Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Akhtar, F., Awan, U.K., Tischbein, B., Liaqat, U.W.  2018.  Assessment of Irrigation Performance in Large River Basins under Data Scarce Environment—A Case of Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan.  Remote Sensing, 10(6), 972   .
Akoto Sarfo D., Denich M., Partey ST, Frith O., Kwaku M, Mensah AA, Borgemeister C..  2018.  Socioeconomic indicators of bamboo use for agroforestry development in the dry semideciduous forest zone of Ghana.  Sustainability, 10, 2324   : doi:10.3390/su10072324   .
Amouzou KA, Naab JB, Lamers JPA and Becker M.  2018.  CERES-Maize and CERES-Sorghum for modeling growth, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, and soil moisture dynamics in the dry savanna of West Africa.  Field Crops Research, 217   : 134-149   . Further Information
Amouzou, K.A., J.B. Naab, J.P.A. Lamers and M. Becker.  2018.  Productivity and nutrient use efficiency of maize, sorghum, and cotton in the West African Dry Savanna.  J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 2018, 000   : 1–14   . Further Information
Angarita, H., Wickel, A.J., Sieber, J., Delgado, J. and Purkey, D.  2018.  Large scale impacts of hydropower development and climate change on the Mompos wetlands, Colombia.  Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 22   : 2839-2865   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Baumert S., Khamzina A., Vlek P.L.G..  2018.  Greenhouse gas and energy balance of Jatropha biofuel production systems of Burkina Faso.  Energy for Sustainable Development, 42   : 14-23   .
Benefoh, D.T., G.B. Villamor, M. van Noordwijk, C. Borgemeister, W. Asamte and K.O. Asubonteng.  2018.  Assessing land-use typologies and change intensities in a structurally complex Ghanaian cocoa landscap.  Applied Geography, 99   .
Betancur-Corredor B., J.C. Loaiza-Usaga, M. Denich and C. Borgemeister.  2018.  Gold mining as a potential driver of development in Colombia: Challenges and opportunities.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 199   : 538-553   .
Callo-Concha, D.  2018.  Farmer Perceptions and Climate Change Adaptation in the West Africa Sudan Savannah: Reality Check in Dassari, Benin, and Dano, Burkina Faso.  Climate, 6(2) 44   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Callo-Concha, D.  2018.  Optimizando la producción agrícola: análisis de sistemas para operacionalizar la agricultura multifuncional.  Gestión y Ambiente, 2Supl   : 137-143   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Capote-Fuentes, R.T., U.Grote, L.Byers and T.Stellmacher.  2018.  Evolution of Producer Organizations in Fair Trade Coffee Certification.  In: Parvathi, P., U.Grote, H.Waibel (eds.): Fair Trade and Organic Agriculture: A Winning Combination?. CAB International.   30 - 42. 
Colditz, R.R., Troche Souza, C., Vazquez, B., Wickel, A.J., Ressl, R.A.  2018.  Analysis of optimal thresholds for identification of open water using MODIS-derived spectral indices for two coastal wetland systems in Mexico.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 70   : 13-24   . Further Information
Cory W. Whitney.  2018.  Collecting Food, Cultivating People: Subsistence and Society in Central Africa. By Kathryn M. de Luna. 2016. Yale University Press, New Haven. 332 pp..  Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2)   : 321-322   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Ephraim Sekyi-Annan, Bernhard Tischbein, Bernd Diekkrüger, Asia Khamzina.  2018.  Performance evaluation of reservoir-based irrigation schemes in the Upper East region of Ghana.  Agricultural Water Management, 202   : 134-145   . Further Information
Ephraim Sekyi-Annan, Bernhard Tischbein, Bernd Diekkrüger, Asia Khamzina.  2018.  Year-round irrigation schedule for a tomato-maize rotation system in reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Ghana.  Water, 10   : 624   . (Open Access)  
Falkenberg & Saxena.  2018.  Impact of Wastewater-Irrigated Urban Agriculture on Diarrhea Incidence in Ahmedabad, India.  IJCM, 2 (43)   : 102-106   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Falkenberg, Saxena, Kistemann.  2018.  Impact of wastewater-irrigation on in-household water contamination. A cohort study among urban farmers in Ahmedabad, India.  Science of The Total Environment, 639   : 988-996   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Falkenberg, T. & Kistemann, T..  2018.  Wasser - Gesundheitsressource und Krankheitsquelle.  Geographische Rundschau, 1 (70)   : 32 - 37   . Further Information
Faye, B, Webber H., Naab J., MacCarthy D. S., Adam M, Ewert F., Lamers J.P.A. Schleussner C-F.,Ruane A., Gessner U., Hoogenboom G., Boote K., Shelia V., Saeed F., Wisser D., Hadir S., Laux P., Gaiser, T.  2018.  Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0°C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna.  Environmental Research Letters, .
