Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Callo-Concha D., Sommer J.H., Kleemann J., Gatzweiler F. and M. Denich.  2014.  Marginality from a socioecological perspective.  In: von Braun J. and F. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality: Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer.   57-65.  Further Information
Callo-Concha, D. and F. Ewert.  2014.  Using the concepts of resilience, vulnerability and adaptability for the assessment and analysis of agricultural systems.  Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems. Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 1 (1)   : 1-11   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Callo-Concha, D., Denich, M..  2014.  A participatory framework to assess multifunctional land-use systems with multicriteria and multivariate analyses: A case study on agrobiodiversity of agroforestry systems in Tomé Açú, Brazil.  Change Adaptation Socioecol. Syst., 1   : 40-50   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Callo-Concha, D., Sommer, J. H., Kleemann, J., F. W. Gatzweiler and M. Denich.  2014.  Marginality from a Socio-ecological Perspective.  In: von Braun, J. and F. W. Gatzweiler (eds.): Marginality - Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer.   pp. 57-65. 
Djanibekov, N., Bobojonov, I., Van Assche, K., Rudenko, I., Nurmetov, K., Lamers, J.P.A..  2014.  Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan through fragmentation to consolidation.  In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V & R unipress. Bonn University Press.   33-44. 
Djumaeva, D., Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Babajanova, S., Eshchanov, R., Vlek, P.L.G..  2014.  Nitrogen fixation by trees with P-fertilization enhances growth and carbon sequestration in degraded irrigated croplands.  In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V & R unipress. Bonn University Press.   153-166. 
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Witt, A., Koschke, L., and Makeschin, F..  2014.  Making use of the ecosystem services concept in regional planning - trade-offs from reducing water erosion.  Landscape Ecology, : 15   . Further Information
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Witt, A., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F.  2014.  Making use of the ecosystem services concept in regional planning—trade-offs from reducing water erosion.  Landscape Ecology, . Further Information
Fürst C., Berry P., Genleletti D., Khamzina A., Sanfo S.  2014.  Inaugural Editorial.  Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 1   : 35-39   .
Fürst, C., Opdam, P., Inostroza, L., Luque, S..  2014.  A balance score card tool for assessing how successful the ecosystem services concept is applied in participatory land use planning.  Landscape Ecology , 29(8)   : 1435-1446   . Further Information
Ginatullina, E., Saito, L., Atwell, L., Shermetova, D.B., Fayzieva, D., Lamers, J.P.A., Chandra, S., Shanafield, M..  2014.  Water chemistry and zooplankton communities in drainage lakes in downstream Amu Darya, Central Asia.  In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V & R unipress. Bonn University Press.   179-196. 
Graw, V. and C. Husmann.  2014.  Mapping Marginality Hotspots.  In: von Braun, J. and F. Gatzweiler (eds) (eds.): Marginality. Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology. Springer.   69-83.  Further Information
Gruezmacher, M and K. Van Assche.  2014.  The Evolution of Socio-Ecological Systems: Changing Palm Species Management in the Colombian Amazon as an Indicator of Ecological and Institutional Change.  Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,   : 1-22   . Further Information
Guo L, Dai J, Ranjitkar S, Yu H, Xu J, Luedeling E.  2014.  Chilling and heat requirements for flowering in temperate fruit trees.  International Journal of Biometeorology, 58   : 1195-1206   .
Guo L, Luedeling E, Dai J, Xu J.  2014.  Differences in heat requirements of flower and leaf buds make hysteranthous trees bloom before leaf unfolding.  Plant Diversity and Resources, 36   : 245-253   .
Ibrakhimov, M., Tischbein, B., Awan, U.K.  2014.  Knowledge on groundwater - A prerequisite for water management in Khorezm.  In: Lamers JPA, Khamzina A, Rudenko I, Vlek PLG (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V&R unipress, Bonn University Press.   109-120. 
Koschke, L., Lorz, C., Fürst, C., Lehman, T., Makeschin, F..  2014.  Assessing hydrological and provisioning ecosystem services in a case study in Western Central Brazil..  Ecological Processes, Springer Open, 3:2   . Further Information
Koschke, L., Van der Meulen, S., Frank, S., Schneidergruber, A., Kruse, M., Fürst, C., Neubert, E., Ohnesorge, B., Schröder, C., Müller, F., Bastian, O..  2014.  Do You Have 5 Minutes To Spare? –The Challenges Of Stakeholder Processes In Ecosystem Services Studies..  Landscape Online, DOI 10.3097/LO.201467   .
Koschke, L., Van der Meulen, S., Frank, S., Schneidergruber, A., Kruse, M., Fürst, C., Neubert, E., Ohnesorge, B., Schröder, C., Müller, F., Bastian, O..  2014.  Do you have 5 Minutes to spare? The challenges of stakeholder processes in ecosystem services studies.  Landscape Online, 37   : 1-25   . Further Information
Kraft KH, Brown CH, Nabhan GP, Luedeling E, Luna Ruíz J, Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge G, Hijmans R and Gepts P.  2014.  Multiple Lines of Evidence for the Origin of Domesticated Chili Pepper, Capsicum annuum, in Mexico.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 111   : 6165-6170   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kugbe, J. M. Fosu and P.L.G. Vlek.  2014.  Impact of season, fuel load and vegetation cover on fire mediated nutrient losses across savanna agro-ecosystems: the case of northern Ghana.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 102 (1)   .
