PhenoRob Seminar Series

October 11, 2019 | 10:00 h - 12:00 h

Speakers:           Andrea Schnepf: Functional-structural plant models (with special focus on root-soil interactions)

                           Jan Vanderborght: Linking detailed 3D FSPMs to crop models: sensitivity analyses, upscaling methods, parameter estimation, use in AI

Date: Friday, October 11, 2019 / 10:00 am - 12:00 am / Nussallee 15, 53115 Bonn / HS XIV


About PhenoRob:

PhenoRob is a Cluster of Excellence which ZEF is a part of. „One of the greatest challenges for humanity is to produce sufficient food, feed, fiber, and fuel for an ever-growing world population while simultaneously reducing the environmental footprint of agricultural production. x arable land is limited, and the input of agro-chemicals needs to be reduced to curb environmental pollution and halt the decline in biodiversity. Climate change poses additional constraints on crop farming. Achieving sustainable crop production with limited resources is, thus, a task of immense proportions.

Our main hypothesis is that a major shift toward sustainable crop production can be achieved via two approaches: (1) multi-scale monitoring of plants and their environment using autonomous robots with automated and individualized intervention and big data analytics combined with machine learning to improve our understanding of the relation between input and output parameters of crop production, and (2) assessing, modeling, and optimizing the implications of the developed technical innovations in a systemic manner. […]“

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