Environmental Policy (ENVPOL)


Dürr, J., Sili, M.; Mac Clay, P. and Sellare, J..  2024.  Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina.  Business Strategy & the Environment, . (Open Access)   Further Information


Thu Thu Aung, M., Dürr, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., & Borgemeister, C..  2023.  Predicting consumers’ intention towards entomophagy using an extended theory of planned behavior: evidence from Myanmar.  International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, . Further Information


Martinelli, F. S., L. Biber-Freudenberger, G. Stein, J. Börner.  2022.  Will Brazil’s push for low-carbon biofuels contribute to achieving the SDGs? A systematic expert-based assessment.  Cleaner Environmental Systems, 5   : 100075   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sili, M.; H. Dürr.  2022.  Bioeconomic Entrepreneurship and Key Factors of Development: Lessons from Argentina.  Sustainability, 14 (4)   : 2447-   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Velander, S. , F. Silva Martinelli, D. I. Sari, F. Ali and L. Biber-Freudenberger.  2022.  A dichotomy of domestic and academic pathways: Challenges of motherhood in an international doctoral program on land science.  Journal of Land Use Science, . (Open Access)   Further Information


Dürr J. ; Ratompoarison C..  2021.  Nature’s “Free Lunch”: The Contribution of Edible Insects to Food and Nutrition Security in the Central Highlands of Madagascar.  Foods. 2021, 10(12):2978   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Guidice, R. and J. Börner.  2021.  Benefits and costs of incentive-based forest conservation in the Peruvian Amazon.  Forest Policy and Economics , 131   : 102559   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kriesemer, S.K.; Keding, G.B.; Huluka, A.T.; Dürr, J..  2021.  Leafy Vegetables under Shade? Performance, Consumer Acceptance, and Nutritional Contribution of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Leaves in the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve in Southwest Ethiopia.  Sustainability, 13   . Further Information
Martinelli, F. S., Lindner, A..  2021.  How far are the metropolitan areas in Brazil from achieving the sustainable development goals? An analysis based on SDG dashboards.  SN Social Sciences, 5 (1)   : 103   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Meysing, A., S. Forneck, A. Razafindrakotomamonjy and J. Dürr.  2021.  Why socio-economic and attitudinal factors cannot predict entomophagy in rural areas of Madagascar.  Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, DOI: 10.3920/JIFF2021.0086   . Further Information


Correa, J., E. Cisneros, J. Börner, A. Pfaff, M. Costa and R. Rajao.  2020.  Evaluating REDD+ at subnational level: Amazon fund impacts in Alta Floresta, Brazil.  Forest Policy and Economics , 116:102178   : DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102178   .
Escobar, N., E.J. Tizado, E.K.H.J. zu Ermgassen, P. Löfgren, J. Börner and J. Godar.  2020.  patially-explicit footprints of agricultural commodities: Mapping carbon emissions embodied in Brazil's soy exports.  Global Environmental Change, 62   : 102067   .
Piñeiro, V., Arias, J. and Dürr, J. et al..  2020.  A scoping review on incentives for adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and their outcomes.  Nature Sustainability, 3   : 809-820   . (Open Access)   Review
Rosa Da Conceição H. and Börner J.  2020.  Understanding Adoption and Design of Incentive-Based Forest Conservation Policies: A Case Study of the SISA Program in Acre, Brazil.  In: Fuders F., Donoso P. (eds.): Ecological Economic and Socio Ecological Strategies for Forest Conservation. Springer, Cham.  


