Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Sanogo, K, Binam, J, Bayala, J, Villamor, GB, Kalinganire, A, and Dodiomon, S.  2016.  Farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts on ecosystem services delivery of parklands in southern Mali.  Agroforestry Systems, : DOI: 10.1007/s10457-016-9933-z   .
Sekyi-Annan, E., E. Nti Acheampong, N. Ozor.  2016.  Modeling the impact of climate variability on crops in sub-Saharan Africa.  In: Mukhtar Ahmed, Claudio O. Stockle (eds.): Quantification of climate variability, adaptation and mitigation for agricultural sustainability. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.   39-70. 
Shumo, M..  2016.  Black Soldier Fly: A Bio Tool for Converting Food Waste into Livestock Feed.  Solutions, 7 (4)   : 36-39   .
Su Y, Hammond J, Villamor GB, Grumbine RE, Xu J, Hyde K, Pagella T, Sujakhu NM, Ma X.  2016.  Tourism leads to wealth but increased vulnerability: a double-edged sword in Lijiang, South-West China.  Water International, 41(5)   : 682-697   . Further Information
Sylla M.B., N. Elguindi, F. Giorgi and D. Wisser.  2016.  Projected robust shift of climate zones over West Africa in response to anthropogenic climate change for the late 21st century.  Climatic Change, 134 (1-2)   : 241-253   .
Tamene L., P Mponela, GW Sileshi, J Chen, JE Tondoh.  2016.  Spatial variation in tree density and estimated aboveground carbon stocks in Southern Africa.  Forests, 7(3)   : 1-19   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Tesfahunegna, G.B., L. Tamene, P.L.G. Vlek.  2016.  Assessing soil properties and landforms in the Mai-Negus Catchment, Northern Ethiopia.  Pedosphere, 26 (5)   : 745-759   .
Velmurugan, A., Swarnam, T.P., Ambast, S.K., Kumar, N.  2016.  Managing waterlogging and soil salinity with a permanent raised bed and furrow system in coastal lowlands of humid tropics.  Agricultural Water Management, 168   : 58-67   . Further Information
Villamor, G.B. and Badmos, B.K.  2016.  Grazing game: a learning tool for adaptive management in response to climate variability in semi-arid areas of Ghana.  Ecology and Society, 21(1)   : 39   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Villamor, GB and van Noordwijk, M.  2016.  Gender specific land-use decisions and implications for ecosystem services in semi-matrilineal Sumatra.  Global Environmental Change, 39   : 69-80   . Further Information
Virchow, D., Beuchelt, T., Kuhn, A. and M. Denich.  2016.  Biomass-Based Value Webs: A Novel Perspective for Emerging Bioeconomies in Sub-Saharan Africa.  In: Franz W. Gatzweiler and Joachim von Braun (eds.): Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer.   225-238.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 223.90KB]
Wiersberg T., D. Callo-Concha and F. Ewert.  2016.  Pitfall or Priority Drift? Participatory Tree Domestication Programs: The Case of Agroforestry in the Peruvian Amazon.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry, DOI:10.1080/10549811.2016.1213641   . Further Information
Wu, C.-C. and Tsai H.-M.  2016.  Capacity building for tourism development in a nested social-ecological system - A case study of the South Penghu Archipelago Marine National Park, Taiwan.  Ocean & Coastal Management, 123   : 66-73   .
Yang, H, Villamor, GB, Su, Y, Wang, M and Xu, J.  2016.  Land-use response to drought scenarios and water policy intervention in Lijiang, SW China.  Land Use Policy, 57(30)   : 377-387   .
Yet B, Constantinou A, Fenton N, Neil M, Luedeling E, Shepherd K.  2016.  A Bayesian Network framework for project cost, benefit and risk analysis with an agricultural development case study.  Expert Systems with Applications, 60   : 141-151   . Further Information
Yira Y., Diekkrüger B., Steup G., Bossa A. Y..  2016.  Modeling land use change impacts on water resources in a tropical West African catchment (Dano, Burkina Faso).  Journal of Hydrology, 537   : 187-199   . Further Information
Zhang J., G. Manske, P.Q. Zhou, B. Tischbein and M. Becker.  2016.  Factors influencing farmers’ decisions on nitrogen fertilizer application in the Liangzihu Lake basin, Central China.  Environment Development and Sustainability, DOI:10.1007/s10668-016-9765   . Further Information


Affognon, H., Mutungi, C., Sanginga, P. & C. Borgemeister.  2015.  Unpacking postharvest losses in sub-Saharan Africa: A meta-analysis.  World Development, 66   : 49-68   .
Aleza, K., Villamor, G.B., Wala, K, Dourma, M., Atakpama, W., Batawila, K., Akpagana, K.  2015.  Woody species diversity of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn traditional agroforests under different land management regimes in Atacora district (Benin, West Africa).  International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 7(4)   : 245-256   .
Aleza, K., Wala, K., Bayala, J., Villamor, G.B., Dourma, M., Atakpama, W., Akpagana, K.  2015.  Population structure and regeneration status of Vitellaria Paradoxa (C. F. Gaertner) under different land management regimes in Atacora department, Benin.  Agroforestry Systems, 89(3)   : 511-523   .
