Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Devkota K.P., A.M. Manschadi, M. Devkota, J.P.A. Lamers, E. Ruzibaev, O. Egamberdiev, E. Amiri and P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Simulating the impact of climate change on rice phenology and grain yield in irrigated drylands of Central Asia.  American Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology , 52 (9)   : 2033-2050   . Further Information
Devkota, K.P., A.M. Manschadi, J.P.A. Lamers, E. Humphreys, M. Devkota, O. Egamberdiev, R.K. Gupta, K.D. Sayre and P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under resource conservation technologies in the irrigated drylands of Central Asia.  Field Crops Research , 149   : 115-126   . Further Information
Devkota, M, C. Martius, J.P.A. Lamers, K.D. Sayre, K.P. Devkota, R.K. Gupta, O. Egamberdiev, P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Combining permanent beds and residue retention with nitrogen fertilization improves crop yields and water productivity in irrigated arid lands under cotton, wheat and maize.  Field Crops Research , 149   : 105-114   .
Dietz, A.J., Kuenzer, C., Conrad, C..  2013.  Snow-cover variability in central Asia between 2000 and 2011 derived from improved MODIS daily snow-cover products.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (11)   : 3879-3902   . Further Information
Djumaeva, D., J.P.A. Lamers, A. Khamzina, P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  The benefits of phosphorus fertilization of trees grown on salinized croplands in the lower reaches of Amu Darya, Uzbekistan.  Agrofor. Syst. , 87   : 555–569   .
Dubovyk O, Menz G, Conrad C., Lamers, J., Lee, A., Khamzina, A..  2013.  Spatial targeting of land rehabilitation: a relational analysis of cropland productivity decline in arid Uzbekistan.  Erdkunde, 67(2)   : 167-181   . Download [PDF | 6.27MB]
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Dubovyk, O., G. Menz, C. Conrad, E. Kan, M. Machwitz, A. Khamzina A.  2013.  Spatio-temporal analyses of cropland degradation in the irrigated lowlands of Uzbekistan using remote sensing and logistic regression modeling.  Environ. Monitor. Assess., 185   : 4775-4790   .
Dubovyk, O., G. Menz, C. Conrad, F. Thonfeld, A. Khamzina.  2013.  Object-based identification of vegetation cover decline in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan.  Quaternary International, 311   : 163-174   .
Forkuor, G., P Pavelic, E Asare, E Obuobie.  2013.  Modelling potential areas of groundwater development for agriculture in northern Ghana using GIS/RS.  Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2)   : 437-451   .
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F..  2013.  How to assess the impact of the landscape structure on the provision of the cultural ecosystem service landscape aesthetics.  Ecological Indicators, 32   : 222-231   .
Frank, S., Fürst, C., Koschke, L., Witt, A. and Makeschin, F..  2013.  Assessment of landscape aesthetics-Validation of a landscape metrics-based assessment by visual estimation of the scenic beauty.  Ecological Indicators, 32   : 222-231   .
Fürst, C., Frank, S., Witt, A., Koschke, L., Makeschin, F..  2013.  Assessment of the effects of forest land use strategies on the provision of Ecosystem Services at regional scale. Journal of Environmental Management.  Journal of Environmental Management, 127   : 96-116   . Further Information
Fürst, C., Helming, K., Lorz, C., Müller, F., Verburg, P..  2013.  Integrated land use and regional resource management – A cross-disciplinary dialogue on future perspectives for a sustainable development of regional resources..  Journal of Environmental Management, 127   : 1-5   .
Graw, V..  2013.  Mapping hotspots of marginality for area identification.  Rural 21, 01/2013   : 42-43   . Further Information
Jaramillo J., Torto B., Mwenda D., Troeger A., Borgemeister C., Poehling, H.-M. & W. Francke.  2013.  Coffee Berry Borer Joins Bark Beetles in Coffee Klatch.  PLoS ONE, 8 (9)   .
Koschke, L., Fürst, C., Lorenz, M., Witt, A., Frank, S., Makeschin, F..  2013.  The integration of agricultural management practices in the assessment of ecosystem services provision at regional scale.  Ecological Indicators, 32   : 157-171   .
Landmann, T. and Dubovyk, O.  2013.  Mapping vegetation productivity dynamics and degradation trends over East Africa using a decade of medium Resolution MODIS time-series data..  IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 21-26 July 2013, pp. 1801-1804., . Further Information
Lorenz, M., Fürst, C., Thiel, E..  2013.  A methodological approach for deriving regional crop rotations as basis for the assessment of the impact of agricultural strategies using soil erosion as example.  Journal of Environmental Management, 127   : 37-47   .
Mulyoutami, E., Catacutan, D., Martini, E., Khususiyah, N., Janudianto, Villamor, G.B., and M. van Noordwijk.  2013.  Gender roles in land use and value chains (GroLUV).  In: van Noordwijk, M., Lusiana, B., Leimona, B., Dewi, S., and D. Wulandari (eds.): Negotiation-support toolkit for learning landscapes. World Agroforestry Centre.   55-60.  Further Information
Mwangangi J.M., Mbogo C.M., Orindi B.O., Muturi E.J., Midega J.T., Nzovu J., Gatakaa H., Githure J., Borgemeister C., Keating J. & J.C. Beier.  2013.  Shifts in malaria vector species composition and transmission dynamics along the Kenyan coast over the past 20 years.  Malaria Journal, 12:13   .
