Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


MacCarthy, D.S., Paul L.G. Vlek, A. Batiano, R. Tabo and M. Fosu.  2010.  Modeling nutrient and water productivity of sorghum in smallholder farming systems in a semi-arid region of Ghana.  Field Crops Res. , . Further Information
Manschadi, A. M., L. Oberkircher, B. Tischbein, C. Conrad, A.-K. Hornidge, A. Bhaduri, G. Schorcht, J. Lamers, P. L. G. Vlek.  2010.  'White Gold' and Aral Sea Disaster – Towards more efficient use of water resources in the Khorezm region, Uzbekistan.  Lohmann Information, 45(1)   : 34-47   . Further Information
Manschadi, AM., JT. Christopher, GL. Hammer and P. deVoil.  2010.  Experimental and modelling studies of drought-adaptive root architectural traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).  Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 144: 2   : 458-462   .
Manschadi, AM., L. Oberkircher, B. Tischbein, C. Conrad, A-K. Hornridge, A. Bhaduri, G. Schorcht, JPL. Lamers and PLG. Vlek.  2010.  “White Gold” and Aral Sea disaster – Towards more efficient use of water resources in the Khorezm region, Uzbekistan.  Lohmann Information, 45 (1)   : 34-47   . Further Information
Mdemu, M., W. Laube and B. Barry.  2010.  Temporal water productivity of tomato irrigated from a small reservoir and hand-dug-wells in dry season cropping in the Upper East Region, Ghana.  Journal of Applied Irrigation Science, 45 (1)   : 75-93   .
Mesfin, T., G.B. Tesfahunegn, M.Mamo and C.S. Wortmann, M. Mamo and O. Nikus.  2010.  Skip-Row Planting and Tie-Ridging for Sorghum Production in Semiarid Areas of Ethiopia.American Agronomy Journal.  : 102 (2):745-750   .
Mondal, A.H., Denich, M..  2010.  Hybrid systems for decentralized power generation in Bangladesh..  Energy for Sustainable Development , 14   : 48-55   .
Mondal, M A H. and M. Denich.  2010.  Assessment of renewable energy resources potential for electricity generation in Bangladesh.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14   : 2401-2413   .
Mondal, M A H., L. M. Kamp and N. I. Pachova.  2010.  Drivers, barriers and strategies for implementation of renewable energy technologies in rural areas in Bangladesh - an innovation system analysis.  Energy Policy , 38   : 4626-4634   .
Mondal, M. A. H..  2010.  Economic Viability Of Solar Home Systems: Case Study Of Bangladesh.  Renewable Energy, 35   : 1125-1129   .
Mondal, Md. A. H., Boie, W., Denich, M..  2010.  Future demand scenarios of Bangladesh power sector..  Energy Policy , 38   : 7416-7426   .
Mondal, Md. A. H., Denich, M., Vlek, P.L.G..  2010.  The future choice of technologies and co-benefits of CO2 emission reduction in Bangladesh power sector..  Energy, 35   : 4902-4909   .
Mondal, Md. A.H.  2010.  Solar Home Systems for Rural Development.  Lambert Academic Publishing. Saarbrücken, Germany.
Mondal, Md. A.H., Denich, M..  2010.  Assessment of renewable energy resources potential for electricity generation in Bangladesh..  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , 14   : 2401–2413   .
Nyarko, B. K., D.K. Essumang, J.M. Eghan, B. Reichert, N. Van de Geisen, N. and P.L.G.Vlek.  2010.  Use of isotopes to study floodplain-wetland and River flow interaction in the White Volta Basin, Ghana..  Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 46 (1)   : 91   .
Nyarko, B.K., D.K. Essumang, M.J. Eghan, B. Reichert, N. van de Giesen and P.L.G. Vlek.  2010.  Use of isotopes to study floodplain and wetland and river flow interaction in the White River Volta Basin, Ghana.  Isotopes in Environmental Health Studies , 46   : 91-106   .
Nyarko, Benjamin Kofi.  2010.  Floodplain.  In: Warf, B (eds.): Encyclopedia of Geography . Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage Publications .   1128-1133 . 
OBERKIRCHER, L.  2010.  Water Scarcity and the Lifeworld. The Challenge of Perceiving Creeping Disasters.  Forum der Geoökologie, 21(2)   : 26-29   . Further Information
Rudenko I., and Lamers J.P.A.  2010.  Virtual water saves prized liquid asset. Concept raisesawareness about dwindling resource in arid region.  VOICES, 23   : 18-19   . Further Information
Rudenko, I. and J.P.A Lamers.  2010.  The Aral Sea: An Ecological Disaster. Case Study 8-6.  In: Pinstrup-Andersen, P. and F. Cheng (eds.): Food Policy for Developing Countries: Case Studies.   14.  Further Information
Schmitt CB, Denich M, Demissew S, Friis I & Boehmer HJ.  2010.  Floristic diversity in fragmented Afromontane rainforests: Altitudinal variation and conservation importance.  Applied Vegetation Science, 13   : 291-304   .
Schmitt CB, Senbeta F, Denich D, Preisinger H & Boehmer HJ.  2010.  Wild coffee management and plant diversity in the montane rainforest of southwestern Ethiopia.  African Journal of Ecology, 48 (1)   : 78–86   . Further Information
Schmitt, C.B.; Denich, M., Demissew, S., Friis, I., Boehmer, H.J..  2010.  Floristic diversity in fragmented Afromontane rainforests: Altitudinal variation and conservation importance.  Applied Vegetaion Science, 13 (3)   : 291-304   .
Schmitt, C.B.; Denich, M., Demissew, S., Friis, I., Böhmer, H.J..  2010.  Floristic diversity in fragmented Afromontane rainforests: Altitudinal variation and conservation importance..  Applied Vegetation Science , 13 (3)   : 291-304   .
Sepúlveda, A., M. Schluep, F. G. Renaud, M. Streicher, R. Kuehr, C. Hagelüken and A. C. Gerecke.  2010.  A review of the environmental fate and effects of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equipments during recycling: Examples from China and India.  Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 30: 28–41   . Download [PDF | 599.21KB]
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Tesfahunegn, G.B..  2010.  Tied ridging as insitu rainwater harvesting method for improving sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L., yield at Abergelle area, Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia.  LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing, Monograph. Saarbrücken, Germany. Further Information
Tsegay, D., S.R. Moe, P.O. Vedeld, E. Aynekulu.  2010.  Land-use/cover dynamics in arid and semi-arid rangelands of northern Afar, Ethiopia.  Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 139   : 174-180   . Download [PDF]
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Further Information
Tsegaye D., R.M. Stein, P. Vedeld, E. Aynekulu.  2010.  Land-use/cover dynamics in Northern Afar rangelands.  Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 139   : 174-180   .
Van der Giesen, N., J. Liebe and G. Jung.  2010.  Adapting to climate change in the Volta Basin, West Africa.  Current Science, 98 (8)   : 1033-1037   . Further Information
Vlek, L.G., Le, Q.B., Tamene, L.  2010.  Assessment of land degradation, its possible causes and threat to food security in sub-Saharan Africa.  In: Lal, R. and Stewart, B.A. (eds.): Soil Quality and Food Security. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.   57-86. 


