Environmental Policy (ENVPOL)


Fogliano de Souza Cunha, F.A., Börner, J., Wunder, S., Nunes Cosenza, A.C., Lucena, A..  2016.  The implementation costs of forest conservation policies in Brazil.  Ecological Economics, 130   : 209-220   . Further Information
Jochen Dürr.  2016.  The political economy of agriculture for development today: the "small versus large" scale debate revisited.  Agricultural Economics, 47   : 671-681   .


Börner, J., E. Marinho and S. Wunder.  2015.  Mixing Carrots and Sticks to Conserve Forests in the Brazilian Amazon: A Spatial Probabilistic Modeling Approach..  PLOS ONE, 10(2)   : e0116846   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Börner, J., G. Shively, S. Wunder and M. Wyman.  2015.  How Do Rural Households Cope with Economic Shocks? Insights from Global Data using Hierarchical Analysis.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66(2)   : 392-414   . Further Information
Börner, J., K. Kis-Katos, J. Hargrave and K. König.  2015.  Post-Crackdown Effectiveness of Field-Based Forest Law Enforcement in the Brazilian Amazon..  PLOS ONE, 10(4)   : e0121544   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Angelsen, A., Jagger, P., Babigumira, R., Belcher, B., Hogarth, N., Bauch, S., Börner, J., Smith-Hall, C., and S. Wunder.  2014.  Environmental Income and Rural Livelihoods: A Global-Comparative Analysis.  World Development, 64 Supplement 1   : S12-S28   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Börner, J., Wunder, S., Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S., Hyman, G., Nascimento, N..  2014.  Forest law enforcement in the Brazilian Amazon: costs and income effects.  Global Environmental Change, 29   : 294-305   . Further Information
Duchelle, A. E., A. M. Almeyda Zambrano, S. Wunder, J. Börner and K. A. Kainer.  2014.  Smallholder Specialization Strategies along the Forest Transition Curve in Southwestern Amazonia.  World Development, 64 Supplement 1   : S149-S158   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Duchelle, A. E., M. Cromberg, M. F. Gebara, R. Guerra, T. Melo, A. Larson, P. Cronkleton, J. Börner, E. Sills, S. Wunder, S. Bauch, P. May, G. Selaya and W. D. Sunderlin.  2014.  Linking Forest Tenure Reform, Environmental Compliance, and Incentives: Lessons from REDD+ Initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon.  World Development, 55   : 53-67   . Further Information
Lambin, E.F., P. Meyfroidt, X. Rueda, A. Blackman, J. Börner, P.O. Cerutti, T. Dietsch, L. Jungmann, P. Lamarque and J. Lister.  2014.  Effectiveness and synergies of policy instruments for land use governance in tropical regions.  Global Environmental Change, 28   : 129-140   . Further Information
Rodríguez Osuna, V., Börner, J., Cunha, M..  2014.  Scoping Adaptation Needs for Smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon: A Municipal Level Case Study.  Change Adaptation Socioecol. Syst. (CASES), 1(1)   : 12-25   . Further Information
Rodríguez Osuna, V., Börner, J., Cunha, M..  2014.  Small-Scale Producers, Risk and Climate Change in an Amazonian Municipality.  In: Lac, S., McHenry, M.P. (eds.): Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems. Climate change and its causes, effect and prediction. Nova Publishers Inc..   135-151.  Further Information
Wunder, S., J. Börner, G. Shively and M. Wyman.  2014.  Safety Nets, Gap Filling and Forests: A Global-Comparative Perspective.  World Development, 64 Supplement 1   : S29-S42   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Börner, J. and S. Vosti.  2013.  Managing Tropical Forest Ecosystem Services: An Overview of Options.  In: R. Muradian and L. Rival (eds.): Governing the Provision of Ecosystem Services. Springer.   21-46. 
Börner, J., Higgins, S.I., Scheiter, S. and J. Kantelhardt.  2013.  Approximating Optimal Numerical Solutions to Bio-economic Systems: How useful is Simulation-Optimization?.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 52(3)   : 179-198   .
Figueiredo, R. de O., Börner, J. and E.A. Davidson.  2013.  Watershed services payments to small-holders in the Brazilian Amazon: challenges and perspectives.  Revista Ambiente & Água , 8(2)   : 6-17   .
Prado Córdova, J., S. Wunder, C. Smith-Hall and J. Börner.  2013.  Rural Income and Forest Reliance in Highland Guatemala.  Environmental Management, 51(5)   : 1034-1043   .

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