Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ECOL)


Andrén, O., Kihara, J., Bationo, A., Vanlauwe, B. and T Kätterer.  2007.  Soil Climate and Decomposer Activity in Sub-Saharan Africa Estimated from Standard Weather Station Data: A Simple Climate Index for Soil Carbon Balance Calculations.  AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, Vol 35 (5)   : 379–386   . Download [PDF | 331.89KB]
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Anhar, A., Sommer, R., Becker, M. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2007.  The isotope 15N enrichment technique to measure the biological nitrogen fixation in cacao agroforestry system in Central Sulawesi Indonesia.  Agrista, : 54-59   .
Bagayoko F., N.C.van de Giesen, S.Yonkeu and J.Elbers.  2007.  Energy partitioning over the West African savanna: Multi-year evaporation and surface conductance measurements Eastern Burkina Faso.  Journal of hydrology, 334: 545-559   . Further Information
Bagayoko, F., S.Yonkeu, J.Elbers and N. van de Giesen.  2007.  Energy partitioning over the West African savanna: Multi-year evaporation and surface conductance measurements in Eastern Burkina Faso.  Journal of Hydrology, 334   : 545-559   .
Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Kihara, J. and Kimetu, J. (Editors).  2007.  Advances in integrated soil fertility management in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities.  Springer London, Limited. UK. Further Information
Begdullayeva, T., H. M. Ibragimov, and Lamers, J.P.A..  2007.  Types of Sorghum in Karalpakstan: Salinity Tolerance, Salinity Accumulation and Productivity.  FAN Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Begdullayeva, T., K.M. Kienzler, E. Kan, N. Ibragimov, and J.P.A Lamers.  2007.  Response of Sorghum bicolor varieties to soil salinity for feed and food production in Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.  Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 21   : 237-250   . Further Information
Braimoh, A.K. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2007.  Land Use and Soil Resources.  Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6777-8. Download [DOC]
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Denich, M..  2007.  Biologische Vielfalt in Afrika - Das Beispiel Wildkaffee in Äthiopien.  forum der unesco-projekt-schulen, Heft 1-2/2007   : 34-41   .
Feitosa F.F., Câmara G., Monteiro A.M.V., Koschitzki T., Silva M.P.S.  2007.  Global and Local Spatial Indices of Urban Segregation.  International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21   : 299-323   . Download [PDF | 883.67KB]
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Fosu, M., R. Kühne and P. Vlek.  2007.  Mineralization, N release and microbial biomass dynamics during the decomposition of Sunn hemp, Devil bean, Calopogonium and Mucuna.  Journal of Biological Sciences, 7 (4)   : 632-637   . Download [PDF | 405.75KB]
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Gole, T.W. and F. Senbeta.  2007.  Forest coffee production: resource base, management practices and contribution to biodiversity conservation.  In: T.W. Gole and N. Aklilu (eds.): Proceedings of the public meetings on Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) of Ethiopia: a win-win strategy for poverty alleviation and natural resource conservation. Forum for Environment.   52-61. 
Hafeez M.M., B.A.M. Bouman, N. Van De Giesen, S. Mushtaq, P.L.G. Vlek and S. Khan.  2007.  Water re-use and cost-benefit of pumping at different spatial levels in a rice irrigation system in UPRIIS, Philippines.  Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33   : 115-126   .
Hafeez M.M., B.A.S. Bouman, N. Van De Giesen, and P.L.G. Vlek.  2007.  Scale effects on water use and water productivity in a rice-based irrigation system (UPRIIS) in the Philippines.  Journal of Agricultural Water Management, 92   : 81-89   .
Hafeez, M., M. Andreini, J. Liebe, J. Friesen, A. Marx and N. Van De Giesen.  2007.  Hydrological Parameterization through Remote Sensing in Volta Basin, West Africa.  Journal of River Basin Management, Vol. 5, No. 1   : 49–56   .
Ibrakhimov M., A. Khamzina , I. Forkutsa, G. Paluasheva, J.P.A. Lamers, B. Tischbein, P.L.G. Vlek and C. Martius..  2007.  Groundwater table and salinity: Spatial and temporal distribution and influence on soil salinization in Khorezm region (Uzbekistan, Aral Sea Basin).  Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 21 (3/4)   : 219-236   . Further Information
Jung, G. and H. Kunstmann.  2007.  High-resolution Regional Climate Modelling for the Volta Basin of West Africa.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 112   : 17 pages, doi:10.1029/2006JD007951   . Further Information
Kaizzi C.K., H. Ssali, A. Nansamba and P. Vlek.  2007.  The Potential benefits of Azolla, Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis) and N fertilizers in Rice production under contrasting systems in eastern Uganda.  In: Bationo A., B. Waswa, J. Kihara and J. Kimetu (eds.): Advancesin Integrated Soil Fertility Research in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer.   423 - 433. 
Kasina, M., D. Wittmann and C. Martius.  2007.  Bees and farmers in Kakamega forest: Economics of pollination.  Apidologie , 38   : 15 Doi : 10.1051/apido:2007030   .