Bruckner, M., Häyhä, T., Giljum, S., Maus, V., Fischer, G., Tramberend, S., Börner, J..  2019.  Quantifying the global cropland footprint of the European Union's non-food bioeconomy.  Environmental Research Letters, 14   : 45001   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Cisneros, E., J. Börner, S. Pagiola and S. Wunder.  2019.  Impacts of conservation incentives in protected areas: The case of Bolsa Floresta, Brazi.  PES Learning Paper 2019-1. Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy, World Bank. Washington DC, USA. Further Information
Dürr J., H. Andriamazaoro, S. Nischalke, N. Preteseille, A. Rabenjanahary, N. Randrianarison, C. Ratompoarison, A. Razafindrakotomamonjy, P. Straub, I. Wagler.  2019.  "It is edible, so we eat it": Insect supply and consumption in the central highlands of Madagascar.  International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-019-   . Further Information
Giudice R., J. Börner, S. Wunder and E. Cisneros.  2019.  Selection biases and spillovers from collective conservation incentives in the Peruvian Amazon.  Environ. Res. Lett., DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aafc83   . Further Information
Haddad, S., Britz, W., Börner, J..  2019.  Economic Impacts and Land Use Change from Increasing Demand for Forest Products in the European Bioeconomy: A General Equilibrium Based Sensitivity Analysis.  Forests, 10(1)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Hertel, T.W.; West, T.A.P.; Börner, J.; Villoria, N..  2019.  A review of global-local-global linkages in economic land-use/cover change models.  Environmental Research Letters, 14(5)   : 053003   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Laibach, N., Börner, J., Bröring, S..  2019.  Exploring the future of the bioeconomy: An expert-based scoping study examining key enabling technology fields with potential to foster the transition toward a bio-based economy.  Technology in Society, in press   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nascimento, N., T.A.P. West, L. Biber-Freudenberger, E.R. de Sousa-Neto, J. Ometo and J. Börner.  2019.  A Bayesian network approach to modelling land-use decisions under environmental policy incentives in the Brazilian Amazon.  Journal of Land Use Science, DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2019.1709223   .
Nascimento, N., West, T.A.P., Börner, J., Ometo, J..  2019.  What Drives Intensification of Land Use at Agricultural Frontiers in the Brazilian Amazon? Evidence from a Decision Game.  Forests, 10(6)   : 464   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Biber-Freudenberger, L., Kumar Basukala, A., Bruckner, M., Börner, J..  2018.  Sustainability Performance of National Bio-Economies.  Sustainability, 10(8)   : 2705   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Dietz, T., J. Börner, J.J. Förster, J. von Braun.  2018.  Governance of the Bioeconomy: A Global Comparative Study of National Bioeconomy Strategies.  Sustainability, 10(9)   : 3190   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Dürr, J..  2018.  Women in agricultural value chains: unrecognized work and contributions to the Guatemalan economy.  Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (2)   : 20-35   .
Escobar, N., Haddad, S., Börner, J., Britz, W..  2018.  Land use mediated GHG emissions and spillovers from increased consumption of bioplastics.  Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12)   : 125005   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Gardner, T. A., M. Benzie, J. Börner, E. Dawkins, S. Fick, R. Garrett, J. Godar, A. Grimard, S. Lake, R.K. Larsen, N. Mardas, C.L. McDermott, P. Meyfroidt, M. Osbeck, M. Persson, T. Sembres, C. Suavet, B. Strassburg, A. Trevisan, C. West, P. Wolvekamp.  2018.  Transparency and sustainability in global commodity supply chains.  World Development, DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.05.025   . Further Information
Rosa da Conceição, H., Börner, J., Wunder, S..  2018.  REDD+ as a Public Policy Dilemma: Understanding Conflict and Cooperation in the Design of Conservation Incentives.  Forests, 9(11)   : 725   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Schielein, J.; Börner, J..  2018.  Recent transformations of land-use and land-cover dynamics across different deforestation frontiers in the Brazilian Amazon.  Land Use Policy, 76   : 81-94   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Börner, J., K. Baylis, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine-de-Blas, J. Honey-Rosés, U. M. Persson and S. Wunder.  2017.  The Effectiveness of Payments for Environmental Services.  World Development, 96   : 359–374   . Further Information
Dürr, J..  2017.  Global value chains and traditional supply chains: Evidence from Guatemala.  Development Policy Review, doi: 10.1111/dpr.12348   .
Dürr, J..  2017.  The contribution of vegetable value chains to the Guatemalan economy.  European Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 82 (6)   : 311–318   .
Dürr, J..  2017.  Agricultural Growth Linkages in Guatemala: New Insights from a Value Chain Approach.  Journal of Development Studies, 53 (8), 2017   : 1223-1237   .
Guta, D. and J. Börner.  2017.  Energy security, uncertainty and energy resource use options in Ethiopia: A sector modelling approach.  International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 11(1)   : 91-117   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Khamzina, A., J.P.A. Lamers, J. Börner with O.O. Cofie, P. Drechsel, Chr. Gordon, J. Miranda, S. Mukherjee, L.Verchot, H. Vereecken, L. Weihermüller, S. Zelaya-Bonilla, F. Ziadat.  2017.  Land resources and the SDGs.  In: Paul L. G. Vlek, Asia Khamzina, and Lulseged Tamene (eds.): Land degradation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Threats and potential remedies. CIAT / CGIAR.   17-31.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Valone, T.J., Barta, Z., Börner, J., Cardenas, J.-C., Giraldeau, L.-A., Kokko, H., Oldekop, J., Pauly, D., Rustagi, D., Sutherland, W..  2017.  Governance of Renewable Resources.  In: Giraldeau, L.-A., Heeb, P., Kosfeld, M. (eds.): Investors and Exploiters in Ecology and Economics: Principles and Applications. Ernst Strüngemann Forum / The MIT Press.   97-118.  Further Information


Baylis K., J. Honey‐Rosés, J. Börner, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine‐de‐Blas, P. Ferraro, R. Lapeyre, U.M. Persson, A. Pfaff, S. Wunder.  2016.  Mainstreaming impact evaluation in nature conservation.  Conservation Letters, 9(1)   : 58-64   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Börner, J. , Baylis, K., Corbera, E., Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Ferraro, P.J., Honey-Rosés, J., Lapeyre, R., Persson, U.M., Wunder, S..  2016.  Emerging Evidence on the Effectiveness of Tropical Forest Conservation.  PLOS ONE , 11(11)   : e0159152   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Börner, J., S. Wunder and R. Guidice.  2016.  Will up-scaled forest conservation incentives in the Peruvian Amazon produce cost-effective and equitable outcomes?.  Environmental Conservation, in press   . Further Information

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