La Rosa, D., Lorz, C., König, H., Fürst, C..  2014.  Spatial information and participation in socio-ecological systems: experiences, tools and lessons learned for land-use planning.  iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, doi: 10.3832/ifor0093-007   .
Lamers, J.P.A., Vlek, P.L.G., Khamzina, A., Tischbein, B., Rudenko, I..  2014.  Conclusions and Options for Action Conclusion, recommendations and outlook.  In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V & R unipress. Bonn University Press.   365-378. 
Landmann T., and =. Dubovyk.  2014.  Spatial analysis of human-induced vegetation productivity decline over eastern Africa using a decade (2001–2011) of medium resolution MODIS time-series data.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 33   : 76-82   . Further Information
Li, Z.G., Yang, P., Tang, H.J., Wu, W.B., Yin, H., Liu, Z.H., Zhang, L..  2014.  Response of maize phenology to climate warming in Northeast China between 1990 and 2012.  Regional Environmental Change, 14   : 39-48   . Further Information
Liaqat U.W., Choi,M., Awan, U.K.  2014.  Spatio-temporal Distribution of Actual Evapotranspiration in the Indus Basin Irrigation System.  Hydrological Processes, DOI. 10.1002/hyp.10401   . Further Information
Luedeling E, Kindt R, Huth NI, and Koenig K.  2014.  Agroforestry systems in a changing climate – challenges in projecting future performance.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6   : 1-7   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Maksud, B., Lamers, J.P.A., Nurmetov, K..  2014.  Economic incentives for adopting irrigation innovations in arid environments.  In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I., Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V & R unipress. Bonn University Press.   297-316. 
Masiga, D.K., Igweta, L., Saini, R., Ochieng’-Odero, J.P. & C. Borgemeister.  2014.  Building Endogenous Capacity for the Management of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Africa: The Pioneering Role of ICIPE.  PLoS NTD, 8 (5)   : e2687   .
Masikati, P., A. Manschadi, A. van Rooyen, J. Hargreaves.  2014.  Maize - mucuna rotation: An alternative technology to improve water productivity in smallholder farming systems.  Agricultural Systems, 123   : 62-70   . Further Information
Matias, D.M. and J. Tabangay.  2014.  The role of conservation agreements in disaster risk reduction: the case of Mount Mantalingahan Protected Landscape (MMPL) in the Philippines.  In: Murti, Radhika and Buyck, Camille (eds.): Safe havens: protected areas for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).   104-115.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Mbow E, van Noordwijk M, Luedeling E, Neufeldt H, Minang PA and Kowero G.  2014.  Agroforestry solutions to address food security and climate change challenges in Africa.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6   : 61-67   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Neuhoff D., Tashi S., Rahmann G., Denich M.  2014.  Organic agriculture in Bhutan: potential and challenges.  Organic Agriculture , 4   : 209-221   . Further Information
Nurbekov, A., Akramkhanov, A., Lamers, J.P.A, Kassam, A., Friedrich, T., Gupta, R., Muminjanov, H., Karabayev, M., Sydyk, D., Turok, J., Bekenov, M.  2014.  Conservation Agriculture in Central Asia.  In: Jat, R.A., Kanwar L. and Kassam, A.H. (eds.): Conservation Agriculture: Global Prospects and Challenges. CAB International.   223-247. 
Nyairo R, Onwonga R, Cherogony K, Luedeling E.  2014.  Applicability of climate analogues for climate change adaptation planning in Bugabira Commune of Burundi.  Sustainable Agriculture Research, 3   : 46-62   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nyasembe, V.O., Tchouassi, D.P., Kirwa, H.K., Foster, W.A.,, Teal, P.E.A., Borgemeister, C. & B. Torto.  2014.  Development and Assessment of Plant-Based Synthetic Odor Baits for Surveillance and Control of Malaria Vectors.  PLoS ONE, 9 (2)   .
Nyasembe, V.O., Teal, P.E.A., Sawa, P., Tumlinson, J.H., Borgemeister, C. & B. Torto.  2014.  Plasmodium falciparum-infection Increases Anopheles gambiae s.s. Attraction To Nectar Sources and Sugar Uptake.  Current Biology, 4 (2)   : 217–221. DOI:   .
Ordoñez J, Luedeling E, Kindt R, Tata HL, Harja D, Jamnadass R and van Noordwijk M.  2014.  Constraints and opportunities for tree diversity management along the forest transition curve to achieve multifunctional agriculture.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 54-60   : 54-60   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Oyerinde, G.T., F.C.C. Hountondji, D. Wisser, B. Diekkrüger, A.E. Lawin, A.J. Odofin and A. Afouda.  2014.  Hydro-climatic changes in the Niger basin and consistency of local perceptions.  Regional Environmental Change, 15 (8)   : 1-11   .
Ranjitkar S, Kindt R, Hart R, Sujakhu NM, Guo W, Yang X, Shrestha K, Xu J, Luedeling E.  2014.  Separation of the bioclimatic space of Himalayan tree Rhododendron predicted by ensemble suitability models.  Global Ecology and Conservation, 1   : 2-12   . (Open Access)   Further Information

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