Nartey K.V., A. Sampson, B.D. Tutu, S. Nussbaum, J. Ephraim, K. Greve.  2013.  Exploratory Assessment of E-Waste Governance Structures in Africa: A Case Study of Ghana.  Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 1 (3)   . Further Information
Okyere C. Y., Yacouba Y. and Gilgenbach D.  2013.  The problem of annual occurence of floods in Accra: an integration of hydrological, economic and political perspectives.  Theoretical and Empirical Research in Urban Management, 8 (2)   : 45-79   . Further Information
Park, S.J., Lim, J.H., Lee, D.W., Choi, J.M., Koo, H.M., Jeong, J.S. and Ahn, Y.S.  2013.  Implementing issues of the UNCCD, and the roles of Korea.  Journal of Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation, : 35-74   .
Rodriguez Osuna, V.  2013.  Smallholder Production and Climate Risk: The Lower Amazon Region, Brazil.  LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-659-32187-0. Download [PDF | 1.13MB]
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Schmitt, C. B., F. Senbeta, T. Woldemariam, M. Rudner and M. Denich.  2013.  Importance of regional climates for plant species distribution patterns in moist Afromontane forest..  Journal of Vegetation Science , 24(3):   : 553-568   .
Shimeles Damene, Lulseged Tamene, Paul L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Performance of exclosure in restoring soil fertility: A case of Gubalafto district in North Wello Zone, northern highlands of Ethiopia.  Catena, 101   : 136-142   .
Taye, K. and Burkhardt, J..  2013.  Hydraulic resistances in seedlings of Coffea arabica accessions under contrasting shade regimes in southwestern Ethiopia.  The Journal of Agricultural Science, 151 (5)   : 682-692   .
Taye, K. and Burkhardt, J..  2013.  Studies on root growth of Coffea arabica populations and its implication for sustainable management of natural forests.  Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research, 1 (1)   : 1-10   .
Tchouassi, D.P., Sang, R., Sole, C.L., Bastos, A.D.S., Teal, P.E.A., Borgemeister, C. & B. Torto.  2013.  Common Host-derived Chemicals Increase Catches of Disease-transmitting Mosquitoes and can improve early warning systems for Rift Valley Fever Virus.  PLoS NTD, 7 (1)   .
Tesfahunegn, GB and PL G. Vlek.  2013.  Assessing Sediment-Nutrient Export Rate and Soil Degradation in Mai-Negus Catchment, Northern Ethiopia.  ISRN Soil Science, 2013   : 1-10   . Further Information
Tesfahunegna, G.B., P.L.G. Vlek, L. Tamene.  2013.  Application of SWAT model to assess erosion hotspot for sub-catchment management at Mai-Negus catchment in northern Ethiopia.  East African Journal of Science and Technology 2 , 2 (2)   : 97-123   .
Tischbein, B., Manschadi, A.M., Conrad, C., Hornidge, A.-K., Bhaduri, A., Ul Hassan, M., Lamers, J.P.A., Awan, U.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Adapting to water scarcity: constraints and opportunities for improving irrigation water management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 13   : 337-348   .
Villamor, G.B., Djanibekov, U., Le, Q.B., and P.L.G. Vlek.  2013.  Modelling the socio-ecological system dynamics of rubber agroforests to design reward mechanisms for agro-biodiversity conservation.  In: Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J (eds.): 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation . Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1.   1861–1867 .  Download [PDF]
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Villamor, G.B., Leimona, B., and M. van Noordwijk.  2013.  RUPES role-playing game (RPG).  In: van Noordwijk, M., Lusiana, B., Leimona, B., Dewi, S., and D. Wulandari (eds.): Negotiation-support toolkit for learning landscapes. World Agroforestry Centre.   245-248.  Further Information
Villamor, G.B., Troitzsch, K.G., and M. van Noordwijk.  2013.  Validating human decision making in an agent-based land-use model.  . Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1.   Download [PDF]
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Witt, A., Fürst, C., and Makeschin, F.  2013.  Regionalization of Climate Change sensitive forest ecosystem types for potential afforestation areas.  Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier, SI RegioResources 21., 127   : 48-55   . Further Information
Yen, A. L. and Ro, S.  2013.  The sale of Tarantulas in Cambodia for food or medicine: Is it sustainable?.  Journal of Threatened Taxa, 5   : 3548-3551   . Further Information


Akello J. and R. Sikora.  2012.  Systemic acropedal influence of endophyte seed treatment on Acyrthosiphon pisum and Aphis fabae offspring development and reproductive fitness.  Biological Control, 61   : 215-221   .
Akramkhanov, A. and P. L. G. Vlek.  2012.  The assessment of spatial distribution of soil salinity risk using neural network.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184:4   : 2475-2485   .
Andrén, O., T Kätterer, J Juston, B Waswa, K Röing de Nowina.  2012.  Soil carbon dynamics, climate, crops and soil type.  African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(43)   : 5800-5809   .

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