Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Sanfo S., Fonta W. M., Diasso, UJ, Nikiema MP., Lamers, JPA, Tondoh JE.  2017.  Climate- and Environment-Induced Intervillage Migration in Southwestern Burkina Faso, West Africa.  American Meteorological Society, 9   : 823-837   .
Sanfo, S., B. Barbier, I.W.P. Dabiré, P.L.G. Vlek, W.M. Fonta, B. Ibrahim and B. Barry.  2017.  Rainfall variability adaptation strategies: An ex-ante assessment of supplemental irrigation from farm ponds in southern Burkina Faso.  Agricultural Systems, 152   : 80-89   . Further Information
Santos, F., O. Dubovyk and G. Menz.  2017.  Monitoring forest dynamics in the Andean Amazon: The applicability of breakpoint detection methods using Landsat time-series and genetic algorithms.  Remote Sensing, 9 (1)   : 68   . Further Information
Sarah Nischalke and Suman Bisht.  2017.  Challenges to women as food and risk managers in the context of floods: A case study from Tinsukia, Assam.  In: Sanjoy Hazarika and Reshmi Banerjee (eds.): Gender, Poverty and Livelihood in the Eastern Himalayas. Routledge India.   67-84. 
Saravanan, V.S., M.J. Cho, S.Z. Tan, D. Fayzieva and C. Sebaly.  2017.  Spatial Distribution and Trends of Waterborne Diseases in Tashkent Province.  Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 1 (6)   : 14   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Schmitt CB, Crowther TW, Demissew S, Matheka K & Senbeta F.  2017.  RE: The extent of forest in dryland biomes.  Science, e-letter   :   . Further Information
Sepúlveda-Lozada, A., U. Saint-Paul, M. Mendoza-Carranza, M. Wolff, A. Yáñez-Arancibia.  2017.  Flood pulse induced changes in isotopic niche and resource utilization of consumers in a Mexican floodplain system.  doi:10.1007/s00027-017-0520-9   : Aquatic Sciences   .
Siebert, S., H. Webber, E. Eyshi Rezaei.  2017.  Weather impacts on crop yields - searching for simple answers to a complex problem.  Environmental Research Letters, 12   : 064008   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Villamor GB, van Noordwijk M, Leimona B, Duguma L.  2017.  Tradeoffs (Chapter 3).  In: Namirembe S, Leimona B, van Noordwijk M, Minang P (eds.): Co-investment in ecosystem services: global lessons from payment and incentive schemes. World Agroforestry Centre.   1-10.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Villamor, GB, Catacutan, DC, Truong, VAT, Thi, LD.  2017.  Tree-cover transition in Northern Vietnam from a gender-specific land-use preferences perspective.  Land Use Policy, 61   : 53-62   . Further Information
Vlek, P.L.G., A. Khamzina A and L. Tamene.  2017.  Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies.  CIAT Publication No. 440. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Nairobi, Kenya. Further Information
Vlek, P.L.G., Khamzina, A., H. Azadi, A. Bhaduri, K. Bharati, A. Braimoh, C. Martius, T. Sunderland and F. Taheri..  2017.  Trade-Offs in Multi-Purpose Land Use under Land Degradation.  Sustainability, 9, doi:10.3390/su9122196   . Further Information
Vlek, P.L.G., R. Eshchanov, S. Khodjaniyazov, I., Rudenko, J. Lamers.  2017.  From Theory to Practice: Challenges and Constraints to Introducing Education for Sustainable Development in Uzbekistan, Central Asia.  In: Michelsen, G and Wells, P. J. (eds.): A decade of progress on education for sustainable development. Reflections of the UNESCO chairs programme . UNESCO, Paris.   59-65. 
Wang, E., P. Martre, Z. Zhao, F. Ewert, A. Maiorano, R. Rötter, B. Kimball, M. Ottman, G. Wall, J. White, M. Reynolds, P. Alderman, P. Aggarwal, J. Anothai, B. Basso, C. Biernath, D. Cammarano, A. Challinor, G. De Sanctis, J. Doltra, E. Fereres, et al.  2017.  The uncertainty of crop yield projections is reduced by improved temperature response functions.  Nature Plants , 3   : 17102   . Further Information
Webber H., Martre P., S. Asseng, B. Kimball, J. Whited, M. Ottman, G.W. Walld, G. De Sanctis, J. Doltra, R. Grant, B. Kassie, A. Maiorano, J. E. Olesen, D. Ripoche, E.E. Rezaei, M.A. Semenov, P. Stratonovitch andF. Ewert.  2017.  Canopy temperature for simulation of heat stress in irrigated wheat in a semi-arid environment: A multi-model comparison.  Field Crops Research , 202   : 21-35   . Further Information
Whitney, C.W., J.R.S. Tabuti, O. Hensel, C-H. B. Yeh, i, J. Gebauer and E. Luedeling.  2017.  Homegardens and the future of food and nutrition security in southwest Uganda.  Agricultural Systems, 154   : 133-144   . Further Information
Yin H., Khamzina A., Pflugmacher D., Martius C.  2017.  Forest cover mapping in post-Soviet Central Asia using multi-resolution remote sensing imagery.  Scientific Reports, 7   : 1375   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Yira, Y., Diekkrüger B, Steup G. and Bossa A.Y..  2017.  Impact of climate change on hydrological conditions in a tropical West African catchment using an ensemble of climate simulations.  Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21   : 2143-2161   . Further Information


Ackom, E. and D.T. Benefoh.  2016.  Energy and low carbon development efforts in Ghana: institutional arrangements, initiatives, challenges and the way forward.  AIMS Energy, 4 (3)   : 481-503   .
