Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Schmiege, D, Evers, M, Zügner, V, Rickert, B.  2020.  Comparing the German enabling environment for nationwide Water Safety Plan implementation with international experiences: Are we still thinking big or already scaling up?.  International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 228   : 12   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Schmiege, D., Evers, M., Kistemann, T., Falkenberg, T..  2020.  What drives antibiotic use in the community? A systematic review of determinants in the human outpatient sector.  International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 226   : 113497   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Schmiege, D., Evers, M., Kistemann, T., Falkenberg, T..  2020.  What drives antibiotic use in the community? A systematic review of determinants in the human outpatient sector.  International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 226   : 11   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Shrestha, S., M. Becker, J.P.A. Lamers and M.A. Wimmer.  2020.  Diagnosis of Zinc and Boron availability in emerging vegetable‐based crop rotations in Nepal.  Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Shrestha, S., M. Becker, J.P.A. Lamers and M.A. Wimmer.  2020.  Boron and zinc fertilizer applications are essential in emerging vegetable‐based crop rotations in Nepal.  Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, doi/full/10.1002/jpln.202000151   . Further Information
Shulla, K., W. Leal Filho, J. H. Sommer, A.L. Salvia and C. Borgemeister.  2020.  Channels of collaboration for citizen science and the sustainable development goals.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 264   . Further Information
Shulla, K., W. Leal Filho, S. Lardjane, J. H. Sommer & C. Borgemeister.  2020.  Sustainable development education in the context of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.  International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, . Further Information
Somda, W., Tischbein, B., Bogardi, J.J..  2020.  Water use inside inland valleys agro-systems in the Dano Basin, Burkina Faso.  Water Cycle, 1   : 88-97   . (Open Access)  
Teucher M, Schmitt CB, Wiese A, Apfelbeck B, Maghenda M, Pellikka P, Lens L & Habel JC.  2020.  Behind the fog: Forest degradation despite logging bans in an East African cloud forest.  Global Ecology and Conservation,   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Whitney C. W., Huth A., Hammer K., Kehlenbeck K., Gebauer J..  2020.  Field Guide to Common Homegarden Crops of Southwestern Uganda.  OPUS Publication Server of the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences. Germany. (Open Acess) Further Information
Yasobant S, Patel K, Saxena D, Falkenberg T..  2020.  COVID-19 in India: Making a case for the one health surveillance system.  Indian Journal of Public Health, 64(S2)   : 135-138   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 363.41KB]
Further Information
Yasobant S., K. Patel, D. Saxena and T. Falkenberg.  2020.  COVID-19 in India: Making a Case for the One Health Surveillance System.  Indian Journal of Public Health, 2 (64)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Yasobant S., W. Bruchhausen and D. Saxena.  2020.  Applications of Systems Thinking for Health System Research: A One Health Perspective.  SAGE Publications Ltd.. (Open Acess) Download [PDF | 624.81KB]
Yasobant S., W. Bruchhausen, D. Saxena and T. Falkenberg.  2020.  ‘One Health’ actors in multifaceted health systems: An operational case for India.  Healthcare, 8 (4)   : E387   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.61MB]
Further Information
Yimer, S.M., N. Kumar, A. Bouanani, B. Tischbein and C. Borgemeister.  2020.  Homogenization of daily time series climatological data in the Eastern Nile basin, Ethiopia.  Theoretical and Applied Climatology, . Further Information
Yingfeng Bi, C. Whitney, Z. Fan, J. Yang, Z. Wu, W. Huang, J. Li and X. Yang.  2020.  Ring-widths of Abies at tree-line ecotone reveal three centuries of early winter season temperature changes in Yunnan, China.  Climate Dynamics, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Yingfeng Bi, Cory Whitney, Jianwen Li, Jingchao Yang, Xuefei Yang.  2020.  Spring Moisture Availability Is the Major Limitation for Pine Forest Productivity in Southwest China.  Forests, 11   : 446   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 920.03KB]


Aidoo, O.W., C.M. Tanga, S.A. Mohamed, B.A. Rasowo, F.M. Khamis, I. Rwomushana, J. Kimnai, A.K. Agyakwa, S. Daisy, M. Sétamou, S. Ekesi, and C. Borgemeister.  2019.  Distribution, degree of damage and risk of spread of Trioza erytreae (Hemiptera: Triozidae), in Kenya.  Journal of Applied Entomology, . Review
Aidoo, O.W., Tanga, C.M., Paris, T.M., Allan, S.A., Mohamed, S.A., Khamis, F.M., Sétamou, M., Borgemeister, C. and S. Ekesi.  2019.  Size and shape analysis of Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae), vector of citrus huanglongbing disease.  Pest. Manag. Sc., 75   : 760-771   . Review
Akhtar F. and U. Shah.  2019.  Emerging Water Scarcity Issues and Challenges in Afghanistan.  In: A. Ranjan (eds.): Water Issues in Himalayan South Asia: Internal Challenges, Disputes and Transboundary Tensions. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.   Further Information