Kern, M.A. and P.L.G. Vlek.  2007.  Azolla as an alternative technology to improve the nitrogen use efficiency of lowland rice.  Entwicklung and laendlicher raum / agriculture and rural development, 2007 (1)   . Further Information
Kunstmann, H.  2007.  Effective SVAT model parameters through inverse stochastic modelling and second order first moment propagation.  Journal of Hydrology, .
Laux P., H. Kunstmann and A. Bárdossy.  2007.  Linking West African Monsoon’s onset with atmospheric circulation patterns.  . IAHS Red Book Series, Quantification and reduction of predictive uncertainty for sustainable water resources management.  
Laux, P., Wagner, A. Wagner, S., Kunstmann, H. & Bárdossy A..  2007.  Modelling daily precipitation features in the Volta Basin in West Africa.  submitted to Int. Journal of, .
Liebe, J., M. Andreini, N. van de Giesen and T. Steenhuis.  2007.  The Small Reservoirs Project: Research to Improve Water Availability and Economic Development in Rural Semi-arid Areas.  In: Kittisou, M., M. Ndulo, M. Nagel and M. Grieco (eds.): The Hydropolitics of Africa: A Contemporary Challenge. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.   325-332. 
Mata, L.J. and J. Budhooram.  2007.  Complementary between mitigation and adaptation: the water sector.  Mitig. Adapt. Strat. Glob. Change, 12   : 799-807   . Further Information
Mondal, M. A. H..  2007.  Opportunities to Use Renewable Energy Technologies in Rural Bangladesh, Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.  Multi disciplinary, 32(1)   : 1-10   .
Nderitu, J.H., E.M. Wambua, F. Olubayo, J.M. Kasina and C.N. Waturu.  2007.  Evaluation of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Cultivars and Breeding Lines for Resistance to Thrips(Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Pests in Kenya.  Journal of Entomology, 4 (3)   : 202-209   .
Nderitu,J. H., E. M. Wambua, F. M. Olubayo, J. M. Kasina and C.N. Waturu.  2007.  Management of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) infestation on French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Kenya by combination of insecticides and varietal resistance.  Journal of Entomology, 4 (6)   : 469-473   .
Neumann, R., G. Jung, P. Laux and H. Kunstmann.  2007.  Climate trends of temperature, precipitation and river discharge in the Volta Basin of West Africa.  International Journal of River Management, 5 (1)   : 17   . Further Information
Odeny D.A..  2007.  The potential of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) in Africa.  Natural Resources Forum, 31   : 297-305   . Download [PDF | 219.51KB]
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Odeny, D.A., B. Jayashree, M. Ferguson, D. Hoisington, J. Crouch and C. Gebhardt.  2007.  Development, characterisation and utilisation of microsatellite markers in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.].  Plant Breeding, 126   : 130-137   .
Rodgers, C., W. Laube and U. Falk.  2007.  The GLOWA Volta Project: A Framework for Water Resources Decision-Making and Scientific Capacity Building in a Trans-national West African Basin..  Special Issue for Water Resources Management. Springer Verlag. Berlin.
Rodgers, Ch., N. van de Giesen, W. Laube. P.L.G. Vlek and E. Youkhana.  2007.  The GLOWA Volta Project: A framework for water resources decision-making and scientific capacity building in a transnational West African basin.  Water Resource Management, 21   : 295-313   .
Schawe, M., S. Glatzel and G. Gerold.  2007.  Soil development along an altitudinal transect in a Bolivian tropical montane rainforest: Podzolization vs. hydromorphy.  Catena, 69   : 83-90   .
Schweitzer,C., G.Ruecker, C.Conrad, G.Strunz, and J.Bendix.  2007.  Knowledge-based land use classification combining expert knowledge, GIS, multi-temporal Landsat 7 ETM+ and MODIS time series data in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen, 113   : 8 pp   .
Senbeta, F., M. Denich, H. Böhmer, T. Woldemariam, D. Teketay and S. Demissew.  2007.  Wild Coffea arabica L. in the Afromontane rainforests of Ethiopia: distribution, ecology and conservation.  SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science, 30 (1)   : 13-24   .
Senbeta, F., M. Denich, H.J. Böhmer, T.Woldemariam, T. Demel, S. Demissew.  2007.  Wild Coffea Arabica L. in the Afromontane rainforests of Ethiopia: Distribution, ecology and conservation. SINET: Ethiop.  J. Sci., 30 (1)   : 13-24   .
Senbeta, F., T. Woldemariam, S. Demissew and D. Denich.  2007.  Floristic diversity and composition of Sheko forest, southwest Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences, 6 (1)   : 11-42   . Further Information
Shi, Z., G. Ruecker, M. Mueller, N. Ibragimov, J.P.A. Lamers, G. Strunz and S.W. Dech.  2007.  Agro-meteorological modelling of cotton yields in the Amu Darja River floodplains of Usbekistan integrating multi-temporal MODIS, Landsat ETM+ earth observation and minimum field data.  Agronomy Journal, 99   : 1317–1326   . Further Information
Somado, E.A. and K. L. Sahrawat.  2007.  Biomass and nitrogen accumulation by green manure legumes as affected by phosphate rock in submerged soils.  Af. J. Agric. Research, 2(6)   .

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