sah.  
Nyarko, B.K.  2002.  Application of a Rational Model in GIS For Flood Risk Assessment in Accra.  Journal of Spatial Hydrology, Vol. 2, No 1, .
Schmitt CB & Ruhnau M.  2002.  Sortenvielfalt als Chance für den pestizidfreien Apfelanbau.  In: BUKO Agrar Koordination (eds.): Biologische Vielfalt und Ernährungssicherung. BUKO Agrar Dossier 25. Schmetterlingsverlag: Stuttgart.   114-120. 
Senbeta, F. and Teketay, D.  2002.  Soil seed banks in Plantations and adjacent natural forests of Central Ethiopia.  Tropical Ecology 43 (2), : pp. 229-242   .
Senbeta, F. and Teketay, D.  2002.  The potential of tree plantations to foster indigenous woody species in degraded lands of Ethiopia.  In: Demel, T. and Y. Yonas (eds.): Forests and Environments.   pp. 51-58. 
Senbeta, F., Beck, E. and Luttge, U.  2002.  Exotic trees as nurse-trees for the regeneration of natural tropical forests.  TREES: structure & Function, 16, : pp. 245-249   .
Senbeta, F., Teketay, D. and Bert-äken, N.  2002.  Native woody species regeneration in exotic tree plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, southern Ethiopia.  New Forests 24, : pp. 131-145   .
Somado, E.A., M. Becker, R. Kühne, K. L. Sahrawat, P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Improving rock-P solubility and uptake and yields of lowland rice grown on acidic soil amended with legume green manure.  In: B. Vanlauwe, J. Diels, N. Sanginga and R. Merckx (eds.): Integrated Plant Nutrient Management in sub-Saharan Africa: from concepts to practice. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon.   Chapter 19, 251-263. 
Stomph, T.J., N. de Ridder, T.S. Steenhuis and N.C. van de Giesen.  2002.  Scale effects of Hortonian overland flow and rainfall-runoff dynamics: Laboratory validation of a process based model.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol 27(8)   : 847-855   .
Tadesse W. Gole, M. Denich, D. Teketay and P.L.G. Vlek.  2002.  Human impacts on the Coffea arabica genepool in Ethiopia and the need for its in situ conservation.  In: J.M.M. Engels, V.R. Rao, A.H.D. Brown, M.T. Jackson (eds.): Managing Plant Genetic Resources. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.   237- 247. 

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