Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Eyshi Rezaei, E., S. Siebert, F. Ewert.  2017.  Climate and management interaction cause diverse crop phenology trends.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 233   : 55-70   . Further Information
Grogan, D., Wisser, D., Prusevich A., Lammers, R., and Frolking, S,.  2017.  The use and re-use of unsustainable groundwater for irrigation: A global budget.  Environmental Research Letters, 748-9326   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Guo L, Luedeling E, Koerner SE, He JS, Xu J, Wang M, Li W, Jin J, Gang C, Su J, Luo R, Chen J, Cheng J.  2017.  Critical climate periods for grassland productivity on China’s Loess Plateau.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 233   : 101-109   . Further Information
Heiskanen, J., J. Liu, R. Valbuena, E. Aynekulu, P. Packalen, and P. Pellikka.  2017.  Remote sensing approach for spatial planning of land management interventions in West African savannas.  Journal of Arid Environments, 140   : 29-41   .
Keding G.B., K. Kehlenbeck, G. Kennedy and S. McMullin.  2017.  Fruit production and consumption: practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya.  Food Security, 9(3)   : 453-469   .
Keding GB, Termote C, and Kehlenbeck K.  2017.  The role and importance of agricultural biodiversity in urban agriculture.  In: Hunter D, Guarino L, Spillane C, and McKeown P (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity. Routledge.   Further Information
Kleemann, J., Baysal, G., Bulley, H.N.N., Fürst, C.  2017.  Assessing driving forces of land use and land cover change by a mixed-method approach in north-eastern Ghana, West Africa.  Environmental Management , 193   : 1-32   .
Kleemann, J., Celio, E., Fürst, C.  2017.  Validation approaches of an expert-based Bayesian Belief Network in Northern Ghana, West Africa.  Ecological Modelling, 365   : 10-29   .
Kleemann, J., Celio, E., Nyarko, B.K., Jimenez-Martinez, M., Fürst, C.  2017.  Assessing the risk of seasonal food insecurity with an expert-based Bayesian Belief Network approach in northern Ghana, West Africa.  Ecological Complexity, 32   : 53-73   .
Kleemann, J., E. Celio, B.K. Nyarko, M. Jimenez-Martinez, C. Fürst.  2017.  Assessing the risk of seasonal food insecurity with an expert-based Bayesian Belief Network approach in northern Ghana, West Africa.  Ecological Complexity, 32   : 53-73   . Further Information
Kleemann, J., Inkoom, J.N., Thiel, M., Shankar, S., Lautenbach, S., Fürst, C.  2017.  Peri-urban land use pattern and its relation to land use planning in Ghana, West Africa.  Landscape and Urban Planning, 165   : 280-294   . (Open Access)  
Kumar N., Tischbein B., Küsche J., Beg M.K., Bogardi J.J.  2017.  Impact of Land-use Change on the Water Resources of the Upper Kharun Catchment, Chhattisgarh, India.  Regional Environmental Change, 17 (8)   : 2373–2385   . Further Information
Kumar N., Tischbein B., Küsche J., Laux P, Beg M.K., Bogardi J.J.  2017.  Impact of climate change on water resources of upper Kharun catchment in Chhattisgarh, India.  Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 13   : 189–207   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kyalo, R., Abdel-Rahman, E., Subramanian, S., Nyasani, J., Thiel, M., Jozani, H., Borgemeister, C. and T. Landmann.  2017.  Maize cropping systems mapping using RapidEye observations in highly fragmented agro-ecological landscapes in Kenya.  Sensors, 17   : 2537   .
Kyere, V.N., K. Greve, S.M. Atiemo and J. Ephraim.  2017.  Spatial assessment of potential ecological risk of heavy metals in soils from informal e-waste recycling in Ghana.  Environ Health Toxicol,   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Löw, F., Biradar, C., Fliemann E., Lamers JPA, Conrad, C.  2017.  Assessing gaps in irrigated agricultural productivity through satellite earth observations - A case study of the Fergana Valley, Central Asia.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 59   : 118-134   .
Mahrookashani, A.H., S. Siebert, H. Hüning and F. Ewert.  2017.  Independent and combined effects of high temperature and drought stress around anthesis on wheat.  J Agro Crop Sci, DOI: 10.1111/jac.12218   .
