Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Callo-Concha, D., Jaenicke, H., Schmitt, C. and Denich, M..  2020.  Food and Non-Food Biomass Production, Processing and Use in sub-Saharan Africa: Towards a Regional Bioeconomy.  Sustainability, 12 (5)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Chalo, R. M., Maritim, T. K., Oluoch, W. A., Kamunya, S. M., Bore, J. K..  2020.  Combating Climate Change in the Kenyan Tea Industry.  Frontiers in Plant Science, 339 (11)   : 10   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.38MB]
Chapagain, D., F. Baarsch, M. Schaeffer and S. D’haen.  2020.  Climate change adaptation costs in developing countries: insights from existing estimates..  Climate and Development, 12 (10)   : 934-942   . (Open Access)   Further Information
del Barrio, R., E. Fernandez, A. S. Brendel, C. Whitney, J. A. Campoy, and E. Luedeling.  2020.  Data and scripts: Climate change impacts on agriculture’s southern frontier – perspectives for farming in North Patagonia.  International Journal of Climatology, 41   : 726-742   . (Open Access)   Further Information
del Barrio, R., E. Fernandez, A. S. Brendel, C. Whitney, J. A. Campoy, and E. Luedeling.  2020.  Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture’s Southern Frontier – Perspectives for Farming in North Patagonia.  International Journal of Climatology, 41   : 726–742   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Fernandez, E., C. Whitney, and E.Luedeling.  2020.  The Importance of Chill Model Selection — a Multi-Site Analysis.  European Journal of Agronomy, 119   : 126103   . Further Information
Fernandez, E., C. Whitney, I.F. Cuneo, and E. Luedeling.  2020.  Prospects of Decreasing Winter Chill in Chile throughout the 21st Century.  Climatic Change, . Further Information
Gupta D.D., A. Patel, D. Saxena, N. Koizumi, P. Trivedi, K. Patel, D. Raval, A. King and K. Chandler.  2020.  Choice‐Based Reminder Cues: Findings From an mHealth Study to Improve Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment Adherence Among the Urban Poor in India.  World Medical and Health Policy, 2 (12)   . Review
Habel JC, Nzau JM, Apfelbeck B, Bendzko T, Fischer C, Kimatu JN, Mwakumanya MA, Maghenda M, Mulwa RK, Rieckmann M, Shauri H, Teucher M & Schmitt CB..  2020.  Land scarcity, communication gaps and institutional confusions influence the loss of biodiversity in south-eastern Kenya.  Biodiversity and Conservation,   : 1-7   . Further Information
Hoa Do, Eike Luedeling, and Cory Whitney.  2020.  Decision Analysis of Agroforestry Options Reveals Adoption Risks for Resource-Poor Farmers.  Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40(3)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Idrissou, M., B. Diekkrüger, B. Tischbein, B. Ibrahim, Y. Yira, G. Steup and T. Poméon.  2020.  Testing the Robustness of a Physically-Based Hydrological Model in Two Data Limited Inland Valley Catchments in Dano, Burkina Faso.  Hydrology, 7   : 1-29   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Jalil, A., Akhtar, F., Awan, U.K.  2020.  Evaluation of the AquaCrop model for winter wheat under different irrigation optimization strategies at the downstream Kabul River Basin of Afghanistan.  Agricultural Water Management, 240   . Further Information
Jéssica Francine Felappi, Jan Henning Sommer, Timo Falkenberg, Wiltrud Terlau, Theo Kötter.  2020.  Green infrastructure through the lens of “One Health”: A systematic review and integrative framework uncovering synergies and trade-offs between mental health and wildlife support in cities.  Science of The Total Environment, 748   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Karduck L, Behnke A L, Baier A, Gotham D, Grabitz P, Lennartz N, Speer L, Tinnemann P, Bruchhausen W.  2020.  Global health research and education at medical faculties in Germany.  PLoS One, 15(4)   : e0231302   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Krug C.B., E. Sterling, T. Cadman, J. Geschke, P.F. Drummond de Castro, R, Schliep, I. Osemwegie, F.E. Muller-Karger and T. Maraseni.  2020.  Stakeholder participation in IPBES: connecting local environmental work with global decision making, Ecosystems and People.  16 (1)   : 197 - 211   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kuyah, Shem, G. W. Sileshi, Eike Luedeling, F. K. Akinnifesi, Cory W. Whitney, Jules Bayala, E. Kuntashula, K. Dimobe, P. L. Mafongoya.  2020.  Potential of Agroforestry to Enhance Livelihood Security in Africa.  In: Jagdish Chander Dagar, Sharda Rani Gupta, and Demel Teketay (eds.): Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes. Springer Singapore.   135–167.  Download [PDF]
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Liman Harou, I., C. Whitney, J. Kung’u and E. Luedeling.  2020.  Mapping Flood-Based Farming Systems with Bayesian Networks.  Land, 9 (10)   : 369   . Further Information
Madikay, S., Savi, M.K., Gnangnon, B., Hanage,W.P., Okeke, I.N..  2020.  Leveraging Africa’s pandemic preparedness towards the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic..  Lancet Global Health, . (Open Access)  
Mango, N., C. Makate, L. Tamene, P. Mponela and G. Ndengu.  2020.  Impact of the adoption of conservation practices on cereal consumption in a maize-based farming system in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa.  Sustainable Futures , 2, DOI: 10.1016/j.sftr.2020.100014   . Further Information
Matias, D.M.S.  2020.  Climate humanitarian visa: International migration opportunities as post-disaster humanitarian intervention.  Climatic Change, 160 (2020)   : 143–156   . (Open Access)   Further Information
McGonigle DF, Rota Nodari G, Phillips RL, Aynekulu E, Estrada-Carmona N, Jones SK, Koziell I, Luedeling E, Remans R, Shepherd K, Wiberg D, Whitney C, Zhang W.  2020.  A Knowledge Brokering Framework for Integrated Landscape Management.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4(13)   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
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Mensah, M., and Fosu-Mensah, B. Y.  2020.  Agriculture and gender roles in the semi-arid region of Ghana.  West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 28   .
