Nutrition and Planetary Health (HEALTH)
Ongoing Doctoral Theses
Metabolic risk, lifestyle predictors and control strategies for hyperglycemic disorders in Northern Ghana.
Horticultural biodiversity in home gardens and the relationship with dietary diversity and micronutrient status among young children in Siaya, Kenya.
Mapping and monitoring dietary diversity and sustainabile diets in eight sub-Saharan Afican countries - The Healthy Diets for Africa (HD4A) Project.
Development and acceptability of white maize flour-orange fleshed sweet potato-Omena (silverfish) composite as a complementary food for children 6-23 months in Kenya.
Doctoral Thesis at
University of Bonn.
Published Doctoral Theses
Linking land use dynamics, surface water systems, and human health risks in Ghana.
Open Access at
Faculty of Math. & Nat. Science, University of Bonn.
Further Information