Maiorano, A., P. Martre, S. Asseng, F. Ewert, C. Müller, R.P. Rötter, A.C. Ruane, M.A. Semenov, D. Wallach, E. Wang, P.D. Alderman, B.T. Kassie, C. Biernath, B. Basso, D. Cammarano, A.J. Challinor, J. Doltra, B. Dumont, E.E. Rezaei, S. Gayler, K.C. Kers.  2017.  Crop model improvement reduces the uncertainty of the response to temperature of multi-model ensembles.  Field Crops Research, 202   : 5-20   . Further Information
Mango N., C. Makate, L. Tamene, P. Mponela and G. Ndengu.  2017.  Awareness and adoption of land, soil and water conservation practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa.  International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2(5)   : 122-129   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Matias D.M.S., C. Borgemeister, and H. von Wehrden.  2017.  Thinking beyond Western commercial honeybee hives: towards improved conservation of honey bee diversity.  Biodiversity and Conservation, 14(26)   : 3499-3504   . Further Information
Matias D.M.S., J. Leventon, A.-L. Rau, C. Borgemeister, and H. von Wehrden.  2017.  A review of ecosystem service benefits from wild bees across social contexts.  Ambio, 4(46)   : 456-467   . Further Information
Matias D.M.S., T. Stellmacher, C. Borgemeister, J.G. Cayron, and H. von Wehrden.  2017.  Mapping giant honey bee nests in Palawan, Philippines through a transdisciplinary approach.  Development in Practice, 7(27)   : 903-912   . Further Information
Naah J. S. N., and R. T. Guuroh.  2017.  Factors influencing local ecological knowledge of forage resources: Ethnobotanical evidence from West Africa’s savannas.  Journal of Environmental Management, 188   : 297-307   . Further Information
Nero B., Callo-Concha D., Anning A.K. and M. Denich.  2017.  Urban Green Spaces Enhance Climate Change Mitigation in Cities of the Global South: The Case of Kumasi, Ghana.  Procedia Engineering, 198   : 69-83   . Further Information
Nero B., Callo-Concha D., Anning A.K. and M. Denich.  2017.  Urban Green Spaces Enhance Climate Change Mitigation in Cities of the Global South: The Case of Kumasi, Ghana.  Procedia Engineering, 198   : 69-83   .
Nero B., Campion B., Agbo N., Callo-Concha D. and M. Denich.  2017.  Tree and Trait Diversity, Species Coexistence, and Diversity-functional Relations of Green Spaces in Kumasi, Ghana.  Procedia Engineering, 198   : 99-115   . Further Information
Nero B., Campion B., Agbo N., Callo-Concha D. and M. Denich.  2017.  Tree and Trait Diversity, Species Coexistence, and Diversity-functional Relations of Green Spaces in Kumasi, Ghana.  Procedia Engineering, 198   : 99-115   .
Nero B.F..  2017.  Urban green space dynamics and socio-environmental inequity: multi-resolution and spatiotemporal data analysis of Kumasi, Ghana.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 (23)   : 6993-7020   .
Nischalke, S.M. and S. Bisht.  2017.  Stranded between 'Good Floods' and 'Bad Floods': Lawpani Village, Assam, India.  In: Tor H. Aase (eds.): Climate Change and the Future of Himalayan Farming. Oxford University Press.  
Nischalke, S.M., M. Abebe, B.A. Wondimagegnhu, S.K. Kriesemer and T. Beuchelt.  2017.  Forgotten forests? Food potential of ancient coffee forests and agroforestry systems in south-western Ethiopian mountains, seen through a gender lens.  Mountain Research and Development, 37 (3)   : 254-262   .
Noulèkoun F., A. Khamzina, J. Naab, J.P.A. Lamers.  2017.  Biomass allocation in five semi-arid afforestation species is driven mainly by ontogeny rather than resource availability.  Annals of Forest Science , 74, doi:10.1007/s13595-017-0676-4   .
Noulèkoun F., J. Naab, J.P.A. Lamers, S. Baumert and A. Khamzina.  2017.  Sapling biomass allometry and carbon content in five afforestation species on marginal farmland in semi-arid Benin.  New Forests,   .
Noulèkoun F., Lamers J.P.A., Naab J., Khamzina A..  2017.  Shoot and root responses of woody species to silvicultural management for afforestation of degraded croplands in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Benin.  Forest Ecology and Management, 385   : 254–263   . Further Information
Oyiga BC, Sharma RC, Baum M, Ogbonnaya FC, Léon J, Agim Ballvora.  2017.  Allelic variations and differential expressions detected at quantitative trait loci for salt stress tolerance in wheat.  Plant, Cell and Environment, DOI: 10.1111/pce.12898   . Further Information
Partey S. T., D.A. Sarfo, O. B. Frith, M. Kwaku, and N.V. Thevathasan.  2017.  Potentials of Bamboo-Based Agroforestry for Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review.  Agricultural Research , 6   : 22-32   . Further Information
Partey, S. T., O.B. Frith, M.Y. Kwaku and A.A. Sarfo.  2017.  Comparative life cycle analysis of producing charcoal from bamboo, teak, and acacia species in Ghana.  The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,, 22 (5)   : 758-766   .
Rensch C, Bruchhausen W.  2017.  Medical science meets development aid.  Medical History, 1   : 1-24   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 199.69KB]
Rodriguez Osuna V., G. Navarro Sánchez, J.H. Sommer, L. Biber-Freudenberge.  2017.  Towards the integration of biodiversity in Environmental Impact Assessments of Bolivia.  Center for Development Research (ZEF), Universidad Católica Boliviana (UCB). Editorial Inia, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Rwomushana I, F. Khamis, T.G. Grout, S.A. Mohamed, M. Setamou, C. Borgemeister, H.M. Heya, C. Tanga, P.W. Nderitu, Z.S. Seguni, C.L. Materu and S. Ekesi.  2017.  Detection of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) in Kenya and potential implication for the spread of Huanglongbing disease in East Africa.  Biological Invasions, 10.1007/s10530-017-1502-5   .
Saini, R.K., B.O. Orindi, N. Mbahin, J.A. Andoke, P.N. Muasa, D.M. Mbuvi, C.A. Muya, J.A. Pickett and C. Borgemeiste.  2017.  Protecting cows in small holder farms in East Africa from tsetse flies by mimicking the odor profile of a non- host bovid.  PLoS NTD , 11 (10)   . Further Information

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