Adwubi, A., B.K. Amegashie, W.A. Agyare, L. Tamene, S. Nii Odai, C. Quansah and P.L.G. Vlek.  2009.  Assessing sediment inputs to small reservoirs in Upper East Region, Ghana.  Lakes & Reservoirs, 14   : 279-287   .
Bhaduri A., U.A. Amarasinghe and T. Shah.  2009.  Groundwater Expansion in Indian Agriculture:Past Trends and Future Opportunities.  Amarasinghe, U. A.; Shah, T.; Malik, R. P. S. (Eds.) India’s water future: Scenarios and issues.. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute..   Download [PDF]
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Conrad, C., G. Rücker, J.-P. Mund, M. Schmidt, H. Mehl.  2009.  Beiträge der Satellitenfernerkundung für ein nachhaltiges und grenzüberschreitendes Wassermanagement in Zentralasien.  In: Kramer M. (eds.): Integratives und nachhaltigkeitsorientiertes Wassermanagement. Kooperationspotenziale zwischen Deutschland und Zentralasien. Gabler/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden.  
Denich, M.  2009.  Umweltprobleme in Entwicklungsländern.  In: Meyns, P (eds.): Handbuch Eine Welt – Entwicklung im globalen Wandel. Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal.   202-210. 
Djumaeva, D., N. Djanibekov, P.L.G. Vlek, C. Martius and J.P.A. Lamers.  2009.  Options for optimizing dairy feed rations with foliage of trees grown in the irrigated drylands of Central Asia.  Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 5(5)   : 698-708   .
Djumaeva, D., N. Djanibekov, P.L.G. Vlek, C. Martius, C., J.P.A. Lamers.  2009.  Options for optimizing dairy feed rations with foliage of trees grown in the irrigated drylands of Central Asia. Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences.  Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 5 (5)   : 698-708   .
Fatondji, D. C. Martius, C.L. Bielders, S. Koala, P.L.G. Vlek, R. Zougmore.  2009.  Decomposition of organic amendment and nutrient release under the zai technique in the Sahel. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 85 (3)   : 225-239   .
Fatondji, D., C. Martius, C.L. Bielders, S. Koala, P.L.G. Vlek and R. Zougmore.  2009.  Decomposition of organic amendment and nutrient release under the zai technique in the Sahel.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 85(3)   : 225-239   .
Forkutsa, I., R. Sommer, Y.I. Shirokova, J.P.A. Lamers, K. Kienzler, B. Tischbein, C. Martius and P.L.G. Vlek.  2009.  Modeling irrigated cotton with shallow groundwater in the Aral Sea Basin of Uzbekistan.  II. Soil salinity dynamics Irrig Sci, 27 (4)   : 319-330   .
Forkutsa, I., R. Sommer, Y.I. Shirokova, J.P.A. Lamers, K. Kienzler, B. Tischbein, C. Martius and P.L.G. Vlek.  2009.  Modeling irrigated cotton with shallow groundwater in the Aral Sea Basin of Uzbekistan: I. Water dynamics.  Water dynamics Irrig Sci, 27 (4)   : 331-346   .

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