Amadou M. L., Villamor, G.B., Attua, E.M., and Traore, S.B.  2015.  Comparing Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change and Variability with Historical Climate Data in the Upper East Region of Ghana.  Ghana Journal of Geography, 7(1)   : 47-74   . (Open Access)  
Araya A, Hoogenboom G, Luedeling E, Hadgu KM, Kisekka I, Martorano LG.  2015.  Assessment of maize growth and yield using crop models under present and future climate in southwestern Ethiopia.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214-215   : 252-265   .
Awan, U.K., Tischbein, B., Martius, C.  2015.  Simulating groundwater dynamics using feflow-3d groundwater model under complex irrigation and drainage network of dryland ecosystems of central asia.  Irrigation and Drainage, 64 (2)   : 283-296   .
Awan, U.K., Tischbein, B., Martius, M.  2015.  Simulating Groundwater Dynamics Using Feflow-3D Groundwater Model Under Complex Irrigation and Drainage Network of Dryland Ecosystems of Central Asia.  Irrigation and Drainage, 64 (2)   : 283-296   .
Badmos, B., Agodzo, S., Villamor, G.B., Odai, S.  2015.  An approach for simulating soil loss from an agro-ecosystem using multi-agent simulation: a case study for semi-arid Ghana.  Land, 4(3)   : 607-626   . (Open Access)  
Badmos, B.K., G.B. Villamor, S.K. Agodzo and S. N Odai.  2015.  Heterogeneous farm household perception about climate change: a case study of semi-arid region of Ghana.  The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 7 (3)   : 67-79   .
Bationo, A., Lamers, J.P.A., Lehmann, J..  2015.  Recent achievement of sustainable soil management in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 102 (1)   : 1-3   .
Baumert S., and A. Khamzina.  2015.  Allometric relations in Jatropha curcas production systems of Burkina Faso.  Journal of Arid Environments, 120   : 95-104   .
Betancur-Corredor B., J. Soltan and G.A. Peñuela.  2015.  Mineralization of Ibuprofen and Humic Acid through Catalytic Ozonation.  Ozone Science and Engineering, 3(38)   : 203-210   . Further Information
Betancur-Corredor, B., Pino N.J., Cardona S., Peñuela G.A.  2015.  Evaluation of biostimulation and Tween 80 addition for the bioremediation of long-term DDT-contaminated soil.  Journal of Environmental Sciences, 28   : 101-9   . (Open Access)  
Conrad C., Rudloff M., Abudallev I, Thiel M, Löw F, Lamers JPA.  2015.  Measuring rural settlement expansion in Uzbekistan using remote sensing to support spatial planning.  Applied Geography, 62   : 29-43   .
Crootof A, Mullabaev N, Saito L, Atwell L, Rosen MR, Bekchonova M, Ginatullina E, Scott J, Chandra S, Nishonov B, Lamers JPA, Fayzieva D.  2015.  Hydroecological condition and potential for aquaculture in lakes of the arid region of Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Journal of Arid Environments , 117   : 37-46   .
Djalilov, B., Khamzina A., Hornidge, A-K., Lamers J.P.A..  2015.  Exploring constraints and incentives for on-farm adoption of agroforestry in degraded cropping areas in Uzbekistan.  Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, : 1-21   .
Eshtawi, T., Evers, M., Tischbein, B.  2015.  Potential impacts of urban area expansion on groundwater level in the Gaza Strip: a spatial-temporal assessment.  Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8 (12)   : 10565-10584   .
Eshtawi, T., M. Evers, B. Tischbein.  2015.  Quantifying the impact of urban area expansion on groundwater recharge and surface runoff.  Hydrological Sciences Journal, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2014.1000916   .
Grogan D.S., F. Zhang, A. Prusevich, D. Wisser, S. Glidden.  2015.  Quantifying the link between crop production and mined groundwater irrigation in China.  Science of The Total Environment, 511   : 161-175   .
Hasan B, Higano Y, Yabar H, Devkota M, Lamers JPA.  2015.  Conservation agriculture practice in salt-affected, irrigated areas of Central Asia: Crop price and input cost variability effect on revenue risks.  Sustainable Agriculture Research, 4(2)   : 1-20   .
Lamers, J.P.A, Bruentrup, M., Buerkert, A.  2015.  Financial performance of fertilisation strategies for sustainable soil fertility management in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. 1. Profitability of annual fertilisation strategies..  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 102(1)   : 137-148   .
Lamers, J.P.A, Bruentrup, M., Buerkert, A.  2015.  . Financial performance of fertilisation strategies for sustainable soil fertility management in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. 2: Profitability of long-term capital investments in rockphosphate.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 102(1)   : 149-165   .
Löw F, Fliemann E., Abduallev I, Conrad C, Lamers JPA.  2015.  Mapping abandoned agricultural land in Kyzyl-Orda, Kazakhstan using satellite remote sensing.  Applied Geography, 62   : 377-390   .

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