Mensah, M., Vlek, P.L.G. and Fosu-Mensah, B.Y.  2020.  Gender and climate change linkages in the semi-arid region of Ghana.  GeoJournal,   . Further Information
Mon, A.M., Y. Shi, X. Yang, P.P. Hein, T.N. Oo, C. Whitney, Y. Yang.  2020.  The uses of fig (Ficus) by five ethnic minority communities in Southern Shan State, Myanmar.  Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 16(5)   : 14   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.81MB]
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Mponela P., Villamor G.B., Snapp S., Tamene L., Le Q.B., Borgemeister C..  2020.  The role of women empowerment and labour dependency on adoption of integrated soil fertility management in Malawi.  Soil Use and Management, DOI: 10.1111/sum.12627   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mponela P., Villamor G.B., Snapp S., Tamene L., Le Q.B., Borgemeister C..  2020.  Digital soil mapping of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic carbon and their crop response thresholds in smallholder managed escarpments of Malawi..  Applied Geography, (124), DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102299   . Further Information
Muscarella R & 222 co-authors, including Schmitt CB.  2020.  The global abundance of tree palms.  Global Ecology and Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/geb.13123   : 1-20   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mwambo, F.M., C. Fürst, C. Borgemeister, C. Martius, B.K. and Nyarko.  2020.  Maize production and environmental costs: An evaluation of resource and land use planning for food security in northern Ghana by means of coupled Emergy and Data Envelopment Analysis.  Land Use Policy, 95   : 104490   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nafi, E., H. Webber, I. Danso, J.B. Naab, M. Frei and T. Gaiser.  2020.  Can reduced tillage buffer the future climate warming effects on maize yield in different soil types of West Africa?.  Soil & Tillage Research, 205   . Further Information
Nafi, E., H. Webber, I. Danso, J.B. Naab, M. Frei, T. Gaiser.  2020.  Can reduced tillage buffer the future climate warming effects on maize yield in different soil types of West Africa?.  Soil and Tillage Research, 205   : DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2020.104767   . Further Information
Ntajal, J.  2020.  Human-surface water interactions and the transmission of water-related infectious diseases – schistosomiasis in Ghana.  WHO CC Newsletter, No. 30 (August 2020)   : 8 - 12   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ntajal, J., M. Evers, T. Kistemann, T. Falkenberg.  2020.  Influence of human–surface water interactions on the transmission of urinary schistosomiasis in the Lower Densu River basin, Ghana.  Social Science & Medicine, Nov. 2020 (113546)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ntajal, J., T. Falkenberg, T. Kistemann and M. Evers.  2020.  Influences of Land-Use Dynamics and Surface Water Systems Interactions on Water-Related Infectious Diseases—A Systematic Review.  Water, 12 (3),   : 631, DOI: 10.3390/w12030631   . Further Information
Obasi, A. A., Ogbu, K.N., Orakwe, L.C. and Ahaneku, I.E..  2020.  Rainfall-River Discharge Modeling for Flood Forecasting Using Artificial Nueral Network (ANN).  Journal of Water and Land Development, 44 (I - III)   : 98–105   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ogwo. V, K. N. Ogbu, C. C. Anyadike, O. A. Nwoke and C. C. Mbajiorgu.  2020.  Development and testing of a capacitive digital soil moisture sensor with printed circuit board as probe.  Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH), 39 (3)   : 896 - 902   . Further Information
Ojuok, I. and T. Ndayizigiye.  2020.  Women Participation in Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration for Climate Resilience: Laisamis Marsabit County, Kenya.  In: Leal Filho, Walter Nicholas Ogugu, Lydia Adelake, Desalegn Ayal & Izael da Silva (eds.): African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Springer, Cham.   1-19.  Further Information
Pachillu Kalpana, Poonam Trivedi, Krupali Patel, Sandul Yasobant, Deepak Saxena.  2020.  Impending scope of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in the post COVID19 pandemic era: An opportunity call.  Indian Journal of Community Health, 32 (2)   : 244-247   . (Open Access)   Review
Pariyar, S., S. Dadshani, C.B. Oyiga, J. Leon, A.A. Dababat and F.M.W. Grundler.  2020.  Dissecting the genetic complexity of fusarium crown rot resistance in wheat.  Nature Research Scientific Reports 10, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60190-4   .
Poonam Trivedi, Krupali Patel, Sandul Yasobant, Pachillu Kalpana, Priya Bhavsar, Devang Raval, and Deepak Saxena.  2020.  Visually clean is not necessarily microbiologically safe: Learnings from WASH assessment of maternity units of Gujarat, India.  Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care , 9 (2)   : 788-792   . (Open Access)   Review
Ruett, M., C. Whitney and E. Luedeling.  2020.  Model-based evaluation of management options in ornamental plant nurseries.  Cleaner Production, . (Open Access)   Further Information

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