Amouzou, K.A., J.P.A. Lamers, J.B. Naab, C. Borgemeister, P.L.G. Vlek and M. Becker.  2019.  Climate change impact on water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies and yields of maize and sorghum in the northern Benin dry savanna, West Africa.  Field Crops Res., 235 (2019)   : 104-117   . Further Information
Amouzou, K.A., Lamers, J.P.A., Naab, J.B., Borgemeister, C., Vlek, P.L.G. & Becker, M.  2019.  Climate change impact on water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies and yields of maize and sorghum in the northern Benin dry savanna, West Africa.  Field Crops Research, 235   : 104-117   . Further Information
Amouzou, K.A., Lamers, J.P.A., Naab, J.B., Borgemeister, C., Vlek, P.L.G. & M. Becker.  2019.  Climate change impact on water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies and yields of maize and sorghum in the northern Benin dry savanna, West Africa.  Field Crops Research, 235 (1)   : 104-117   . Review
Amouzou, K.A., P.L.G. Vlek, J.B. Naab, M. Becker, C. Borgemeister, and J.P.A. Lamers.  2019.  CROPGRO-Cotton model for determining climate change impacts on yield, water- and N- use efficiencies of cotton in the Dry Savanna of West Africa.  Field Crops Research, 165   : 85-96   . Further Information
Anderson C.C., Denich M., Neumann K., Amankwah K., Tortoe C..  2019.  Identifying Biomass-Based Value Webs for Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systems Modeling Approach.  Sustainability, 11   : 2885   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Anthonj C. and T. Falkenberg.  2019.  Thirst World? Linking Water and Health in the Context of Development.  In: Foley, Kearns, Kistemann, Wheeler (eds.): Blue Space, Health and Wellbeing: Hydrophilia Unbounded. Routledge.   Chapter 11.  Further Information
Anthonj, C., B. Diekkrüger, C. Borgemeister and T. Kistemann.  2019.  Health risk perceptions and local knowledge of water-related infectious disease exposure among Kenyan wetland communities.  Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 222 (1)   : 34-48   . Further Information
Badmos, O. S., Rienow, A., Callo-Concha, D., Greve, K.,and Jürgens, C..  2019.  Simulating slum growth in Lagos: An integration of rule based and empirical based model.  Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 77   . Further Information
Badmos, O.S., D. Callo-Concha, B. Agbola, A. Rienow, B. Badmos, K. Greve and C. Jürgens.  2019.  Determinants of residential location choices by slum dwellers in Lagos megacity.  Cities, 98   :   . Further Information
Beuchelt, T.D. and M. Nassl.  2019.  Applying a Sustainable Development Lens to Global Biomass Potentials.  Sustainability, 11   : doi:10.3390/su11185078   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 691.79KB]
Further Information
Brackhane S, Schoof N, Reif A & Schmitt CB.  2019.  A new wilderness for Central Europe? — The potential for large strictly protected forest reserves in Germany.  Biological Conservation, 237   : 373-382   . Further Information
Callo-Concha, D., Jemal O. and H. Seyoum.  2019.  Local Alternatives to Local Problems: The Contribution of Agroforestry System By-products to Food and Nutrition Security of Communities in Southwestern Ethiopia.  Food Studies, 9(1)   : 29-42   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Callo-Concha, D., L. Harou, L. Krings, J. Ngonjock, and J. Ziemacki.  2019.  Farming Adaptation in the Western Sudanese Savannah: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead.  In: Kokoye S., Yegmebey R., Awoye O. (eds.): Advancing Climate Change Research in West Africa. Trends, Impacts, Vulnerability, Resilience, Adaptation and Sustainability Issues. Nova Publishers.   95-131.  Further Information
Dadshani, S., R.C. Sharma, M. Baum, F.C. Ogbonnaya, J. Léon and A. Ballvora.  2019.  Multi-dimensional evaluation of response to salt stress in wheat.".  PLOS ONE, : 24   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Delgado-Aguilar MJ, Hinojosa L & Schmitt CB.  2019.  Combining remote sensing techniques and participatory mapping to understand the relations between forest degradation and ecosystems services in a tropical rainforest.  Applied Geography, 104   : 65-74   . Further Information
Denich, M., Schmidt, C.B., Feyera Senbeta Wakjira.  2019.  Coffee in Ethiopia - the importance of the forest.  In: Jahreis, M., Marquart, S., Möllers, N. (eds.): COSMOS COFFEE. Deutsches Museum, Munich.   22-.26. 
H. Agossou, J. Bogardi and B. Tischbein.  2019.  Soil-water management performance and layout optimization of an innovative bamboo-drip system in West-Africa.  Water Utility Journal, 21   : 1-15   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.81MB]
Kamau, J.W., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Lamers, J.P.A., Stellmacher, T. & Borgemeister, C.  2019.  Soil fertility and biodiversity on organic and conventional smallholder farms in Kenya.  Applied Soil Ecology, 134   : 85-97   . Further Information
Kisegu, Derick, David Kagaha, Cory Whitney, and John R. S. Tabuti.  2019.  Contribution of Smallholder Tree Growers to Increasing Tree Cover in Kaliro District.  In: Yazidhi Bamutaze, Samuel Kyamanywa, Bal Ram Singh, Gorettie Nabanoga, and Rattan Lal (eds.): Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience in Sub Saharan Africa. Springer International Publishing.   417–33.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF]
Koo, H., Kleemann, J., Fürst, C..  2019.  Impact assessment of land use changes using local knowledge for the provision of ecosystem services in northern Ghana, West Africa.  Ecological Indicators , 103   : 156-172   . Further Information

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