Adhikari, N and Denich, M.  2016.  Dung availability for biogas production in rural Nepal.  Journal of Global Ecology and Environment , 3 (4)   . Further Information
Awan, U.K., Ibrakhimov, M., Benli, B., Lamers JPA, Liqiat UW.  2016.  A new concept of irrigation response units for effective management of surface and groundwater resources: a case study from the multi-country Fergana Valley, Central Asia.  Irrigation Science (Irrig Sci), : 1-14   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Aynekulu, E., R. Aerts, M. Denich, and H.-J. Boehmer.  2016.  Plant diversity and regeneration in a disturbed isolated dry Afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia.  Folia Geobotanica, DOI: 10.1007/s12224-016-9247-y   .
Baral, N.R., N. Adhikari and P. Neupane.  2016.  Cooking fuel from Jatropha Curcas feedstock: An experiment based techno-economic analysis.  Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining, DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1721   . Further Information
Baumert S., Khamzina A., Vlek P.L.G.  2016.  Soil carbon sequestration in Jatropha curcas systems of Burkina Faso.  Land Degradation & Development, 27   : 1813–1819   .
Bekchanov M., Lamers JPA.  2016.  The Effect of Energy Constraints on Water Allocation Decisions: The Elaboration and Application of a System-Wide Economic-Water-Energy Model (SEWEM).  Water, 8   : 253   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Beuchelt, T.  2016.  Gender, Social Equity and Innovations in Smallholder Farming Systems: Pitfalls and Pathways.  In: Franz W. Gatzweiler und Joachim von Braun (eds.): Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer.   181-198.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 251.41KB]
Bhaduri A., J. Bogardi, A. Siddiqi, H. Voigt, C. Vörösmarty, C. Pahl-Wostl, S. E. Bunn, P. Shrivastava, R. Lawford, S. Foster, H. Kremer, F. G. Renaud, A. Bruns and V. R. Osuna.  2016.  Achieving sustainables development goals from a water perspective.  Frontiers in Environmental Science, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00064   . (Open Access)  
Biber-Freudenberger L, J. Ziemacki, H.E.Z. Tonnang, C. Borgemeister.  2016.  Future Risks of Pest Species under Changing Climatic Conditions.  PloS ONE, 11(4)   : 17   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Bleymann, K.; Jackson-Morris, A.; Lyall, E.; Aslam, F.; Bam, T.S.h; Chowdhury, I.; Daouda, E.A.; Espinosa, M.; Romo, J.; Singh, R.J; Semple, S.  2016.  Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring Methods to Assess Compliance With Smoke-Free Regulations: A Multi-Center Study in Six Low- and Middle-Income Countries.  Nicotine & tobacco research, 5   : 1258-1264   .
Callo-Concha D., M. Denich, J. P. A. Lamers, A. Schwachula, A.-K. Hornidge, A. Khamzina & C. Borgemeister.  2016.  Bridging science and development: lessons learnt from two decades of development research.  Agroforestry Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10457-016-0008-y   . Further Information
Callo-Concha, D.  2016.  West African farmers’ climate change adaptation: from technological change towards transforming institutions.  In: Leal Filho, W., Adamson K., Dunk, R. Azeitero, U. Illingstworth, S. and Alves F. (eds.): Implementing Climate Change Adaptation in Cities and Communities. Springer, Berlin.   253-265.  Further Information
Camacho-Villa, T.C., Almekinders, C., Hellin, J., Martinez-Cruz, T.E., Rendon-Medel, R., Guevara-Hernández, F., Beuchelt, T.D. and B. Govaerts.  2016.  The evolution of the MasAgro hubs: responsiveness and serendipity as drivers of agricultural innovation in a dynamic and heterogeneous context.  Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22 (5)   : 455-470   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Catacutan, DC and Villamor, GB.  2016.  Chapter 6.2 - Gender Roles and Land Use Preferences—Implications to Landscape Restoration in Southeast Asia.  In: Chabay, I., Frick, M., Helgeson, J (eds.): Land Restoration: Reclaiming Landscapes for a Sustainable Future. Academic press.   431-440. 
Conrad C, Lamers JPA, Ibragimov N, Loew F, Martius C.  2016.  Analysing irrigated crop rotation patterns in arid Uzbekistan by the means of remote sensing: A case study on post-Soviet agricultural land use.  Journal of Arid Environments , 124   : 150-159   .
Conrad C, Lamers JPA, Ibragimov N, Loew F, Martius C,.  2016.  Analysing irrigated crop rotation patterns in arid Uzbekistan by the means of remote sensing: A case study on post-Soviet agricultural land use.  Journal of Arid Environments, 124   : 150-159   .
Conrad C., Kaiser BO, Lamers JPA.  2016.  Quantifying water volumes of small lakes in the inner Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia, and their potential for reaching water and food security..  Environmental Earth Sciences , 75   : 951-976   .
Dah-gbeto, A and Villamor GB.  2016.  Gender and land use under climate variability in Northern Benin.  Ambio, 45   : 297-308   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.65MB]
Further Information
Djalilov B., Khamzina A., Hornidge A.-K., Lamers J.P.A.  2016.  Exploring constraints and incentives for the adoption of agroforestry practices on degraded cropland in Uzbekistan.  Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59(1)   : 142-162   .
Djanibekov U., G.B. Villamor, K. Dzhakypbekova and J. Xu.  2016.  Adoption of Sustainable Land Uses in Post-Soviet Central Asia: The Case for Agroforestry.  Sustainability, 8 (10)   : 1030   .
Djanibekov U., Khamzina A.  2016.  Stochastic economic assessment of afforestation on marginal land in irrigated farming system.  Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(1)   : 95-117   .

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