Frey GP, West TAP, Hickler T, Rausch L, Gibbs HK, Börner J..  2018.  Simulated Impacts of Soy and Infrastructure Expansion in the Brazilian Amazon: A Maximum Entropy Approach.  Forests, 9(10): 600   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Gessesse T.A. and Khamzina A.  2018.  How reliable is the Walkley-Black method for analyzing carbon-poor, semi-arid soils in Ethiopia?.  Journal of Arid Environments, 153   : 98–101   . Further Information
Inkoom, J.N., S. Frank, K. Greve and C. Fürst.  2018.  A framework to assess landscape structural capacity to provide regulating ecosystem services in West Africa.  Journal of Environmental Management, 209   : 393-408   .
Jemal O., Callo-Concha D, van Noordwijk M.  2018.  Local Agroforestry Practices for Food and Nutrition Security of Smallholder Farm Households in Southwestern Ethiopia.  Sustainability, 10 (8)   : 2722   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Jemal, O., Callo-Concha, D., van Noordwijk, M..  2018.  Local Agroforestry Practices for Food and Nutrition Security of Smallholder Farm Households in Southwestern Ethiopia.  Sustainability, 10   : 2722   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kamau W., J., T. Stellmacher, L. Biber-Freudenberger ans C. Borgemeister.  2018.  Organic and conventional agriculture in Kenya: A typology of smallholder farms in Kajiado and Murang’a counties.  Journal for Rural Studies, 57   : 171-185   . Further Information
Kamau, J. W., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Lamers, J. P., Stellmacher, T., & Borgemeister, C.  2018.  Soil fertility and biodiversity on organic and conventional smallholder farms in Kenya.  Applied Soil Ecology, .
Kambire, B., L. Tia., O. Ouattrara.  2018.  Exploitations aurifères artisanales et dégradation des écosystèmes naturels à Hiré, Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire.  In: Oladokoun, W. (eds.): Espaces, sociétés et développement en Afrique subsaharienne. Presses Universitaires de Lomé.   54-77. 
Kokou Adambounou Amouzou, Jesse B.Naab, John P.A.Lamers, and Mathias Becker.  2018.  CERES-Maize and CERES-Sorghum for modeling growth, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, and soil moisture dynamics in the dry savanna of West Africa.  Field Crops Research, 217 (2018)   : 134-149   . Further Information
Koo, H., Kleemann, J., Fürst, C.  2018.  Land use scenario modeling based on local knowledge for the provision of ecosystem services in northern Ghana.  Land, 7(2)   : 59   . (Open Access)  
Koo, H., Kleemann, J., Fürst, C.  2018.  Land use scenario modeling based on local knowledge for the provision of ecosystem services in northern Ghana.  Land, 7   : 59   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kumar, N., Tischbein, B. & Beg, M.K..  2018.  Multiple trend analysis of rainfall and temperature for a monsoon-dominated catchment in India.  Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, : 1-15   . Further Information
Kumar, N., Tischbein, B., Beg, M.K.  2018.  Multiple trend analysis of rainfall and temperature for a monsoon-dominated catchment in India.  Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, : 1-15   .
Kumar, N., Tischbein, B., Beg, M.K. & Bogardi, J.J..  2018.  Spatio-temporal analysis of irrigation infrastructure development and long-term changes in irrigated areas in Upper Kharun catchment, Chhattisgarh, India.  Agricultural Water Management, 197 (5)   : 158-169   . Further Information
Kumar, N., Velmurugan, A., Hamm, N.A.S. & Dadhwal, V.K..  2018.  Geospatial Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Using Regression Kriging and Remote Sensing.  Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing , 46(5)   : 705–716   . Further Information
Kyalo, R., E. Abdel-Rahman, S. Mohamed, S. Ekesi, C. Borgemeister and T. Landmann.  2018.  Importance of Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Variables for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of African Citrus Triozid (Trioza erytreae) in Kenya.  ISPRS - International Journal of Geo-Information, (in press)   .
Loew F, Prishchepov A., Waldner F, Dubovyk O, Akramkhanov A, Biradar C, Lamers JPA.  2018.  Mapping Cropland Abandonment in the Aral Sea Basin with MODIS Time Series.  Remote Sensing of Environment, 10, 159   : 1-25   . (Open Access)   Further Information
MacCarthy, D.S., W.A. Agyare and P.L.G. Vlek.  2018.  Evaluation of soil properties of the Sudan Savannah ecological zone of Ghana for crop production.  Ghana Jnl Agric. Sci., 52   : 95-104   . Download [PDF]
Mango, N., C. Makate, L. Tamene, P. Mponela, G. Ndengu.  2018.  Adoption of Small-Scale Irrigation Farming as aClimate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Influenceon Household Income in the Chinyanja Triangle,Southern Africa.  LAND, 7(49)   : 19   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Marocco, Irene; Mukiibi, Edward; Wanyu, John; Whitney, Cory W..  2018.  Uganda from Earth to Table; Traditional Products and Dishes (Second edition).  Slow Food International. Bra, Italy. (Open Acess) Further Information
Matias, D.M.S., C. Borgemeister, and H. von Wehrden.  2018.  Ecological changes and local knowledge in a giant honey bee (Apis dorsata F.) hunting community in Palawan, Philippines.  Ambio, 8(47), 924-934   . Further Information

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